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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

Do you wanna hear about a time when I was loudly extremely wrong leading to a town loss to make you feel better?

I also have an amusing anecdote of how Butterfree was gifted the loltown crown in our last invitational!
Please tell! :D
Okay I'll tell when I get off work.

Mawile was actually one of my thoughts for a next choice to push because I try to form an opinion on him and always end up back at solidly null. I just... am not sure what to do about it.
yeah mawile is in my bad vibes pile tbh
it's weird bc it seems like a lot of people feel this way but no one can put their finger on why exactly
i'm not sure if that suggests towniness or not
Y’know what? You both are right.

Mawile has given me the weirdest of vibes since the beginning. There’s nothing he’s done that solidly makes me say that’s mafia!, but… Yeah, I feel like there’s something fishy about him.

Oh yeah that reminds me I was going to skim his D1 posts since I didn't pay much attention at the time

*half an hour later*

Seems to be:
  • ~50% jokes and memes
  • ~25% boggling at size/speed of thread
  • ~15% speculation about JackPK's role (which mafia!he might already have known if JackPK was in-group mafia). Some of this, but not all, matches town consensus
  • ~5% FoSing Seshas because their (alleged) MI info didn't seem as useful as IndigoEmmy's
  • longish post with his reads, which seem basically the same as everyone else's. Not sure whether to consider that a towntell or scumtell or neither
  • jumping on the ILS wagon at end of day
Like ILS and Otter, he initially didn't seem to recognise VM's omniscienceclaim as a joke.

not sure how to read this tbh. Like, there's not a lot of mechanically useful content, admittedly, but that could just be overwhelmedness, and what there is doesn't seem 100% recycled from the rest of town. Have any of y'all played with him much? Is this shitpost ratio normal?

And rari, do you have any idea what it is that's giving you "weird vibes" about him? anything might be helpful even if not concrete, but "something fishy" is unfortunately not a lot to go on :P

(also yes, I do still plan to write up thoughts about Panini and MF but I also really need to stop procrastinating on lit review. sorry. maybe tomorrow.)
Here's the loltown crown story:

In the last TCoD invitational on Mafia Universe, I got Boquise lynched on D1 (he was not mafia), then hard-defended another guy for the next two days (he was mafia) while tunneling extremely hard on my theory that it was Panini and another dude (neither of them was mafia). The obvious conclusion at this stage in the game was that the dude's partner was either me or Keldeo, as we were the two people who had been hard-defending him while everyone else's interactions with him pretty definitively disproved they could have reasonably been partners. I spent most of my time on this day arguing that no seriously guys I don't think it's Keldeo, and arguing that actually that other dude I'd thought was mafia with Panini wasn't quite clear. I was lynched. On the following day, Keldeo was left as the sole obvious suspect, but I, still able to speak because dead townies could speak in this game, continued to argue for the other guy, and even accidentally attempted to vote for him too.

The day ended in a tie. Keldeo was lynched at random. It was Keldeo. I was Wrong About Literally Everything and also probably the main reason everyone didn't just vote Keldeo.
I think the abovementioned would be a great way to discredit Butterfree

I think the funniest moment for me is that Panini voted for the other guy on that last day, breaking the tie, but her vote was a couple seconds after the deadline and was not counted, and Panini I'm so sorry for not letting you live this down

unvote Panini
also if you're wondering why I haven't been posting a better question is probably if I'm awake or not rn
Y’know what? You both are right.

Mawile has given me the weirdest of vibes since the beginning. There’s nothing he’s done that solidly makes me say that’s mafia!, but… Yeah, I feel like there’s something fishy about him.
kind of surprised you felt weird about this one, i have to catch up now (just woke up lmao and then take a Midterm) but i feel like a fair few people among the actives have alluded to this one
To facilitate things, here’s a list of every time somebody voted on ILS or moved their vote from ILS to someone else, followed by the Otterwagon × ILSwagon headcount at the time, largest wagon in bold (data taken from Butterfree’s EoD post):

mewtini votes I liek Squirtles (#1092)ILS 1 × 1 Otter (Largest: Keldeo, Odie_Pie (2))
Boquise votes I liek Squirtles (#1141)ILS 2 × 1 Otter (Largest: Keldeo, Odie_Pie, ILS (2))
Herbe votes I liek Squirtles (#1211)ILS 3 × 2 Otter
Keldeo votes I liek Squirtles (#1254)ILS 4 × 3 Otter
Mawile votes I liek Squirtles (#1256)ILS 5 × 3 Otter
Negrek votes I liek Squirtles (#1258)ILS 6 × 3 Otter
Keldeo votes Ottercopter (#1262)ILS 5 × 4 Otter
Boquise votes Ottercopter (#1263)ILS 4 × 5 Otter
Ottercopter votes I liek Squirtles (#1353)ILS 5 × 6 Otter
kyeugh votes I liek Squirtles (#1406)ILS 6 × 4 Otter
Keldeo votes I liek Squirtles (#1432)ILS 7 × 3 Otter
Ottercopter votes abstain (#1459)ILS 6 × 5 Otter
mewtini votes Ottercopter (#1463)ILS 5 × 6 Otter
kyeugh votes Ottercopter (#1465)ILS 4 × 6 Otter
mewtini votes I liek Squirtles (#1473)ILS 5 × 4 Otter

In the end, the people who had their votes on ILS were Herbe, Keldeo, Mawile, Negrek and mewtini.
thank you very much!

the things that stand out to me from the numbers alone are that mewtini cast the first vote (but that's, like, more something to remember about if any other alarming thing happens later), and that Herbe, Mawile and Negrek were parked on ILS. now, I have a clear on Negrek (or do I) and don't offhead have other reasons to be suspicious of Herbe, but hey, look which currently-under-scrutinity player shows up here!

of course, tho, it's not just about who-voted-whom; now there's the matter of jumping back in there to see what they were posting about their votes. (also why I'm already not really counting that mewtini hammered ILS back there, being that I remember that for the moment of white-hot panic it was).

Still, during this discussion, I invite everybody to print this Panini quote out and hang on the wall for easy reference:
like, I agree that the mob didn't have to take a stance on this one, but getting innocents lynched is 1+ and blending in is useful, so I do feel that it's useful to scrutinize, even if we get nothing out of it but more "HMMMMMMMMMMM"

tbf yes it is pretty much classic rnp play to sort of just dick around, and he is basically always read as scum. except actually i think he tries a bit harder when he’s scum bc people are relying on him. so that’s something.
i was going to say that i don’t really see why he would claim his trope and not his power given the possible presence of a trope killer, but actually i don’t think there is one? they would’ve had plenty of chances to act by now. i dont think that’s why rnp felt comfortable divulging his trope, i still find that odd tbh but maybe he wasn’t alert to the potential of a trope killer—anyway, just. thoughts.
oh yeah, I forget that rnp usually plays a little like this, but less blatantly, but we also did piss him off with the length of the thread. in any case, still vig fodder at worst

yall touched on flora and i just want to chip in my two cents, tbh i don’t really get scum vibes yeah. like... they do have stuff going on irl but also they’re a pretty quiet player in games that don’t have 3000000 posts so eh this is basically the level of activity i would expect from town flora
i think if they were scum their teammates might issue them to post more if anything given the trend of falling back on inactives
i don’t like this tbh
neah, I'm p sure flora plays like this regardless of alignment, which doesn't help us determine anything but also, well, I do feel perfectly inclined to give them a break at the moment, leas of all when they're not the only possible inactive lynch atm

agree with this. i get weird vibes from the fact that everyone kind of dropped the discussion of the only new information we got overnight bc they settled on some lukewarm idea of what his role might have been, and then got right back into pushing on random inactives. i really feel like a wolf might have been steering the narrative there honestly. weird vibes.
I do have to say that distracting from mechspec is like the opposite of what's thus far gotten people suspected-

Agree with kyeugh that it's probably worth thinking more about what "A God Am I" means. What do people think of Dreaming God (basically a Jack of All Trades who only gets hints about what each power does)? It got suggested a few pages back but nobody really seemed to pay attention to it. imo it's just about the only plausible suggestion I've heard so far that allows Boquise to have been bodyguarding someone.
hi, yes, that was me who suggested it! unfortunately, though, dreaming god being the walking jank it is, we're left with relatively little to discuss out of that conclusion. like, I suppose it's possible boq died using some super obtuse power, but I feel like most players, and especially the MU crowd which favors day play a little more than the old-timers here, would likely just steer clear of using night actions they don't understand

it's really hard not to townread someone with a chicken pfp
totally buying that, other bird pfp haver
tbf yes it is pretty much classic rnp play to sort of just dick around, and he is basically always read as scum. except actually i think he tries a bit harder when he’s scum bc people are relying on him. so that’s something.
ok! thanks. i wouldn't know stuff like this
tbh yes
i think if [flora] were scum their teammates might issue them to post more if anything given the trend of falling back on inactives
this was also my thought, and that their posts felt sincere idk
is rari the same person who was looking at people’a forum activity and noting who was in PMs earlier? that + the checking how long people have been registered on tcod thing (??)

though i don't think they were really checking maliciously? it came up when we were talking about seri's random-mafia-assignment comment
i don’t really buy it at all and i think scum leans based on their like four posts is very much grasping at the straws and i dislike how little skepticism there seemed to be about it
i agree. but i think there was less "no skepticism" and more "i guess this is what we're on now"
imo the counterpoint is that it’s not impossible or even implausible that these things all happened to vm, and just dumping the information into chat and then leaving is probably the LEAST schemey/scummy way to deal with it.
which honestly makes me regard stryke more suspiciously than vm
agree with this. i get weird vibes from the fact that everyone kind of dropped the discussion of the only new information we got overnight bc they settled on some lukewarm idea of what his role might have been, and then got right back into pushing on random inactives. i really feel like a wolf might have been steering the narrative there honestly. weird vibes.
ftr the pushing on random inactives was still how we got around to stryke, who i feel weird about (i like his variant tierlist but i don't like that vm is there)

but also idk i guess i just didn't read it maliciously when it was conversation coming to a standstill, herbe (who you seem to now be in support of, right?) going "wait don't stop talking" and then putting out an idea he happened to have. i don't think there was anyone pretending it was a Good Idea, but i'm biased because i deadass didn't know what to make of boq and was kind of uncomfortable talking about it without others (who had more of an idea about it) around to buffer
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