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Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Thing is, VM is likely to die tonight, since we likely don't have a protective role.

If you really are the bodyguard, then what would be ideal is that you protect VM tonight. If he dies, then we'll lynch you. If you die, whether you flip innocent or mafia doesn't matter, really; what matters is that VM is alive and can continue providing information. If someone else dies, then. VM can still provide information.

The problem is, we don't really have enough people left. If we lynch someone else and they turn up innocent, we'll be matched, and that's bad. And right now you're looking the most suspicious.

On the other hand, we /do/ have a good shot at getting a mafia member if we go for someone else... Guys, a little help? I can talk but I'm terrible at decision-making :C
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

I agree, tbh. Bodyguard would be an extremely useful role to have around, since if Zexion protects VM next night then we get a more-or-less guaranteed inspect of one person, which could be extremely useful. Of course, that means the mafia would know not to bother targeting VM and could target someone else more or less freely, which sucks, but that inspect could be extremely valuable at this point, so it might be worth it. I also tend to assume inactivity through inertia rather than malice, i.e. Zexion just hasn't been doing anything rather than his not posting mean's he's mafia. I haven't looked at his activity record in other games, though. I would rather look for another lynch target right now.

Then again I don't see how bodyguard fits in with his role pokemon's flavor--maybe Zexion could shed some light on that?
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

I dunno, I don't exactly see how Mai's role fits in with Mega Mawile. Then again, my own role isn't what you'd expect to go with my Pokemon. I don't think flavour is a huge issue, though it's nice to know.

Right then. Let's see. Zexion, please bodyguard VM tonight. VM, inspect... whoever you think is a good target, I suppose.

Mai has been confirmed innocent, ILS is likely innocent, Tailsy is... ehh, I know I'm innocent, VM is likely a powerful innocent, Zexion will be tested, Butterfree is also ehh, and Negrek is innocent if VM is. Out of everyone I think Tailsy is the most suspect right now, because I don't see why the captain, if mafia (and it's likely they were), would target a fellow mafia member. Plus she hasn't really said much. So for now I'll vote Tailsy to balance Mai's vote for Zexion. Tailsy, it'd be great if you could say something!
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Right then. Let's see. Zexion, please bodyguard VM tonight.

Will do.

Voicing Negrek's concern as well, the Mafia might not target VM tonight if they know that I am BG-ing him.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Well we're almost certainly going to have a death anyway, but better it be someone else than VM, who probably has the most important role at the moment.

With that resolved, we should probably start discussing who we're going to lynch today. My vote stays with Tailsy until she speaks up.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Discussion persuaded me, so Tailsy too, I guess.

sorry the only confirmed innocent isn't actually talking that much, that probably should be something I'm doing
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Voting Tailsy, if only to get her to talk.

Zexion's claim does seem a little suspicious given the recent trend of mafia claiming bodyguard (and by "trend" I mean ILS doing it twice). If he really is bodyguard though, then I get to keep on inspecting, so that's good for us.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Hooooold on guys! I happen to know Tailsy is innocent, because she is my lover. (The flavor creatively decides Trick or Treat converts someone into your perfect soulmate, which is a bit of a stretch but... yeah, a lot of roles here are a stretch.) Naturally, she targeted me N0. If you kill her we both die and you get nowhere. I don't know if enough people are going to be around to reverse the vote at this point (guh, I looked at the game briefly at work and saw she'd been accused but by the time I was home I'd forgotten I had yet to respond), but I implore you to reconsider your votes. Not sure where Tailsy is right now or why she hasn't responded; I presume she's been away or forgot about the game. I've PMed her, but.

I realize this probably sounds suspicious, but to back up my own claim of innocence I point out that we've pretty much determined a mafia captain told everyone to target me N0, which would have been highly likely to get me vigilante-killed, healer-clashed or at least roleblocked - there would be fantastically little reason for the mafia to make everyone target a fellow mafia member.

Voting Zexion in the hope we can overturn this.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

(Also, helpfully, my role's means of nighttime protection that I've been purposefully vague about should be able to let us survive at least this night despite the mafia knowing we're lovers, so we're not just going to die either way.)
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Mai: Mega Mawile. Revives herself, but with a buffer time of (times died)-1 phases. Innocent. Died N0, was in the mass deathpile, and revived self N0.
I liek Squirtles: Litleo. Town crier. Has a targeting night action. Cried that EIFIE targeted him n0, ALLIGATES n1. Innocent.
Tailsy: Pumpkaboo/Mega Absol. Lover?
Blazhy: Aurorus/Mega Pinsir. Role and alignment unknown.
Vanilla Mongoose: Zygarde/Mega Aggron. Inspector?
Zexion: Vivillon/Mega Heracross. Bodyguard?
Butterfree: Yveltal/Mega Charizard X. Targeted into love, some form of night protection?
Negrek: Chesnaught/Mega Mewtwo Y. Role and alignment unknown.

Majora: Noivern. Role unknown, possibly targeting. Died N0, was in the mass deathpile. Innocent.
Eifie: Mega Houndoom. Role unknown, possibly targeting. Died N0, was in the mass deathpile. Mafia. A strange amulet was found on her corpse. Targeted ILS n0.
Wargle: Heliolisk. Role unknown. Died N0, was in the mass deathpile. Innocent.
Worst Username Ever: Klefki/Mega Gengar. Role unknown, possibly targeting. Died N0, was in the mass deathpile. Innocent.
Light: Aegislash. Unknown role, possibly targeting. Died N0, was in the mass deathpile. Innocent.
Superbird: Aromatisse. Healer with multiple side effects, of which one must be chosen every heal. Died N0, not in mass deathpile but not far from it either. Role, in conjunction with possible Captain, presumed to have caused mass deathpile. Innocent.
Alligates: Mega Kangaskhan. Copier, copied Superbird's role (signifying either that he was the first to die or the copied role was randomized or both). Innocent. Died n1.
(Note: "mass deathpile" refers to the presumable heap of Pokemon carcasses.)

Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

we have almost everyone claimed now, and quite a few of us are targets

so suggestion: let's just have everyone claim. By which I mean Negrek and blazhy, who are talkative enough to not seem mafia but if we're believing the admittedly viable claims well.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Sorry! I've been fiddling about with other things - I kind of forgot about this. I promise I'll be here more, don't lynch me :( Obviously I can vouch for Butterfree's claim - I'm the lover and she's my sweet honey bee. In another bid to overturn the vote - Zexion. Sorry, man.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Negrek is very probably innocent. On N0, Metallica Fanboy relayed to me an anonymous message quoting "a conversation between Negrek and some other mysterious entity", which was the GM message about the captain ordering Negrek to target me. I assume it was Negrek who sent me that to alert me to this, which there would have been little reason to do if she were mafia (and, in fact, if we're right about the mafia captain not sending orders to mafia members, she wouldn't have gotten it at all). Thinking about it, somebody else could in theory have a role that allows them to send a copy of communication between the GM and somebody else to a third party, but it seems unlikely, and even if that were the case Negrek would still have gotten the message, which should not have happened if she were mafia.

...of course, it was Negrek who suggested the mafia captain probably didn't affect the mafia, but the logic was sound and yeah. As far as I'm concerned Negrek is in the clear.

I'd like to hear from blazhy, though. Being mafia doesn't always mean trying to lay low.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

I'm the oracle. Night 0 I asked if there was a doctor in this game, because not having a doctor in MF's previous mafia was dangerous. Obviously I got a yes and Alligates could say that without me outing myself.

Night 1 I asked if Tailsy was Pumpkaboo, and the answer was yes. Along with the lover's claim and the flavour presented, I'm willing to believe Tailsy and Butterfree. I just realized belatedly that asking if Tailsy was Pumpkaboo was a really dumb thing to ask, because she could be Pumpkaboo /and/ mafia. Because of that the info I got wasn't entirely viable, either, so I saw no reason to roleclaim and give everyone my info.

Tonight I was planning to ask if VM is inspector, because if he's actually mafia claiming to be inspector then we'd be royally screwed. However, Butterfree's information makes Negrek's innocence quite plausible, meaning VM's information is likely correct. So I'm not sure if I should ask that anymore.

Thing is, it's possible that Tailsy or Butterfree is mafia. I mean, I don't think I've ever heard of a mafia-aligned lover-maker-thingy, but if Butterfree is mafia, then Tailsy effectively is as well. ... but we're fairly sure Butterfree isn't mafia because of the captain situation, right? So. I think we can tentatively say Tailsy and Butterfree are innocent?

Butterfree, you haven't exactly claimed yet, though. You've said you're one of the lovers, but what was your original role?

Anyway, to tie the vote for now, Zexion.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Butterfree, if Tailsy targeted you N0 (to make you her lover), how come she isn't dead?

I don't have any night actions whatsoever, so any message you got wasn't from me.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

My head hurts @_@

It'd be nice if you could roleclaim though, Negrek, because at the moment practically everyone is plausibly innocent (save for Zexion) and we need all the information we can get to pick at.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Is that how lovers works? I picked Butterfree as my lover before the captain message happened - I did get the message, but I assumed it didn't affect me because lovers is technically a passive role. Or something.

On another note, doesn't VM knowing Negrek is innocent pretty easy to say if you're mafia-claiming-inspector? You sort of know who the innocent players are if you're part of the mafia faction. Inspector is a good claim for mafia for that kind of reason - you're not using information that's going to backfire on you later (excepting unusual circumstances). I'm not saying VM is necessarily mafia, but telling us Negrek is innocent isn't a dangerous thing to say if he is.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

I've never really thought of lovers as a passive role like that. It still targets? I'd have though you'd have died, too, then?
Okay wait if Tailsy was to die, would Butterfree already have been her lover, and then die too? But then Butterfree was healed, so she wouldn't have died? Does healing protect against lover's death? Does it protect the other lover too? @_@

I thought that VM could potentially be mafia, too, which is why I thought of asking whether he was actually inspector tonight. But Butterfree's information makes me think that Negrek is plausibly innocent.
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