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Fuck Palin

Haha I thought this was about Michael Palin at first because I try to ignore Sarah as much as humanly possible.

She's the worst. The Cons are trying to win over the Hillary crowd, in a pathetic way.

Also how are so many people in this thread okay with destroying the last piece of America that looks beautiful and untouched.
wait a minute
* Palin is strongly anti-choice, opposing abortion even in the case of rape or incest.
Palin's youngest child, Trig, has Down syndrome, diagnosed prenatally.


Alaska was one of the first U.S. states to pass a constitutional ban on gay marriage, in 1998. Whilst campaigning for election as Governor of Alaska in 2006, Palin declared that she supported the 1998 constitutional amendment, although she said she has good friends who are gay and does not wish to judge gay people.
although she said she has good friends who are gay and does not wish to judge gay people.
what is that? that scent that wafts around conservatives at any time?
ah, the smell of bullshit
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Palin thinks creationism should be taught in public schools. ...

you don't mind religion being passed off as valid science?

also everyone who is saying "I hate both candidates!" how much do you actually know about them and how much is you wanting to be cool end edgy?

and if you want McCain elected: fuck you.

Actually, I want McCain to win the election because, to me, Obama comes across as being arrogant and pompous. Still, I think Palin sucks.

because "arrogant and pompous" is much worse than McCain and his views, right?

do your research
obama is such an elitist
i mean he buys arugula

who the fuck buys salad that tastes like something fuck this guy fuck his presidency
I honestly think that Palin is better than both candidates.
what the fuck is wrong with you

Obama? Our economy will likely be dragged down with the States (Taxing the rich tends to make them stop investing in said country, which means the economy is, erm, going to wither and die. Fast)
so the rich are holding the middle class hostage? this is some interesting economic theory right here

Actually, I want McCain to win the election because, to me, Obama comes across as being arrogant and pompous.
issues? what are those? I just want the guy who sounds least like he knows what he's doing
Why does everyone complain that if McCain dies Palin will become President? She doesn't come across as very much worse than McCain.

To those people who want to drill for oil in Alaska: You don't understand that oil is finite. It will run out soon. If you rely on Alaskan oil, your energy independence will last a couple of decades, but the polar bears and the environment will be gone for ever.

To those who don't want to tax the rich: The United States is the most important market in the world. Most investors will stay, unless they are suicidal.
To those people who want to drill for oil in Alaska: You don't understand that oil is finite. It will run out soon. If you rely on Alaskan oil, your energy independence will last a couple of decades, but the polar bears and the environment will be gone for ever.
This is true, I don't understand how so many in this thread don't have a problem with it.
they are not like me and take classes on how to save the earth

people aren't taught that energy consumption needs to be controlled and that long-term thinking needs to be applied

I don't agree with Palin's views, but this is disgusting.
I don't really see how it's that disgusting, it implies McCain boned Sarah's daughter.
Which he probably wants to do.
And Palin deserves everything bad that happens to her.

Oh dear God. I hadn't heard much of Palin until the review on Newsnight. Jesus Christ somebody fetch Obama.

If you live in America, please, please don't vote McCain.

offtopic: Her daughter is called Bristol? Bristol?
I don't really see how it's that disgusting, it implies McCain boned Sarah's daughter.
Which he probably wants to do.
And Palin deserves everything bad that happens to her.


I don't see how the Palin family life has anything at all to do with politics.
I understand the irony and everything, but who cares if her daughter is pregnant? :/ The way people are making a huge deal about it is terrible.

I'm not implying people /here/ are making a huge deal about it.

And also, who cares what her daughter's called? What's wrong with Bristol? e_e
But yeah, Palin makes Obama look like the better candidate by far, if McCain actually gets in I will lose all hope for America forever. xD

But how Obama isn't anti-abortion and is anti-guns makes me think 80% of America are going to ignore him.
I don't see how the Palin family life has anything at all to do with politics.
and I don't see what politics should have to do with family life

unfortunately Palin and the Republican Party in general disagree so they can all suck my dick and wallow in their bad press

I understand the irony and everything, but who cares if her daughter is pregnant? :/

we just care that her bass-ackwards social positions are biting her in the ass and would like everyone to remember it as much as possible
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