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Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Er, I hope I didn't misunderstand what you were trying to say, but isn't lynching me because of my uselessness playing against our win condition, Butterfree?

There is one reason for the abstain train, well two, actually: first, to let the inforoles (if any) get some more information, and two, to prevent the loss of more townies. Assuming there are three mafia, just today we lost a quarter of the total good guy population. Lynch me, exactly half of the townies are gone. I'm going to keep abstaining; I still think the information presented is not enough.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Well. ILS, the /fraction/ of townies lost doesn't exactly matter, but the difference between the mafia/town populations does. If you are, as you claim, town, we'll be 3:5, and if no heals go through tonight 3:4. There's nothing preventing inforoles from continuing to gather information tonight, and abstain train is pretty anti-town right now.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

I'm not proposing we lynch you because of your uselessness; it's just unlikely we could start a bandwagon for anyone else, and the chance that you are mafia after all combined with the relatively small loss if you're being truthful about your role means lynching you probably has a higher expected value than abstaining, if we can find agreement on it.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Actually, in retrospect, that's a colossaly dumb call to make, since I liek Squirtles' role claim is trivially easy to verify. If he really is responsible for the anonymous yelling, then it's going to continue up until he dies, at which point we'd learn his alignment anyway. If it stops, then obviously someone who died earlier was resopnsible and he's an easy lynch target in the future, so it would be best to choose literally anyone else even slightly suspect for lynch at this point, or lynch no one at all.

So with that in mind I'm going to switch my vote to abstain for now, since the only other people I could nominate I would have to do on even flimsier reasons. I really don't like it, and I'd be happy to vote for someone (probably) if anyone has any other suggestions, but I would basically be randlynching at this point. Sorry to jerk you around like that.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Not to mention that people with targeted actions can target ILS tonight to verify his claim, so. I'll go with abstaining.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Sufficiently supplied in meat for a good three more days or so, the survivors grow complacent. Twilight alone instills them with primal fear once more, however.

No one was lynched. 48 hours for night actions.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

The next morning started out much the same. A similar balderdash troubled their sleep...

Whoa! Alligates is following me!

And even the horrific smell wafted very similarly. It was too fresh to be from the same remains of the previous day, and besides, it flew from a different direction. Once more, noses in the air tracked it down...

... All the way to carcass of Alligates's infant child. It seems as if, in their last moment, mother and child shared a close embrace -- truly a heartbreaking scene, although perhaps diluted by the ridiculous death toll that the survivors had already witnessed. The true source of the odorrific malaise seemed to be a small sachet, the contents of which did not mix well with putrefaction.

Alligates, the Mega Kangaskhan, is dead. She was innocent.

48 hours for discussion.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

... well. Alligates can't exactly say whether she targeted ILS to confirm his role, now, but judging from the sachet I think it's clear that she did indeed get Aromatisse's powers. Which means we're down a healer.

Let's have an updated list:
Mai: Mega Mawile. Revives herself, but with a buffer time of (times died)-1 phases. Innocent. Died N0, was in the mass deathpile, and revived self N0.
I liek Squirtles: Litleo. Town crier. Has a targeting night action. Cried that EIFIE targeted him n0, ALLIGATES n1. Innocent.
Tailsy: Pumpkaboo/Mega Absol. Role and alignment unknown.
Blazhy: Aurorus/Mega Pinsir. Role and alignment unknown.
Vanilla Mongoose: Zygarde/Mega Aggron. Role and alignment unknown.
Zexion: Vivillon/Mega Heracross. Role and alignment unknown.
Butterfree: Yveltal/Mega Charizard X. Role unknown. Has a targeting night action. Alignment unknown.
Negrek: Chesnaught/Mega Mewtwo Y. Role and alignment unknown.

Majora: Noivern. Role unknown, possibly targeting. Died N0, was in the mass deathpile. Innocent.
Eifie: Mega Houndoom. Role unknown, possibly targeting. Died N0, was in the mass deathpile. Mafia. A strange amulet was found on her corpse. Targeted ILS n0.
Wargle: Heliolisk. Role unknown. Died N0, was in the mass deathpile. Innocent.
Worst Username Ever: Klefki/Mega Gengar. Role unknown, possibly targeting. Died N0, was in the mass deathpile. Innocent.
Light: Aegislash. Unknown role, possibly targeting. Died N0, was in the mass deathpile. Innocent.
Superbird: Aromatisse. Healer with multiple side effects, of which one must be chosen every heal. Died N0, not in mass deathpile but not far from it either. Role, in conjunction with possible Captain, presumed to have caused mass deathpile. Innocent.
Alligates: Mega Kangaskhan. Copier, copied Superbird's role (signifying either that he was the first to die or the copied role was randomized or both). Innocent. Died n1.
(Note: "mass deathpile" refers to the presumable heap of Pokemon carcasses.)

Things aren't looking very good... Assuming there are 3 mafia members left, if we lynch incorrectly and the night kill goes through, we'll be matched the next day phase. If only one night kill happens we can still abstain safely, but that's really not a good option at the moment, I think. So.
(also I made this list fairly quickly so please point out any corrections to be made~)
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Just had a thought. Mai, who did you target last night? This might not be entirely helpful since if we lynch you for information, we'll be matched next day phase. If you reveal a mafia member, then we lynch them, and during the night assuming one night kill happens and you revive, we'll be ahead by one person again. But if you don't, then we're probably screwed.
Does anyone else have information to add? Or any plans of any sort?
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Just had a thought. Mai, who did you target last night? This might not be entirely helpful since if we lynch you for information, we'll be matched next day phase. If you reveal a mafia member, then we lynch them, and during the night assuming one night kill happens and you revive, we'll be ahead by one person again. But if you don't, then we're probably screwed.
Does anyone else have information to add? Or any plans of any sort?

Since your initial wording kinda confused me (probably not your fault, just a little bad at English-to-English translation today):

Today: Eight players alive. Five innocent, three mafia. Lynch me. Four innocent, three mafia.
Night: Mafia kill. Three innocent, three mafia.
Tomorrow: I revive. Four innocent, three mafia.

To be honest, I don't think that's the best idea :V If mafia win at match point, then they get that during the night phase, and there's no guarantee of anything... though I suppose whether I revive at the beginning or end of the night matters. There's a chance they can just kill me again, too - though I admit this is slightly biased by I-still-don't-like-dying-too-much.

I targeted VM, though. I don't think he's been as talkative this game as he usually is? Although looking at it, he's posted five times - I just felt that usually he's a bit more of a discussion leader.

I think we're at a bad enough point that we might want to start calling for claims - not the best strategy, as shown in sprites!mafia, but it might do. Pretending that being confirmed innocent gives me actual authority, VM and Zexion, you two should go first.

(Zexion because, as I noticed, he hasn't posted at all.)
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Yeah, that's about right.
I'm pretty sure the usual rule is mafia win when they outnumber innocents? Although of course it varies by gm, so. But I do agree that it's a risky plan.

Off the top of my head I don't think Zexion is usually very active anyway, but I would like to hear what he has to say.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

I didn't really want to claim during the first day because it would have been pointless for me. And I'm pretty hesitant to say too much now that our healer is dead, but seeing as Mai's pointed the finger at me, I should probably say something.

I am Zygarde, and I have an inforole. I didn't get any information on night zero, obviously, and the report I got last night wasn't too helpful either. Hopefully that is broad enough to not make me an immediate mafia target :V
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Considering that practically everyone else hasn't roleclaimed (and it would be unwise for the mafia to target ILS or Mai anyway), VM, I think you're going to be an immediate mafia target no matter how vague you are. At this point we probably want all the info we can get, so could you post your results anyway?
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Considering that practically everyone else hasn't roleclaimed (and it would be unwise for the mafia to target ILS or Mai anyway), VM, I think you're going to be an immediate mafia target no matter how vague you are. At this point we probably want all the info we can get, so could you post your results anyway?

Yeah, that's not very helpful at all, and pretty suspicious in itself???

Saying you have an inforole but not specifying what type doesn't help the town much at all, since you aren't giving any actual info, but it works as a good cover for being lynched, I think (because if someone else has an inforole: hey, you didn't say what kind! Maybe there are several inforoles!* And you don't want to lynch an inforole!). But Schrodinger's inforoles are just as/more? urgent for the mafia to deal with, since they don't actually know what they're dealing with.

* Metallica has had a lot of inforoles in his games lately, so having more isn't necessarily a suspicious thing, but.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Your updated list missed my (admittedly vague) claim.

I'd also like to hear from Zexion. VM's info would also be nice if only to lend a bit more credibility to his claim - "generic inforole but have no useful information" is about the most convenient roleclaim possible for a mafia member.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Fine. Considering I have no choice at this point, I may as well give the town what little info I can before I get offed by the mafia.

I'm monitoring those who destroy the ecosystem from deep in the cave where I live. I am the inspector. Night zero, I didn't use my action. Night one, I found Negrek to be innocent.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Well, I am Mega Heracross. My role is bodyguard. Thus far I haven't used my action; opted not to use it N0 and did not send an action in before time was called on N1.

I'll use my action tonight, if there is anyone specific we want to save. Sorta been scared to use it after the bloodbath on N0.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

VM, that info is actually quite useful, since it allows us to narrow down our list of suspects. Butterfree, you said you had some form of nighttime protection; can you use it to protect others?

Recently mafia members have been claiming bodyguard a lot, so Zexion's claim makes me very suspicious. Not to mention there was quite an important target to protect n1 (Alligates, likely our only healer left, and she /did/ die). And while no-one likes to die, the bodyguard makes sure that the more important ones don't die! Like that's literally their role. Being scared to use it since the bloodbath should therefore be no excuse (plus we'd already more or less puzzled out what happened, and it would almost certainly not happen again).

With that in mind, I think we should vote Zexion.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Well I did say that I wasn't able to send in a night action in time on N1 as well, mostly because I was out of town. :/
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Have VM inspect me tonight and it'll prove my innocence. That is if I don't die, either way I know I'm innocent, and y'all will find it out too.
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