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Grocery Store!


Among the few morons with straight A's.
Well, this is an idea for a game based on a couple posts I made on another forum. Basically, you'll post an item for the "grocery" list, and the poster below posts some weird reason about why they couldn't get it, but bought something else instead. Then they start over. Example:

Poster 1: Can someone buy me an alien at the grocery store?
Poster 2: I didn't get it because suddenly the store closed for demolition, but I got you a ball that looks like an eye instead. [Skip Lines and Insert New Request Here]

That's pretty much it, so just be as crazy as you want. So...

Will someone get me a monster at the grocery store?
I couldn't get it because the mother destroyed the store and took her babies, so I bought you monster eggshell that the manager was selling while standing outside of the store.

Can you get me a Giratina at the grocery store?
I would have, but as soon as I let it out of it's pokeball it flew away screaming bloody murder.

Would you mind getting some art supplys at the store for me?
I'm sorry, but oranges are now against the law, due to the people making orange juice. However, I did get you a Machop.

Hey, can you run over and get me an unidentified flying object?
Sorry, the level 100 Infernapes escaped their cages, so I got you a level 1 Chimchar.

Could someone buy me a pen at the grocery store?
Well, all the pens and ink in the world were stolen for some octopus cloning project, so all I could get you was this broken pencil

Speaking of pencils, how about someone gets me a pencil sharpener at the grocery store?
Sorry, all the pencil sharpeners in the world are being used to clog up a volcano. However, I did get you a giant Pixie Stix.

Can you get me Yakko Warner at the grocery store?
I tried to, but a clloector of the series got to the store before me. On the other hand I was able to pick up a crappy toy piano.

Kyaaaa, this piano sucks. Would somebody please go and get me a better more official looking electric piano?
I tried, but Dialga destroyed the store, so I got you a banana instead.

Can someone buy me a name changer?
I tried, but the grocery store changed its name to "Idiots 4 Sale", so I got a poster of the new sign.

Can someone PLEASE get an evil king as seen in Pokémon?
I'm sorry, but fangirls ran and took every one. But i did get a you a half-eaten chocolate bar.

Can someone get me a cartoonist at the grocery store?
Garfeild said he wasn't going to sell Jon, his cartoonist. Thus I had to buy you a lamp instead.... You can practice drawing it. :D

Would anybody mind picking up a mood ring at the store for me?
I'm sorry, but mood rings are being recalled because they cause cancer when they turn yellow (Heh...stole that from somebody's dream on another forum), so I got you a chihuahua, instead.

Would you mind to pick up Phoenix Wright at the grocery store?
Sorry, but there's this big jackpot, so when I tried to get a ticket, I got trampled. I did get you a burrito, however.

Can someone get me Godot at the grocery store? :D
I went to the store, but then I completely forgot what everything was, so I accidentally stole this rubber carrot for you. Don't worry, I payed later.

I'd really like a paper plate.
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