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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

uuh i think this reaction is a bit better. ILS and Otter has already received some suspicion of their reaction. Regardless of their alignment, I dont think a scum would come in and make a third confused post because they should view it as something they dont want to touch. This reads more like someone newly awake tbh
basically i can roll with this for now, but it would be i think the only 'newly awake' post that mawile has issued all thread, unless i'm forgetting about something
I don't see how you were thinking that Otter was damage controlling her own posts based on that post because it wasn't about her previous posts, can you explain? I thought you meant that wolf Otter was controlling the damage (meaning correct townreads) resulting from the reactions to VM's claim.
Iirc I quoted Otter's post and said it was damage control and prior I had quoted their whole sling of posts. So I am a bit confused why you don't see it as that?

I paused on Squirtle after reading Seshas's post but still concluded that it looked bad.

I really don't see how this can be confusing? My posts have been kinda free flow-y with that
this is kiiiind of where i’m at rn re ils but also i don’t have a super good grasp on what’s up with him and am kind of just glazing over at all this/nodding with whichever explanation i vibe with the most lol
so much has happened toDay and also i’m slightly drunk rn so trying to process this ils situation i barely really understand the basis of is kind of hard for me rn
I feel like boq has been pretty much going through the same thing 24 hours delayed in the past couple of pages so maybe it would help you to read over it

being drunk sounds like an enviable position
Iirc I quoted Otter's post and said it was damage control and prior I had quoted their whole sling of posts. So I am a bit confused why you don't see it as that?

I paused on Squirtle after reading Seshas's post but still concluded that it looked bad.

I really don't see how this can be confusing? My posts have been kinda free flow-y with that
Okay, maybe I should have started off by asking you how Otter's post about her read on ILS is damage control for her read on VM. They are about different topics, so I am still confused about how it is "damage control." Just giving another read to try to distract from her earlier read that wasn't received well...?
Okay, maybe I should have started off by asking you how Otter's post about her read on ILS is damage control for her read on VM. They are about different topics, so I am still confused about how it is "damage control." Just giving another read to try to distract from her earlier read that wasn't received well...?
I did not get that Otter was making a read out of Squirtle... Maybe I misread some posts? Afaik her postings were limited to reacting to VM's claim and then awkwardly damage controlling their reaction, especially after being questioned about it
I feel like boq has been pretty much going through the same thing 24 hours delayed in the past couple of pages so maybe it would help you to read over it

being drunk sounds like an enviable position
i’ve been reading it! i’m just not like, really internalizing it i guess. i guess i don’t understand what the big differences between ils’/mawile’s/otter’s reactions were. why focus on ils here
Like, in a vacuum, yeah I would read quoting a sequence of posts X, then quoting post Y and saying it's damage control, as directly relating X to Y. But in this case I don't see how X relates to Y, so I interpreted your thought as a read on Y alone. Can you help me understand what you were thinking?
Oh, okay.

Wondering about roles doesn't seem /that/ farfetched to me. Nobody's gonna claim to know about what other people's/alignments' roles, especially on just day 1. Just because they stuck "mafia" in front doesn't make him any more or less suspicious to me.
Aaaand I don't really have any further thoughts because they got lost between reading all 34 pages of thread. I'll try going back and keeping notes from here on. '-'
I am pretty sure the "he" here is ILS and this is in response to Seshas's read, not another elaboration on her thoughts/reaction about VM?
Okay, just went through the thread again including my bad read of VM's joke claim, yuck, but I still don't have any insights that someone else hasn't already said. I don't even really know how to defend myself besides just that I'm a natural lurker and I don't like to post unless I have something that could further the conversation.
Offtopic example, but I've been part of tCoD for well over a decade by now and I can recite a lot of things I remember, but I doubt anyone would be able to say much they remember about me. Hell, i was shocked when I first heard that Eifie remembered me from playing Mafia. I'll try and post more if that clears suspicion, but mostly reading and not actually contributing isn't new for me.

I guess I don't like that Seshas said we should lynch someone day 1 when there wasn't much to go by a while back? But they're also voting for me right now, so I have plenty of incentive to say that.
man this is so hard
I think if i reverse uno card it, it can look like Seshas' is pouncing on a struggling villa. Like it is a super good place to start a fake case, but Seshas has their claim meh
i’ve been reading it! i’m just not like, really internalizing it i guess. i guess i don’t understand what the big differences between ils’/mawile’s/otter’s reactions were. why focus on ils here
I guess for me it's the fact that it's one of his like, 7 posts, and that he was the one to actually bring it up a few hours after the claim was made, which seems like, incongruent. Like his posting patterns make it look like he's not keeping up that much and I think he mostly was responding to stuff that was happening right then, so then that one post about VM's claim that happened a few hours earlier was like, hm. And then he never posted about anything after, so that's also like, hm. And I wondered if it was the kind of thing that came up in mafia chat and that's how that happened.
Like, in a vacuum, yeah I would read quoting a sequence of posts X, then quoting post Y and saying it's damage control, as directly relating X to Y. But in this case I don't see how X relates to Y, so I interpreted your thought as a read on Y alone. Can you help me understand what you were thinking?
"That ILS post looks like a pop-in. He could be scum."
"this is some awkward dance made by otter"
"hmm it just got more awkward"
"where did squirtle go btw"
"otter looks pretty bad ngl tbh"
"oh this seshas post has a good point for why squirtle's reaction is townie. But I like that I am getting somewhere ):"

tl;dr: my thoughts were separated from each other.
hm ok i can see that tbh
y’all are saying it’s probably not otter w/ils w?
I don't really have an opinion on that myself I guess, because it felt (to re-use the same word because I can't think of a better one) ~incongruent~ for both of them but also like can that really be it. Can it really be that easy. probably not. idk?
hm ok i can see that tbh
y’all are saying it’s probably not otter w/ils w?
That was just me, I think. What do you think of it?

I think if they are partners, Otter's reaction to Seshas's read on ILS was a little weird, it kept her options open for no reason kinda when I think multiple people had "derpcleared" ILS for his reaction.

That goes against Eifie's read that the claim was mentioned in mafia chat and that's why they both popped in to talk about it.
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