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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

Based on the trope description, it almost reads as third party to me, especially the bit about "character may declare that they have transcended morality as well, and is Above Good and Evil". But if he flipped not mafia and is in fact town (and not third-party), then I'm not sure what role this could correspond to? My initial thought was that a cult leader as a third party could work with the flavor of declaring yourself as a god, but if "not mafia" means "definitely town" and not "potentially third party", then I don't know what other roles would really fit.
any particular reason you’re only “almost” reading it as third party
I would hope Butterfree does the thing where if an individual has a special win condition, if they achieve it they're victorious and leave the game and have their own special ending but the rest of the game continues to play out, but I don't think that usually happens on tcodf.

I kind of think thinking about Ottercopter's role is a needless distraction right now idk

@ town vig if you exist pleeeeeease vig her tonight. we can't risk lynching her.
any particular reason you’re only “almost” reading it as third party
idk if this is the case for mawile but the tvtropes page sounds mafiaesque unless you read a bit into it, ie past sentence 1 (also if mawile was trying to be, like, gentle in the wording - which he's tended to be - someone else had already guessed it was just mafia so mawile might've been trying to lightly disagree)
@Ottercopter what is your fear in posting more about your role? can you elaborate?

My fear is that if it doesn't happen, I'll basically just be a vanilla townie. Whereas if it DOES happen, it /might?/ do something useful, like reveal outside information or a hint or something. But for what it's worth, that IS just me speculating.
w negrek i feel like no one can really fact check her????? and that concerns me???? cause hell, I could look up tropes and assign plausible ones to dead ppl too. until VM saunters up here and claims then idk what to think.
that being said she doesn't give me horrible vibes, and I'm inclined to trust her, idk I'm just being cautious
My fear is that if it doesn't happen, I'll basically just be a vanilla townie. Whereas if it DOES happen, it /might?/ do something useful, like reveal outside information or a hint or something. But for what it's worth, that IS just me speculating.
the thing is i feel like vanilla town isn't the worst thing to be, and roleclaiming and going VT would still >>> being dead by vig or by some other means, wouldn't it
@ town vig if you exist pleeeeeease vig her tonight. we can't risk lynching her.
Yeah this is probably a fair point. It crossed my mind that maybe a town vig did target Otter and she is, like, an activated alien now? I don't think it's worth outing a possible vig for that, though.

Unvote Otter

Kinda wanna believe Otter, but the same problem comes up as for if she was an actual jester or something - if she knew or sincerely believed that getting herself lynched would benefit herself, I am not sure why she wouldn't self-vote instead of abstaining.
that being said she doesn't give me horrible vibes, and I'm inclined to trust her, idk I'm just being cautious
thanks for reply!
I think regardless of her alignment she is not lying about her role
just ftr i wasn't asking because i doubt her role. i think it's a bit hard/weird to fake it

tbqh i have thoughts but am trying to decide if now is the time to give them, i don't want to derail but i also do think it's related
maybe a controversial q but how do people feel about negrek, specifically @Keldeo
I’m not sure. She does seem to be trying to be helpful, especially since the last third of d1, but once again, I have nothing to seal her as a 100% townie. In other words, she’s part of the Amorphous Blob™
if she knew or sincerely believed that getting herself lynched would benefit herself, I am not sure why she wouldn't self-vote instead of abstaining.
yep. seemed like a bad jester play and with votes that close, a really calculating jester could have easily flipped it last minute or not even made the claim to begin with
The trope description mentions that the tropes of Above Good and Evil and A God Am I don't have to coincide, meaning that, in the context of this game, you could have a town-aligned A God Am I role.
i mean the tvt page is not a mafia manual tbf. i don’t think it matters to the better like that
i feel like it’s p likely to be a third party role although i don’t think it really matters at this point
yep. seemed like a bad jester play and with votes that close, a really calculating jester could have easily flipped it last minute or not even made the claim to begin with
people tend to do things that seem bizarre when they have a role they haven't completely thought out and understood

(but I don't really think she's a jester, at worst an alien, but even that, idk)
Yeah, that's true. Okay, how about in ~50 hours? Sometime where we still have about a day afterward to deal with it?
i'm sorry, i'm not trying to interrogate you or anything (well i kind of am but not meanly) and lol tbh i feel kind of bad for you, but why later versus now?
one reason that makes me think boq could indeed have been third-party is it felt like people thought he was town

and boq has this inverse meta where he tends to get highly scumread when he's town, and highly townread when he's non-town
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