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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

I don't think people are giving Stryke/Flora passes for bad reasons. I think they're just under the radar because they haven't done anything that attracted attention? Which is maybe a tautology.

Stryke seems like he was in Resistance and Flora immediately believed Eifie's masons claim with me, are the things I remember that they've done
i kind of feel like flora is a worse vote than equally inactive players because they're usually this quiet iirc. which is :/ but that is like all the meta i have on them so hm
was stryke a spy in that game? i already don't remember
Idk man I just never say anything when I play, I like to leave the theorizing to you guys for the most part because I am extremely unconfident in my own mafia abilities lol. If you have any questions for me that might help to put your mind at ease then just ask, I'll be happy to answer (maybe not atm though bc i have to eat now), but i just usually dont say much unprompted
rari’s bigass post part I (pages 42 to 52)

(by the way was there real discussion of protecting [Vipera], if only for verification's sake?)

No, there wasn’t. As far as I remember, I just said I hoped a doctor protected him at night, and nobody else touched the issue.

@rari_teh, what makes you think that kyeugh is town? Also, can I get a quick summary of your reads so far, I feel like you've been pretty present and transparent but also you've changed your mind on things so it's hard for me to get a full picture of where you are right now.

I will write a summary, but maybe it won’t be ready before d2 lol

Maybe talk to me more about my rari take? idk. My really awful read is that rari has outside communication with someone because they've said "RNP" and "qva" when I... don't think anyone else has? Maybe you did?

By Arceus, no! People have been calling Kyeugh “qva” since pretty much the beginning and I deduced RNP was RedneckPhoenix because someone (Eifie?) listed them as somebody who hadn’t posted yet (this was in the page-20’s); looking at the CSV I’m keeping, the only user who matched the acronym was RedneckPhoenix

this is the paraphrased pm that emmy posted:

I am yet another Mysterious Informant. My power is Expospeak, and I can tell that there are magic doctors and Nanomachine using doctors. The two sides don't get along.

but it doesn't really seem to match her grammatical style which made me briefly go into Conspirator Mode and wonder if she typed it herself but then again she might've just been really careful? lol

That had indeed stricken me as odd as well, but reading again I realised what must’ve happened. Emmy didn’t write that line indeed, who did it was Butterfree. She just changed the yous and yours to Is and mies. Her role PM must read:

Your role is Mysterious Informant. Your power is Expospeak, and you can tell that there are magic doctors and Nanomachine using doctors. The two sides don't get along.

That would match perfectly the tone of my role PM, at least.

Am I right, @IndigoEmmy ?

The other alternate possibility that I haven't thought about that much is that she's mafia and also a Mysterious Informant, I guess?

Maybe I’m being dense, but that doesn’t make sense to me at all. What would a mafia MI have to gain by sharing their secret with the town?

we sure didn't continue the cop cover thing for very long, huh?

Nyet. I wonder if any genuine cops gave their hypo.

I had double digit notifications when I woke up and half of them were Keldeo haha-ing my posts

Off-topic, but that’s why I love the English language. You can verb any noun or noun any verb; everybody will understand and nobody will bat an eye.

also @rari_teh nooo don't say lesson learned, I appreciate all your posts. please just post how you feel like posting. it's our job to read you correctly.

I feel like it’s also my job to get my point across correctly. If people are misreading me, it’s also kind of my fault.

Mist1422 is my n0 green check.

Wait, did you just roleclaim as cop or is it just hypo??

Why did you abstain from wanting to say who you were/are suspicious of?

I was suspicious of Keldeo at that moment. Many long pages later, when most of my suspicions on him waned, I talked about it.

the reason I prefer lynching the person who's probably never going to post is that there's probably no chance that they can do anything that will make us able to read them

On the other hand, if Odie_Pie is town, the mafia will have to kill her off at some point as well…

Dumb read of me maybe, but imo rari's posts have been very game related and analytical, aka looking like they know their shit. So this question kinda caught me off guard. I guess some would see it as faking a dumb tell but meh. I feel like they'd ask scum chat this instead of asking it here, especially if they are AS new at the game as it looks like here. So town.

Impressive posts with that in mind tbh

I gotta say I’m really flattered rn :3
If anyone missed, yes, this is my first time playing Mafia.

Yeah, I was wondering how much mafia Rari has watched before, since they came up with, for example, the infiltrator idea out of nothing? Because they said this is their first game they've played, I agree that I don't think asking about "VT" was, like, a fake dumbtell.

I’ve never even watched mafia. This is literally my first experience with the game ever – the only thing I’ve seen from outside is the rules post in this very forum, back when I was assessing whether I’d join this game. I’d say the infiltrator idea came exactly from my lack of experience – since people were talking about how anything could happen (and anyone who’s hung around at the main site for long enough know that Butterfree likes good plot twists), I figured that a sheep in wolf’s clothing wasn’t too farfetched of a possibility.
i kind of feel like flora is a worse vote than equally inactive players because they're usually this quiet iirc. which is :/ but that is like all the meta i have on them so hm
was stryke a spy in that game? i already don't remember
That makes sense re: Flora

Stryke was Resistance/not a spy/innocent. But I don't remember how he was in memefest as mafia and he might have been similar

Waiting with bated breath for ILS's catchup commentary
Idk man I just never say anything when I play, I like to leave the theorizing to you guys for the most part because I am extremely unconfident in my own mafia abilities lol. If you have any questions for me that might help to put your mind at ease then just ask, I'll be happy to answer (maybe not atm though bc i have to eat now), but i just usually dont say much unprompted
i feel awful for going hmm but you pop in right when eyes are being cast towards you :(

have you been reading the game?
looking at the CSV I’m keeping
holy shit lol
That had indeed stricken me as odd as well, but reading again I realised what must’ve happened. Emmy didn’t write that line indeed, who did it was Butterfree. She just changed the yous and yours to Is and mies. Her role PM must read:
thanks, good take. idk why i didn't think of that, i just thought "ok, so she's forced to paraphrase"
Wait, did you just roleclaim as cop or is it just hypo??
hypo as of now
I was suspicious of Keldeo at that moment. Many long pages later, when most of my suspicions on him waned, I talked about it.
i feel like this dodges the question tbh

man idk i really want to feel good about you rari, it seems like everyone except me seems to be leaning town on you, but truly it seems like every time you make a post it just doesn't improve my understanding of anything and i can't help but get bad vibes from that
it's not even bc you're explaining badly or anything... i think some of your posts back when i was pressing on you were sort of unclear, but since then i think you've been fairly straightforward, it just doesn't seem to me like there is actually that much being said. am i going crazy
Oh god I didn't realize the deadline wasn't EST either, hi. I have returned from life stuff. i liek squirtles because I don't see any other way to survive, and I can see why people are suspicious of him even if I'm not quite convinced it's lynch worthy on just day 1.

Seshas's MI claim bothers me more than IndigoEmmy's because I'm not sure how we can verify it. Whereas if Negrek and VM are both telling the truth about their roles, we might be able to learn about IE's claim about the nanomachine vs magic doctor thing if VM takes over their role tomorrow. But I don't think it's damning, just something worth keeping in mind? And I agree that Rari_teh seems quick to pounce. Nothing really new here and nothing that would deserve (or recieve at this point) an immediate lynch train, but it's something....?

Uhhh I'm gonna skim their posts again, I just thought I should at least saying SOMETHING since we're down to half an hour and I dunno how long that'll take.

The one who was worried about discouraging me, you're fine. I don't feel upset about anything, I just wanted to explain my behavior so it might make a bit more sense.
man idk i really want to feel good about you rari, it seems like everyone except me seems to be leaning town on you, but truly it seems like every time you make a post it just doesn't improve my understanding of anything and i can't help but get bad vibes from that
it's not even bc you're explaining badly or anything... i think some of your posts back when i was pressing on you were sort of unclear, but since then i think you've been fairly straightforward, it just doesn't seem to me like there is actually that much being said. am i going crazy
not to gaslight/i'm sorry for once again bodyshielding them, it just reads like novice real-time spec to me still. maybe it's bc i think i'd be playing a similar game if i weren't just forcing myself to talk more and be open about my takes (exactly bc i want to avoid seeming thin and drawing suspicion)
Seshas's MI claim bothers me more than IndigoEmmy's because I'm not sure how we can verify it. Whereas if Negrek and VM are both telling the truth about their roles, we might be able to learn about IE's claim about the nanomachine vs magic doctor thing if VM takes over their role tomorrow. But I don't think it's damning, just something worth keeping in mind? And I agree that Rari_teh seems quick to pounce. Nothing really new here and nothing that would deserve (or recieve at this point) an immediate lynch train, but it's something....?
lmfao these are like the main thoughts i have had this game and now i want to move my vote
blargh, is the day actually ending?? because the last thing I read today was on like page 43 and let me tell you,
tbh if you want a skimmable version i think everyone started dragging out old receipts anyway in their summaries from like page 50 or 55 onward, i would start there and go backward if you have time idk
yeah really like i was gonna catch up earlier and by the time i did there was another 20 entire pages of posts so i don't really care
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