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Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread


Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

The reckoning from the earlier Kalos Mafia game turned out to have its survivors -- a small subset of Pokémon somehow survived the fire of Team Flare's ultimate weapon. Ironically, they were doomed to the very same fate that Lysandre was ever so desperate to prevent as these survivors would eventually run out of dead organic matter to consume, and would soon enough be left no choice but to feast on what few others lived still.

72 hours for night actions.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

(sorry for the long night, there have been.... logistic complications)

The survivors awake in something of a stupor, ears still ringing from some kind of racket that somebody had been uttering amidst the dusk. Some nonsense like...
Whoa! Eifie's following me!

Not helping things in the slightest, their battered senses are greeted in the morning by a terrible pungent smell. They're quick to track down the source of it, be it simply by reluctantly walking the trail of the putrid airs, be it by tracking down the other ones who were doing that.

Soon enough, all were gathered around Superbird's rotting carcass, all of his former aroma being corrupted and amplified by the decay. Strident as that particular stench may have been, however, it was not all that fouled the insides of all suffering noses that daybreak. Not far from that spot, the Pokémon found the corpses of Eifie, Mai, Wargle, Light, Majora and Worst Username Ever.

Any other day, such a thorough slaughter would be an alarming event -- however, it was but a fraction of the greater reckoning that had landed upon the once glorious Kalos but two moons back.

Mai, the Mega Mawile, is dead. They were innocent.

Light, the Aegislash, is dead. He was innocent.

Superbird, the Aromatisse, is dead. He was innocent.

Majora, the Noivern, is dead. They were innocent.

Eifie, the Mega Houndoom, is dead. She was mafia.

Wargle, the Heliolisk, is dead. She was innocent.

Worst Username Ever is dead. She was innocent.

While the few attentive around were focused on some strange amulet found on the deceased Houndoom, however, one of the fallen suddenly arose from their seemingly mortal stupor, having merely fooled the crowds in their temporary incapacitation.

Mai is alive!

48 hours for discussion.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

What was Worst Username Ever's pokémon?
Similarly to Alligates's mason role in Kalos Mafia, I decided to leave the flavor on that specific one optional, and I haven't gotten a response in that regard, so basically for now the answer to that is "it could be either Klefki or Mega Gengar".
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Mmm. Thanks.

Well that sure was a thing that just happened, I guess. At least we've got one mafia member down. Mai, was that your role triggering for the revive, or is that coming from someone else?

No insight into what might have gone down there myself. My best guess is that Majora was the one yelling, given his role, and since he was saying that Eifie was following him he might have been the original target of the hit. And then... all hell broke loose, I guess?

Not sure if there's any significance to Superbird ending up all by his lonesome either, hmm.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Wow. Okay.

Not quite sure what might've caused this right now, but if I get any ideas, I'll post them.

Well, I'm a bit concerned. We only have nine/fifteen players alive now, and it's only been one night. Now, it's safe to assume that there's around a 25% mafia rate, and out of fifteen that gives us 3.75 - rounded up to four, and counting the fact that Eifie's dead, that gives us three mafia in our game of nine. Maybe 1/3 isn't something to be frantic about yet, but it's something to consider... we definitely want to get some discussion done today.

Well that sure was a thing that just happened, I guess. At least we've got one mafia member down. Mai, was that your role triggering for the revive, or is that coming from someone else?

Yes! And I guess I'll explain my role at this point, for clarity: I can pretty much revive indefinitely, but as time passes, it takes longer and longer.

It's (the number of times I died) - 1 = phases before I revive, so there was no buffering time last night, but tommorow night if I die I won't revive until night three, I think.

A bonus of my role is that each night, I can target a player, and if I'm lynched one of their alignments is revealed - the pool resets each time I die, so right now it's empty.

But last night, I intended to target Negrek - though I received a message, presumably independently, that I was ordered to target Butterfree. I did so, though it doesn't matter much now. I'm assuming that means Butterfree is innocent and there's a mafia redirector, since innocent seems unlikely and possibly chaotic, and a mafia wouldn't want to randomly draw the attention of innocent players - after all, there's inspectors to fear.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

I was also given a message to target Butterfree, so I abstained from my targeting action last night. Except I didn't have one, because I'm Mega Kangaskhan, the universal backup - I can raise kangas-chan to have the non-mafia role powers of the first dead person, and I inherited Superbird's power of cool aroma healing. However, the power comes with side effects (only one is chosen per heal, though there are multiple), including the effect that people besides the healer who target healer's target are killed (not sure if I can quote, since it wasn't mentioned in the rules. MF?) This, along with the flavor, leads me to believe that maybe Superbird targeted Butterfree, the side effect activated, and everyone else dead today targeted her because of the redirector (Captain actually seems like a better fit?) This version of events also fits with Mai's targeting of Butterfree and her death/revival, although it doesn't explain the "Whoa! Eifie's following me!" bit. :/

Does anyone else have information or opinions?
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

ok what the fuck just happened

Last night, a shadow told me that I should use my action on Butterfree. I decided not to.

My "passive" ability, as one could call it, is town crier. So I can't exactly say much. I can say, though, that a third of the players remaining are mafia. That is disturbing, to say the least.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

I also got the message to target Butterfree last night, so I decided not to use my action. I thought it seemed suspicious.

Mai, if you died targeting Butterfree, and Alligates, ILS, and I survived while not targeting her, then maybe there's a connection. Did anyone else get that message? I'm suspecting those who used their action on Butterfree were the ones who died last night.

Maybe Butterfree is a Paranoid Gun Owner, but that wouldn't explain why everyone was forced to target her.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Am I allowed to say anything about this, since I'm dead? :c
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

In general, unless your role specifically says otherwise, no. Just try to sit back and enjoy it.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

I also got the message saying to target Butterfree. Fortunately I have a non-targeting action so I wasn't massacred.
This does concern me, though, that if the inspectors listened to the message and targeted Butterfree, they were killed. And other important targeted actions, like innocent recruiter, if this game has one.
Alligates, since you have that power now, it might be prudent to say who you'll be targeting so we don't target the same person and get killed as a result? Then again, that also tells the mafia who not to target since their kill won't go through, and they'll be killed instead. Hrm.

I do think it was likely Superbird's role that resulted in this carnage? Though I'd like to hear if Butterfree has anything to say (especially about that mysterious message, though I have a feeling it was an independent thingy).
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

The "Whoa! Eifie's following me!" could be because she was the don, and she was stalking her kill for the night? I dunno, that's the first thing that jumped to my mind.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Well, that's something.

I'm not responsible for the voice telling everyone to target me - in fact, I also got that message myself. I assumed it was something only one person was targeted with, and that it was an innocent role hoping to either stop me from killing someone or rule me out as don, but since it apparently went out to everyone, I'm not sure. It does seem like everyone who obeyed the message got killed, and if that's what whoever the voice was normally does it seems kind of overpowered, so I'm with Alligates' explanation where there are two people involved - one person who orders everyone to target a particular person, and one person (Superbird) who makes everyone who targets a particular person die. Presumably Superbird obeyed the former's message thinking he was the only one who got the message, too. Whoops. Which means the former is probably among the dead.

I would have guessed the amulet meant somebody targeted Eifie with something that declares publicly whether they targeted anyone in the night, but presumably not since everyone had to target me or nothing. Maybe it just marks the don?
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Wait, hang on. If everyone targeted me or nothing and Superbird's ability is what killed everyone, then what killed Superbird? Does anyone have a role that could shed some light on this? Because there's nothing about mine that could.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Maybe Eifie was the don and targeted Superbird for a kill? That's always possible. The amulet might also just mark the mafia.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

I've just been staring at this thread in wonder for hours. golly! I've never seen such an interesting Day 1 in my life.

So I guess we can all assume Superbird was killed first or by some other means... but how, if everyone was forced to target Butterfree or abstain? I received the message as well, so it does seem like just everyone regardless of role received the same message. Is it possible that someone has a power that could override the anonymous message-person's demand, for whatever reason? Everyone seems to have very interesting roles, so I don't know if it's completely far-fetched.

The thing I'm even more curious about is the "Whoa! Eifie's following me!" announcement in the thread. Maybe that has something to do with Superbird's death, somehow???
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

I'm pretty sure people did have the option to not target Butterfree, the message just made it clear it might not have been a good idea to... in which case I'unno maybe Eifie targeted Superbird and got killed for not targeting Butterfree? That still seems rather unlikely, though, since I can't think of any reason why she'd want to target Superbird, of all people... I mean, Butterfree is a nice target anyway.
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