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Grocery Store!

Sure. *Hops into TARDIS, goes back in time, steals soap, gives soap*
It's old-fashioned soap made from animal fat.

I want England a nyan cat.
hehe sorry nya X3 the only creepy thing I have is the mokey mokey of doom so here ya go X3 *offers*

Can I have a key nya X3
I was going to, I swear, but when I got to the key shop they were all gone and I saw footprints that, well if Jurassic Park has taught me anything, kinda makes me think you probably look at a certain pet of yours...

Can I have some fun with my new dongle now?
hehe nope because I have something else which you can have fun with and it's a singing teddy bear nya so you can have that instead ^.^

Can someone get me something which will stop me thinking for a moment X3?
Sorry no can do xD all I supply here is purpley glowy paint but even I can't give you that so I'm just gonna have to hand you this pokemon eggy instead nya ^.^

Can I have something that will allow me to expand my room?
No, but you can have directions to find The Doctor. *gives* After you do, get him to let him travel with you and your room can be as biiiiiiig as you want.

I want an iPod Touch. Oh, and some money for popcorn.
You get one thing. So here be a an iPod touch soaked in butter. Happy Birthday.

I want a narwhal that can bake potatos, poop butterflies, and sing the song of a Zangoose.
I actually got the narwhal, but it had dry skin (dis)ability and died. Here is the corpse. *puts the corpse in front of you*

Can I have a roasted reaper?
Er, you might want to run, he's mad even after roasting me instead...

Can I have £15 so I can get that copy of Final Fantasy VI that I found the other day?
No, because if I actually get a pound instead of these stupid American dollars I will cherish it.

Can I have the Magic deck that I used to completely beat an expert on my first time playing the game? :D
Certainly, I shall fetch it right away.
*transforms into Houndoom and delves into Hades to go to the Store of the Unknowns*

Could somebody fetch me a Houndoom from the store?
*Goes to leave* Yeah, er... *Reads what happened to previous Houndoom* No, have this pile of casino chips from The Topps Casino...

Can I have all the Yu-Gi-Oh! Cards I need to complete my Decks?
I don't think I have them, so go buy then yourself.

Can I have an iPod Touch? Pleeeeeeease? With soup on top?
*runs off to fetch the Ipod Touch*
Umm, which soup do you want?
*looks all down the lists of Campell Soups.

Can somebody fetch the material nessasary for me to complete my ensemble? (not sure if I spelt that right...)
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