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Fuck Palin

sit on his lazy fucking ass starving while people like me scramble to pick up the gauntlet and develop alternative energy sources, duh

I don't even know what to say about that comic
i see your reaction and raise you glenn mccoy



There are only two things about Sarah Palin I can say:
1) I want to bone her
2) *headdesk*
Okay this is starting to piss me off now. Republicans are against pre-marital sex and for abstinence-only. Then why in the blue fuck are they crying over Liberals attacking Bristol Palin about this and calling Sarah out on her shit when they should be tearing those women apart themselves aaaaah throw every republican off a cliff
Okay this is starting to piss me off now. Republicans are against pre-marital sex and for abstinence-only. Then why in the blue fuck are they crying over Liberals attacking Bristol Palin about this and calling Sarah out on her shit when they should be tearing those women apart themselves aaaaah throw every republican off a cliff
family life == off limits;
//unless they're liberal

It's clearly because we don't /understand/ her /unique/ situation that allows her to be a damn godless sinner.
I know it's already been said, but it's ridiculous that people are saying that Palin will be a bad candidate because this one time her daughter forgot to take a pill. It IS hilariously ironic that she teaches her daughter this abstinence-only sex ed stuff, and it fails before her eyes yet she STILL wants to teach every child in the nation the very same. wtf.

Honestly, does she really think that kids will actually listen to the advice that they get in school? Because that's just a hopeless fantasy. But if schoolkids get the chance to learn useful skills, then they'll at least try to remember them and use them. Yeah, it's probably not healthy for teens to have sex, but better they have the sex but no babies, than they have the sex and the babies.
This thread is fucked.

I actually like her, aside from the hunting crap.

hope mccain falls over and fails to lift his arms up in time.

ps palin is a stupid cunt and everything she advocates is retarded
i mean she managed to run a small town into a 20 million dollar debt. 20 millions.

also aobaru why haven't you answered the biblequotes in the homosexuality thread yet.
hope mccain falls over and fails to lift his arms up in time.

ps palin is a stupid cunt and everything she advocates is retarded
i mean she managed to run a small town into a 20 million dollar debt. 20 millions.

also aobaru why haven't you answered the biblequotes in the homosexuality thread yet.

After reading about Palin and realizing, that she sucks, I'm going with Obama. Sure he is not much better but still, he is the lesser of two evils.

And no one has stated this yet.

John McCain is 74 year old old fart. He looks like at the first sign of trouble, he will have a massive heart attack and die. Now why the hell would someone so old put someone so inexperienced in office like that? I mean seriously, she was just elected Govenor of Alaska a year and a half ago (I think).

Now Alaska is big but it doesn't have a huge population and you don't have to do as much as a big city such as New York. Heck, she has enough time to go air hunting. AIR HUNTING! That makes her seem even worse. Anyone who shoots bears and wolves just for fun is evil and especially since you're doing it from an Air Plane. I would love to see Bears and Wolves just pick up guns and start shooting back.

The part that just makes me upset that she is even trying to get elected is that she has only ran a small state for such a short time and the population is about 670,000 I think. Now how the hell is she supposed to run a country with over 300,000,000 people especially when we have the economy like it is. HOW? She hasn't even gotten a taste of what real trouble is so how can she run a country where trouble happens every day? Does anyone agree with me?
This thread is fucked.

I actually like her, aside from the hunting crap.

here guys let me shove my retarded opinion in your face without giving any kind of reason (let alone a valid one)

you are a true republican
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Sure he is not much better but still, he is the lesser of two evils.

why is he not much better? christ, guys, stop saying "lol they both suck" without backing it up.

I actually like her, aside from the hunting crap.

no abortion, period, regardless of circumstance? religion taught as science? fuck the environment, let's go drill for oil? have you read this thread at all?
why is he not much better? christ, guys, stop saying "lol they both suck" without backing it up.

My parents are conservative. That would mean that they like the Republicans. They are pretty much my only source of political information. Combine that with the fact that I think Palin is a bitch, and, well, of course I would say they both suck

And THANK YOU for saying something other than, "They can't hunt without ice! THEY WILL STARVE!", Walker

^^ I still think we need oil for awhile, though. Hey, I am an Albertan. Oil is our chief export. Of COURSE I will say that ^^
My parents are conservative. That would mean that they like the Republicans. They are pretty much my only source of political information. Combine that with the fact that I think Palin is a bitch, and, well, of course I would say they both suck
You're on the internet, you've got sources of political information other than your parents.
^^ I still think we need oil for awhile, though. Hey, I am an Albertan. Oil is our chief export. Of COURSE I will say that ^^
I don't see why. You're not profiting from the oil being exported, why are you rooting for these oil exporters just because they live near you?

Right um my thoughts: I hate this person.
Things NWT does not agree with:
*no abortions
*religion taught as science
*oil drilling
*wanting polar bears removed from the endangered species list
We've had cheap oil for like 20 years and now we're bitching about oil prices because now it's like just $2 less than the gas in Europe instead of like $4 less.
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