• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Guess who's back... Back again... Sal is back... Back Again...


Nyom Nyom Nyom
Guess who's back, Guess who's back, Guess who's back etc.

*Cheers from crowd*


*Wakes up*



Damn. I'm not famous.



I'm Sal(azard). I'm not a newbie. I'm an Oldbie who is back. Back again.
I play bass guitar... In a band. (www.myspace.com/welike8balls)
Anyway... I dunno what to say really... Please say 'Hi'! =D

(Btw, I invented 'drink Tea and eat CoD'! Does that make me famous?)
Hello and welcome. Does that mean you're aware about the forum crash? If you didn't, you know now and you know why you had to make a new account. People sometimes use the "drink Tea and eat Cod'" thing you claim to have invented, but people thinks it's old now so they never use it.

Anyways, welcome back, and I hope you have lots of fun.
I'm pretty sure he did. This guy is oldschool is fuck. Mirite.

But welcome back, bro.
hay Salazard
fancy seeing you here again
try and avoid stupid people as per usual
welcome back dude
I do vaguely remember you as a member, weren't you doing something with another member? Raicu, was it?

Anyway, welcome back, man.
Would you mean someone blue and stringy who wears red shoes?

(Major props to anyone who gets the reference.)

Anyway, welcome back!

Can I play? TF/Teeth
I haven't spoken to him for ages. xD

And mega thanks to everyone who has replied. ^^ Is nice to 'see some familiar faces' (Dunno what the forum equivalent would be xD), and to meet some new ones too. =]
!?!? :OOO

I remember; you and Tangelafan's movies were the shiz <3

Welcome back :D
Haha! Wasn't quite a series, more like an episode, a ton of shorts, and loads of scripted comics. xD We started a new series but that flopped when the animation started to take forever. I'll find some little clips if I can though if people are interested still! =P

Again, thanks for the nice comments and warm welcomes! That's why I keep coming back to this place. Haha!
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