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Grand Carnival

The Ring Leader smirks from under his hat, strolling around his carnival ground as the birds around him twitter and natter above. He was so pleased at the turn out for his show, of all the people he can pick from to replace his actors when they no longer hold the standard of their acts.

He can hear the people behind him mutter and mumble, not really caring what they were saying as long as they weren't planning treason while he pondered his acts. Twirling his cane in his hand, he stopped and looked at the audience. Something just wasn't right about this group of people, something that wouldn't fit well with their new job as part of his act.

He could see which one didn't fit. With a sly smirk, he taps his cane on the ground with a loud 'thump'. Suddenly the lights go out and the nervous talking is replaced with yelps of shock. Soon a blood-curdling death cry fills the space around them, the lights returning and focused on the Ring Leader.

Standing on the edge of the Audience box, he smirks down at the freshly impaled body of one of the members that say there.

"You just didn't fit in with my plans"

RK-9 is dead, he was Innocent.
48 Hours to send in Night actions.
The Ring Master stands in the centre ring. Where usually a sly smile or smirk lived, it was replaced by a frown. In his hand was a lifeless bird, devoid of movement or spark, with neither a scratch or dent on it to show it was hit. The Ring Leader was not pleased by this turn of events, seeing that someone in his own circus had ruined one of his prized toys.

But they won't be doing that for much longer, now will they. Oh no, they wouldn't be trying to ruin anymore of his toys. With a soft whisper from his son, he turns to one of his remaining crew with a glint in his eye. With a snap of his fingers, the lights go out and the audience is once again forced to listen to the sounds in the darkness.

A scream, a laugh and a thud.

The lights turn back on and the Ring Leader stands with a pleased smirk, foot on the freshly slain corpse and the bird in his hand regaining a new spark.

"You broke my toy, now you had to replace it. You've meddlesome whelp. I gave you a chance to shine in my circus and this is the thanks I receive? Pathetic, the lot of you. This is why I seek to replace you all. You are nothing but spoiled children that think they are done playing my little games."

A Illusionist is dead
A bird's soul was sent (donotlookatdiagram)
48 hours to lynch
Damn, the ringmaster has struck again... and the illusionist got rid of an innocent, too. Birds can't vote, can they?
Based on my calculations...
There are only three players left living.

I don't think we have a chance, with both of the Mafia alive.
Unless the birds can vote?
*signals that birds probably cannot vote,for they are birds*
*pecks the ringmaster's ear*
*Theme music!*

Look, Father! I think I've found the last of the mutinees! It's the freak!

Can I be the one to get rid of Legendaryseeker99, may I? I know you're the ringmaster and all, Father, but I can handle it! I didn't even look away when you got rid of the last one! Pleasepleaseplease?

He's the freakshow, so he won't even fight back. I promise I can do it! You know, I'm going to have to take over your post sometime... it would be better if I had experience! You know, so then I could help you assert authority when you train your new troupe! I would love to do it so much.

The Ring Master tilts his hat back and smiles at his son, a flicker of pride in his eyes. Indeed his son was right, he would one day take over the business and did need the experience in dealing with the acts that started to flail about as time moved on. Placing a hand on his son's shoulder, her hands him the cane.

"Yes my child, I think I will leave this one to you. Show our future brothers and sisters what happens when you don't get with the program. I'm sure they are fast learners."

The Son takes his father's cane and smiles down at the last member, withdrawing the sword from cane and stepping closer to the Freak that dared try to help the others escape.


The Ring Master tilts his hat back down, holding his hands out to his side, a wicked grin on his face. He gestures to the bodies that have been slain, laughing cheerfully. Looking up at the stands, he starts to whistle merrily as the birds flutter about.


Snapping his fingers, ropes from above fall down and coil around the dead bodies, hoisting them up to their feet and tying around their arms, legs and neck. Running his fingers over the rim of his hat, the bodies behind start to move about like puppets on stings. One by one they are put through their acts by the aide of the ropes.


The Son creeps ever closer to the Freak, blade shining in the low light of the carnival tent. The Freak scampers back, growling low in its throat as the brat walked close with the weapon. Swing its arm, it tries to discourage the child from his task, but fails when the Son swings his own arm and severing the Freak's hand. It cries out and clutches its arm to its chest, blood dripping on the floor.

"Aww...what's wrong. Did the little side-show get a little cut. Poor baby...let me put you out of your pain"


The Son suddenly lurches forward, voicing a madden laugh as he slashes at the Freak's hide. Though he is not as skilled as his father with the blade, slicing pieces from the Freak was a good time to learn a little sword fighting. The pained howls of the freak only heightened the Son's enjoyment. Piece by piece, the Freak is sheared down of its grotesque deformities. In a way it was ironic that the parts of it that were mutated by the spell and ultimately the very thing it wanted to be rid of was being sliced away by the brat. Finally, the Freak gave up and laid down to await the final stroke.

With a pleased grin, the Son walks over to where the Freak's head meets the body. Lifted the blade, he delivers the final blow by severing the head.


The Son skips over to his father, covered in the blood of the last traitor and handing the blade back to him. Take the blade and returning it to the cane, the Ring Master then turns to the people in the crowd, giving him a small bow as the corpses behind him continue their dance.

"Thank you for joining out Carnival this night. We hope you have enjoyed your stay here with us...and continue to enjoy it forever more."

Tapping his cane on the ground, more ropes fall down and grab the living members of the crowd, pulling them forward and into the mad dance of death around them. Placing his hand back on his Son's shoulder, he leans down and gives the boy a light kiss on the cheek.

"You've done be proud. You'll be a great Ring Master when I'm gone."


Mafia Wins.
Thank you for coming to the Dark Carnival, Brother.


Well that was quite the game now wasn't it. It would have gone better if more had joined, but say la vie I suppose. Now I'll post the log in a sec of how it all went down. Thank you for playing and i hope you enjoyed our little game.

Oh, and the final count down was brought to you by "Funhouse"
Ring Leader: Coloursfall
Son: Mai

Clown: Chief Zackary [Night 0: Bird]
Knife Thrower: Dark Aura [Day 1: Dead]
Tightrope Walker: donotlookatdiagram [Night 0: Bird][Night2- Sent]
Illusionist: Mystic [Night2- Bird]
Freak: Legendaryseeker99 [Day3: Dead]

Ticket Holder1: Hawke[Night 1: Bird]
Ticket Holder2: RK-9[Day2: Dead]

Night 0
-Knife Thrower offs the Tightrope Walker, they are now a mechanical bird
-Ring Leader kills the Clown and seals their soul into a mechanical bird
-Tightrope Walker inspects Illusionist

- The Knife Thrower was slain

Night 1:

Ring Leader offs the Ticket Holder1, they are now a bird.

-Ticketholder2 has been killed.

-Illusionist sends the Tightrope Walker to the after plain.
-Ring Leader kills the Illusionist, they are a bird.

-The Freak was killed.
- Mafia win.
You just had to lynch the vig, didnt you? (i'm serious, i thought i was targeting mai the first night. Havent a clue how that came up as donotlookatdiagram. O.O)

You just had to lynch the vig, didnt you? (i'm serious, i thought i was targeting mai the first night. Havent a clue how that came up as donotlookatdiagram. O.O)


Well, of course! Couldn't have you messing our plans, could we. Although I'm curious why you would vigkill me night one; not that it wouldn't be the correct thing to do in this situation, of course, but at the same time I never see the point in vigkilling night one.

Anyway, this was fun. And the art for the last update was extremely awesome! [/Casually tries to figure out what this would be like with animals]
I look at it this way;

If your innocent, most people kill you on night 0
If your mafia, then no one kills you, except for a vig, if any.

I thought that if you were innocent, it wouldnt matter becuase an experienced mafia player would target you, so then two people would target you.

If you were mafia, then l the ore better for the innocents.=P
Interesting train of thought, although if I'm mafia I usually don't go after the most experienced players first due to the chance of them being healed. *Shrug*
Well, then some person not so experienced but has seen this pattern woud go after you.


But, this means people kill you cause you're experienced....thats something. =P!
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