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there is! cowards do it, usually! and I'm doing something marginally better than that right now!You know, there’s this neat little feature called abstention…
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there is! cowards do it, usually! and I'm doing something marginally better than that right now!You know, there’s this neat little feature called abstention…
There may be shenanigans.
I picked Odie_Pie over RNP because RNP is actually on Telegram so Butterfree can always just prod him like "hey, the game is happening, go play" while as far as I know she has no way to contact Odie_Pie.Or we vote on RedneckPhoenix, who didn’t pop in here at all yet has been active on the forums on other threads
I can but whomst.am i missing something or can you not just revote
(also the point was it's pretty hollow now that it's like, well, I'm probably gonna end up back there at the end of the day anyway.)I can but whomst.
Why did you support abstaining rather than lynching Odie-Pie at first, I don't quite understand?Okay, okay, let’s do this then: if Odie-Pie doesn’t post until the very last hours of d1, everybody who isn’t adamant about their vote votes on Odie-Pie.
We like to talk.like it's been a little more than 24 hours. it's at least 20 posts per hour, definitely more. how
(for further shock value I should also mention that day phase was only 24 hours longThe more people go "wtf" at the post count, the more tempted I am to show off these postcounts after d1 in an 8-player game I played in recently (I'm bbt!)
Looking back, you're right! ToS Mafia was the game where I died immediately and was pissed because my role was super cool and I'd been so excited to play it. And yes, TVTropes Mafia does indeed appear to be the game where I was Clover's lover, which means that it was also the game where I got overwhelmed and shamefully ghosted on her, which is likely why all my associated private messages are deleted. Unfortunately I can't remember what was going on with the doctor thing or what was up with that ring of ~5 people who were associated somehow, other than confirming that yeah, I was definitely lovers with Clover.No, you were alien in ToS mafia!
God, I wish I had this good a memory for like. idk. my studies.
Hmm, why do you think Deadly Doctor would necessarily be a third flavor? It seems to me like either someone using nanomachines or someone using magic could have the power to kill as well as heal. And if one of them is a killer while the other only heals, it wouldn't be surprising that the two would hate each other... The previous TVT Mafia had at least three doctors, in any case, and all of them apparently of different flavors. More than three would be a lot for a 25-person setup, but if Butterfree was fond of what she'd done with the doctor roles last time, I could plausibly see three running around out there, although I'd certainly hope there wouldn't be more.because thaaaat would make it even weirder to have a Deadly Doctor (presumably no longer) running around as that'd straight up be a third flavor