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Gaia Online

I couldn't say I remember last year's. Was there aliens? Wait, dammit, there's always aliens.
Oh, that crap. it was dum. I liked the aliens better, the one that fell in love was cute.

Who were you then?

I can't even remember that far, really.

Anywho, for those who don't know;

2k4 had the Grombies, as well as 2k5 I think, 2k6 had the Zurg and the Probing and 2k7 had the Vampires.

Your account was banned for botting or profiting from botting, which is a
violation of the Gaia Terms of Service.

"Botting" is defined as using an automated script, macro, program, or other
means to surf, post, or play games on Gaia in order to earn gold illegally.
The use of anything which automatically earns gold for you is forbidden, and
accounts found to be using such software will be banned.

Profiting from the efforts of botters is also forbidden, and accounts found
to be receiving botted gold or items are banned as well.
Looks like you were right.

Meh. Think it's worth pointing out that I wasn't actually aware that I'd bought a botted item? I'm not optimistic about my chances of getting my account back at this rate, personally.

But jeez, it's not even as if I had anything of worth...
Looks like you were right.

Meh. Think it's worth pointing out that I wasn't actually aware that I'd bought a botted item? I'm not optimistic about my chances of getting my account back at this rate, personally.

But jeez, it's not even as if I had anything of worth...
It's no use fighting, so just make a new account; it's much easier to earn your stuff back due to the depression in the Marketplace. Just look out for the names; if it seems too random like 345h22n, don't touch their warez.

Her shop is crap but you gotta love a girl with bubblegum hair.
Okay, so I tried to get my old account back but no such luck. Which is really unfair, because I never put a toe out of line, but eh. :/

New name is Ebonclad Enigma. I don't particularly like it that way; it's really more of a title than a name. But I see I get up to two renames, so I guess I can change it if I think of something better. That's one good thing, at least.

Anyway, I have discovered the games. :O

Fishing I find to be a tad repetitive (in terms of what I catch if not also generally) and occasionally frustrating, although compelling enough that I'll probably have another go soon.

The jigsaw game is stupidly simple (I mean mainly the idea, those insane-difficulty jigsaws take time) but also oddly addictive and, apparently, nicely profitable.

Word Bump is a fun diversion but needs to pay out more, damn it. @_@ But it's amazing how such a basic game can keep you hooked when you feel like you're earning something for playing it, however meagre the amount.

If anyone wants to join me, I am - at time of typing - doing jigsaws on the Demonic Jigsaw server. Password to my room is "ebby". :O

I start a new paragraph way too often.

EDIT: The... the clam in my fish tank just gave me an item. "Regalia of Ancient Fire (Leggings)". Going for at least 1.3k in the Marketplace, apparently. o.o Which - to poor Cryssie - is a very small fortune. Whee. :D
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