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Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Didn't Metallica Fanboy say in the message PM that you had to either target Butterfree or abstain entirely from your night action, due to the shadow-person?
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread


Indeed, if Superbird was killed and all players could only target Butterfree, then there lies a contradiction in Alligates' testimon-

(wait, this isn't sprites!mafia)

Seeing as Butterfree is alive, it is likely that she was healed by Superbird. Otherwise, wouldn't the mafia have been forced to kill her? Maybe the mafia don was not part of the redirection, but then again, that wouldn't explain why Eifie was killed.

This is definitely one interesting situation.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

The healing has multiple side-effects, and I must choose one to apply every time I heal; sorry if that wasn't made clear earlier.

Perhaps Superbird's death was a result of a passive backlash you-die-if-I-die or fishing brothers sort of situation, but my role copies the first person to die's role, so he should have died first. Though, it could have been randomized due to the multiple deaths. And Eifie could have been the don and thus would have been the one "targeting" Butterfree for the mafiakill? There isn't anything I see pointing otherwise.

Idk what the amulet means. Initially I thought it was a mark of mafia, but it could also be the public targeting thing or something else entirely.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

I dunno, in the PM it said "If you do act, however, it wouldn't be a good idea to defy them where they can see you..."
Afterwards it said you can target Butterfree, or abstain, but that phrase made it seem like you /could/ target someone else?
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

I'd like to throw in my two cents.

Eifie died, right? And my message said that Eifie was following us. Could it be some sort of terrorist that congregates everyone and then kills them? Seems a bit farfetched, but it could happen. As I said, I'm a town crier of sorts. If someone targets me, at the beginning of the day I say who they are. Of course, it didn't prove to be very useful today.

'mon claims are ok, according to Metallica Fanboy... so I get it's ok for this thing to take shape?

Time for list~

Mai: Mega Mawile. Revives herself. Innocent.
Light: Aegislash. Unknown role. Killed N0. Innocent.
Superbird: Aromatisse. Healer with side effects. Killed N0. Innocent.
I liek Squirtles: Litleo. Town crier. Innocent.
Tailsy: Pumpkaboo/Mega Absol. Role and alignment unknown.
Blazhy: Aurorus/Mega Pinsir. Role and alignment unknown.
Vanilla Mongoose: Zygarde/Mega Aggron. Role and alignment unknown.
Alligates: Sylveon/Mega Kangaskhan. Copier, copied Superbird's role. Alignment unknown, probably innocent.
Zexion: Vivillon/Mega Heracross. Role and alignment unknown.
Majora: Noivern. Unknown role. Killed N0. Innocent.
Butterfree: Yveltal/Mega Charizard X. Makes target kill any person who targets them. Alignment unknown.
Eifie: Mega Houndoom. Role unknown. Killed N0. Mafia.
Wargle: Heliolisk. Role unknown. Killed N0. Innocent.
Worst Username Ever: Klefki/Mega Gengar. Role unknown. Killed N0. Innocent.

My guess for the amulet is that whoever has it can target everyone, but dies because of the amulet's overpoweredness.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Preeetty sure that Butterfree's role isn't what you listed, ILS. I think it's safe to say that it was Superbird's heal side effect that killed practically everyone.

I wonder if we can confirm with MF whether we could have targeted people other than Butterfree last night? That would probably help here. If ILS's info is to be believed, then Eifie targeted ILS and not Butterfree last night... and maybe got killed for disobedience? But ILS is still alive, which probably means Eifie wasn't the don, maybe some other mafia power role.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Yeah, we've been talking about the side-effect bit of Superbird's role doing the killing-of-everyone thing, not me.

In fact, in Metallica Fanboy's PM to me with the "target Butterfree" message, he explicitly added that since I can't target myself I just couldn't use my night action - which implies that no, it's not possible to just ignore the message and target someone else anyway. (I'd assume the "it wouldn't be wise to target anyone else" is just flavor.)

Iiiiii'm thinking maybe the amulet is something that renders the bearer immune to at least some night action effects? Although then if Eifie targeted ILS we still don't know what killed Superbird.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Let's a more precise claim list, then.

Mai: Mega Mawile. Revives herself, but with a buffer time of (times died)-1 phases. Innocent. Died N0, was in the mass deathpile, and revived self N0.
Light: Aegislash. Unknown role, possibly targeting. Died N0, was in the mass deathpile. Innocent.
Superbird: Aromatisse. Healer with multiple side effects, of which one must be chosen every heal. Died N0, not in mass deathpile but not far from it either. Role, in conjunction with possible Captain, presumed to have caused mass deathpile. Innocent.
I liek Squirtles: Litleo. Town crier. Has a targeting night action. Cried that EIFIE targeted him n0. Innocent.
Tailsy: Pumpkaboo/Mega Absol. Role and alignment unknown.
Blazhy: Aurorus/Mega Pinsir. Role and alignment unknown.
Vanilla Mongoose: Zygarde/Mega Aggron. Role and alignment unknown.
Alligates: Mega Kangaskhan. Copier, copied Superbird's role (signifying either that he was the first to die or the copied role was randomized or both). Innocent.
Zexion: Vivillon/Mega Heracross. Role and alignment unknown.
Majora: Noivern. Role unknown, possibly targeting. Died N0, was in the mass deathpile. Innocent.
Butterfree: Yveltal/Mega Charizard X. Role unknown. Has a targeting night action. Alignment unknown.
Eifie: Mega Houndoom. Role unknown, possibly targeting. Died N0, was in the mass deathpile. Mafia. A strange amulet was found on her corpse. Targeted ILS n0.
Wargle: Heliolisk. Role unknown. Died N0, was in the mass deathpile. Innocent.
Worst Username Ever: Klefki/Mega Gengar. Role unknown, possibly targeting. Died N0, was in the mass deathpile. Innocent.
(Note: "mass deathpile" refers to the presumable heap of Pokemon carcasses.)

I suppose Eifie could have been the captain: she would then have technically targeted both ILS and Butterfree. Mega Houndoom is intimidating enough, after all...
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Well, if we get no messages telling us to redirect in the days to come, we can probably conclude the captain is dead, and likely Eifie?
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Either that, or maybe it was a one-time usage.

But yeah, Eifie could have been the Captain and the Don at the same time. Perhaps by "commanding" Butterfree to target herself that counted as visiting her, which caused Eifie to die.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Oh. Did your messages also say the imposing figure was "barking" orders your way? Because that flavor fits perfectly with Mega Houndoom being the captain. Presumably the Captain counts as targeting everyone, hence triggering ILS and dying from targeting me. And then if she could also separately target Superbird, then... Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.

So, uh. Any ideas on what to do?

By the way, I'm Mega Charizard X, and I don't think it would be a good idea to tell you how my role works for now, except that I have a means of nighttime protection, so I suggest any healers protect somebody else who needs it more.

(And yes, I'm innocent.)
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Yeah, my message said "barking". iirc it's rare for a don to have another power, and this one seems quite powerful (although not so much if it's one-use, I suppose), but that seems like the most likely explanation?

Anyway. We have less than 24 hours, we should probably start deciding whether to abstain or lynch or whatever.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Well, we know for sure that living players with inforoles won't have any information to give at this point.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

There's not much evidence to go off of, so I say abstain. We managed to pin roles on people, but that's it.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Abstaining sounds like the best option, especially since we lost so many innocents so early. :(

Oh, I'm Pumpkaboo, for the record, but I don't have much to say at all other than I'm Very Cute. nwn I mean, other than like... if there's another healer still alive (after the bloodbath it's not very likely at all, but) it might be a good idea to heal Alligates, since their healer role is pretty much confirmed?
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

I'm somewhat iffy about abstaining with so few of us left and so many of them apparently being mafia, but I can't see this train stopping at this point with so little time left, so I suppose I'll join the bandwagon. Abstain
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Whooooah now. I think abstaining is a really bad idea here. Its' likely that a third of the remaining players are mafia, which gives us good odds of hitting one even if we don't have much information to go on, especially because there are a couple people who are looking very likely innocent at the moment. If we sit tight here

Also, I think the most parsimonious explanation of last night is as follows:

1. There was a mafia role that allowed the player to redirect everyone except the mafia's night actions. Eifie had that role. She obviously wasn't expecting the kill-everyone-who-targets-player ability, and it blew up in her face.
2. Mafia roles were not redirected. This means that the don targeted Superbird, and the kill went through. This explains why Superbird was found off away from the other dead bodies, and also explains why Alligates got his power rather than one off the other dead people; the nightkill happened first, and then all the other stuff.
3. The only weird thing remaining, then, is the "Eifie's following me!" message. It would seem most likely that either a) this came from Butterfree, as a result of Eifie targeting her with the redirect power, or b) that it came from some other player who was hit by Eifie's power and simply referred to the fact that Eifie's power was

Anyway, like I said, I don't really like to abstain, and tbh I'm not a fan of I liek Squirtles at this point. He claimed an innocuous and convenient role without any prompting, and he's the one who started the abstain-train, which IMO works most in the mafia's favor at this point. I can't claim any more compelling reasons than that, but again, I'd much rather nominate than abstain.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

ILS said the "Eifie is following me!" was him. Presumably every innocent role counts as having been targeted for Eifie's action. That's assuming ILS isn't just lying, of course, but for the moment it seems to me like a poor claim for the mafia to make - easy to dispute and not useful enough to make us think he's too valuable to risk. Not being valuable does mean it wouldn't be such a big loss to kill him anyway, granted, but I find it somewhat unlikely.

Well, I do agree that abstaining isn't the best idea at this point, so I suppose I'll change my vote to I liek Squirtles.
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