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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

Okay I'm just gonna park on Odie_pie and depart and try to make it back to my apartment by EOD. Sorry it's not terribly useful but on the off chance Otter/ILS pop up last minute and say something that'd change my mind I don't want to make it any more difficult
She has consistently seemed like... "timewarping" / discussing stuff that's adjacent to the current thrust of the thread

Which might be because of time, idk I don't want to get on her case for playing the game in a Safeway parking lot, but it sticks out to me as well

I think an ISO might maybe make it clearer
I have been reading her closely and 9/10 of her posts are commenting on things that are really not moving the thread to anywhere. I dont really want to lynch her because I want to see more from her, but yeah
btw is there a reason flora/stryke are kinda skirting under the rug here? is it ils/otter bc they're the ones who reacted weirdly to vm's thing?
flora is totally inactive (hasn't posted since pre-flavorspec) and tbh i just didn't figure out enough about stryke to make a decision. also i felt good enough about ils/rnp being relatively safe choices so i didn't feel like going out on a limb to make cases for stryke bc they seemed classic inactive
flora is totally inactive (hasn't posted since pre-flavorspec) and tbh i just didn't figure out enough about stryke to make a decision. also i felt good enough about ils/rnp being relatively safe choices so i didn't feel like going out on a limb to make cases for stryke bc they seemed classic inactive
i did bring up flora a few times as a prospective lynch if the ils/rnp boats both sunk, i just see her as identical to an odie lynch so it was kind of a bland but fine possibility. but then no one else mentioned flora really so
Keldeo's "And Here He Comes Now!" just reminded me of this and I felt it would be a disservice to not post it
Okay, here's some vote counts for you all:

Seshas votes kyeugh (#57)
Eifie votes Keldeo (#58)
Herbe votes abstain (#59)
mewtini votes abstain (#63)
Keldeo votes Eifie (#65)
Vipera Magnifica votes JackPK (#74)
Herbe votes JackPK (#77)
Mist1422 votes Keldeo (#81)
M&F votes JackPK (#88)
Seshas unvotes (#117)
Keldeo votes Mr. Ultracool (#125)
Herbe unvotes (#128)
Serimachi votes abstain (#186)
Keldeo votes Boquise (#233)
rari_teh votes abstain (#254)
Mr. Ultracool votes abstain (#488)
Eifie votes Odie_Pie (#513)
Herbe votes Odie_Pie (#518)
kyeugh votes Seshas (#543)
kokorico votes Keldeo (#612)
kyeugh unvotes (#617)
Seshas votes Ottercopter (#649)
rari_teh votes Ottercopter (#680)
M&F votes Eifie (#732)
rari_teh unvotes (#781)
Eifie votes Boquise (#929)
Keldeo votes Odie_pie (#1009)
mewtini votes I liek Squirtles (#1092)
Boquise votes I liek Squirtles (#1141)
Eifie unvotes (#1155)
Eifie votes Ottercopter (#1181)
Negrek votes RedneckPhoenix (#1186)
Herbe votes I liek Squirtles (#1211)
kyeugh votes Ottercopter (#1228)
Keldeo votes I liek Squirtles (#1254)
Mawile votes I liek Squirtles (#1256)
Negrek votes I liek Squirtles (#1258)
Keldeo votes Ottercopter (#1262)
Boquise votes Ottercopter (#1263)
rari_teh votes Ottercopter (#1275)
Panini votes Odie_pie (#1321)

Active votes:
Boquise votes Ottercopter (#1263)
Eifie votes Ottercopter (#1181)
Herbe votes I liek Squirtles (#1211)
Keldeo votes Ottercopter (#1262)
kokorico votes Keldeo (#612)
kyeugh votes Ottercopter (#1228)
M&F votes Eifie (#732)
Mawile votes I liek Squirtles (#1256)
mewtini votes I liek Squirtles (#1092)
Mist1422 votes Keldeo (#81)
Mr. Ultracool votes abstain (#488)
Negrek votes I liek Squirtles (#1258)
Panini votes Odie_pie (#1321)
rari_teh votes Ottercopter (#1275)
Serimachi votes abstain (#186)
Seshas votes Ottercopter (#649)
Vipera Magnifica votes JackPK (#74)

Vote counts:
Ottercopter (6) (Boquise, Eifie, Keldeo, kyeugh, rari_teh, Seshas)
I liek Squirtles (4) (Herbe, Mawile, mewtini, Negrek)
Keldeo (2) (kokorico, Mist1422)
abstain (2) (Mr. Ultracool, Serimachi)
Eifie (1) (M&F)
Odie_pie (1) (Panini)
[JackPK] (1) (Vipera Magnifica)
I don't think people are giving Stryke/Flora passes for bad reasons. I think they're just under the radar because they haven't done anything that attracted attention? Which is maybe a tautology.

Stryke seems like he was in Resistance and Flora immediately believed Eifie's masons claim with me, are the things I remember that they've done
i know some of the parked votes on like keldeo and eifie are probably just ppl forgetting they voted some 500 posts ago, but it still makes me go Hm
hehe I was vaguely wondering a while ago if butterfree likes the kind of roles where the person you're voting at the end of the day dies that night
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