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Funny Player Names/Rival Names

I made a series of Youtube videos where I left Pallet Town before getting a pokemon with the Walk Thru Walls cheat. The character's names?

Me - Ness
Rival - Pokey

Not me, but my friend in Yellow called the main character "MYKHAWK" and her rival "MYKHUNT" Say those aloud and you'll see why.

I named my Diamond rival Retarda the first time because I was randomly pissed off and well...look at him.

Other than that, I usually name them normal names. Especially in GSC because I might have a mancrush on the rival. :3 His hair is ~fabulous~
...I am the only one who names their rival with somewhat normal names, like Kaine?

I occasionally name them after people I don't like in real life.

EDIT: Except the D/P one, who I named Louis, after someone on my bus who looks exactly like him.
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My current in Pearl name is Hank, and I just love the rival in Pokémon Pearl/Diamond/Platinum, so I never name him dumb things, in the latest save I named him Quintin, because I like that name.

But no fun names here. :/
My friend once named a rival "Poopyhead" or something like that. Also, I named one rival after a kid I didn't like. (He called me names.) That's one way to get revenge. >:D :evil:
I always name my rival something along the lines of stupid, or ugly. Sometimes Liam. (I know a Liam, and he's named after that Liam.)

This is also my first post in the Pokemon related section since the data wipe. Wow.
i'd.....list the names here but they're rather too offensive or too corny....xD

so i'll just say this: i once named myself "boobs" so they be like "hey! it's boobs!"
^When put to the RBY/FRLG's rival of "Smell ya later!" it just gets awkward. XP
I named my rival in Gold 'Shitmon' for some reason (I was ten). Also my boyfriend named his character 'No', I think.

Also once I was borrowing my boyfriend's leafgreen cartridge, I caught a Pikachu and named it 'Fellatio'. He was at the start of the game, too, so he couldn't change it. It had a really good nature, too, and it was female.
I named my character in emerald Mole. No idea why. I named my character in pearl RT as well for some reason.
When I was playing through LeafGreen again recently, I named myself "Gween" and the rival "Lube." Which was supposed to just be "Blue" with the letters rearranged... somehow I didn't notice what it actually spelled until a few minutes later when he showed up in Oak's lab.
The silliest ones I've had were in Red. Player was Kikapoo, rival was Bollux.

I'm always Leah on my other games, and my rival is normally the default name. Except from Diamond, where I called the rival Timmy for no reason at all.
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