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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

odie lmfao. i agreed w panini and rn i’m sleeping her and eif because i’m too lost to do anything else and i’m scared of lynching a doctor
I don't like speccing roleblocks because that's the easiest way to counter someone calling you out for a NA mistake

but this is like
a terrible thing to claim as maf over something you could just make up
@Panini Stryke had nothing to lose! He was going to be lynched anyway and people are scarred of lynching a doctor from last day! On the offchance nobody counterclaims, he’d be pretty much clear, like he is now
@Panini Stryke had nothing to lose! He was going to be lynched anyway and people are scarred of lynching a doctor from last day! On the offchance nobody counterclaims, he’d be pretty much clear, like he is now
Yeah it was more like "should I die today by not claiming or tonight by claiming"
@Panini Stryke had nothing to lose! He was going to be lynched anyway and people are scarred of lynching a doctor from last day! On the offchance nobody counterclaims, he’d be pretty much clear, like he is now
Was he actually going to be lynched anyway? I thought the wagon was on Odie by a margin of a few votes at the time that he claimed.
rn i’m figuring that accidentally lynching another doctor would be very bad and that “fucking up” and lynching odie would be less bad? maybe?
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