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The reason why I popped in real quick in the VM post was because I was trying to post Something before getting killed off by being too inactive, but popping in to do a little thing still isn't . The pace of it all is honestly really fast and I've had a tough time assimilating it all because when I have thoughts things move onto something else and my thoughts feel a bit out of place.

At any rate, since there's not much time left in the day, Otter's post responding to where Sesha's derpclears me set off a few alarms for me, namely because they seemed to be trying to pull my name back into the ring of "not fully cleared" folks. There really hadn't been interaction between Seshas and myself (due to like, lack of posting on my part, sorry again), but I still think her suspicion was a little unfounded, I guess? not quite the word I'm looking for here

The reason why I popped in real quick in the VM post was because I was trying to post Something before getting killed off by being too inactive, but popping in to do a little thing still isn't . The pace of it all is honestly really fast and I've had a tough time assimilating it all because when I have thoughts things move onto something else and my thoughts feel a bit out of place.

At any rate, since there's not much time left in the day, Otter's post responding to where Sesha's derpclears me set off a few alarms for me, namely because they seemed to be trying to pull my name back into the ring of "not fully cleared" folks. There really hadn't been interaction between Seshas and myself (due to like, lack of posting on my part, sorry again), but I still think her suspicion was a little unfounded, I guess? not quite the word I'm looking for here
Do you have thoughts about non-Otter people?
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I liek Squirtles (7)
Ottercopter (3)
Keldeo (2)
Eifie (1)
abstain (1)
Odie_pie (1)
RedneckPhoenix (1)
kyeugh (1)
[JackPK] (1)
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