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loves to play Pokemon Black!
Greetings! :grin:
I am proud to be a member of this Forum.

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is James Nelson, and I and a long time Pokemon fan. (since Crystal :sunglasses:)

I am 12 years old, and I quite enjoy Pokemon Black. I'm a noob, (and I will not be offended if you call me one) and I really need help with my team.

Either way, thank you for accepting me as one of your own. :grin:

So you're twelve? I think that'd make you the second-youngest member here, as far as I'm aware.

I would recommend the Animé-Style Battling section to you. I hope you have fun here.
Hey n00b :D
Anyways, welcome to the forums of the mentally insane TCoD where bad good people will influence you in Pokemon!
Patar MEANT to say

"Anyways, welcome to the forums of the mentally demented TCoD where eeeevil people will influence YOUR LIFE!"

Isn't that nice.

Well, onto the real welcome.

I'm Mewtini! Or, now I'm Indigo, but I'll respond to both.

Go check out the Anime Style Battling sub forum!

Or something. Or Mafia...

If you even need some help around here, I'll be happy to help! ^^

Have a nice day~
Welcome, convert to Ponyism and the Roleplaying section. Please? Oh, and enjoy your stay here.



Hey n00b :D
Anyways, welcome to the forums of the mentally insane TCoD where bad good people will influence you in Pokemon!
Okay, let's not overdo it. I meant that i do not mind the non-l33t noob (noob). I find leetspeek n00b offensive.

Do not ask why...
Hey there,this is David,glad to join this forum and glad to meet you here,I look forward to getting some inspiration and getting to know all of you.
Heh, I don't like leet noob either! It looks all ugly with the numbers and...

Okay, I'm getting off-topic. Um, hi! Welcome to this location within the Vasterspace of the Internet. Enjoy your time here as you stare at a screen whilst simultaneously forming thoughts in your head and using your motor impulses and neurons within your brain to deliver the desire of these thoughts to your fingers and then press letters which create words and make communication!

In other, less complicated words, have loads of fun, yeah. :>
Heh, I don't like leet noob either! It looks all ugly with the numbers and...

Okay, I'm getting off-topic. Um, hi! Welcome to this location within the Vasterspace of the Internet. Enjoy your time here as you stare at a screen whilst simultaneously forming thoughts in your head and using your motor impulses and neurons within your brain to deliver the desire of these thoughts to your fingers and then press letters which create words and make communication!

In other, less complicated words, have loads of fun, yeah. :>


Are you doing Biology in college or something?
Oh...so it's newb...

That makes sense, since it's a shortened version of the word newbie, which is a portmanteau of the words new and baby (babie?), basically a baby gamer and...

Am I rambling?
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