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well, i mean, so would i ig. like, our wincon is to eliminate mafia, not. 3ps. and it’s also on the best interest of the mafia to prevent an alien win.if i were worried about an active alien i would simply not lynch them
i say this meaning that. the mafia would probably take care of him anyway because a) an alien win incurs in a mafia loss and b) apparently mf’s mafia wincons tend to be achieve parity/majority of the population in general, not 1:1 ratio with townand it’s also on the best interest of the mafia to prevent an alien win.
depends if she has watcher ability in the first placeif hypothetically negrek were to be a joat would one not
watch the alien whom it is in the mafia's direct interest to kill
if one of her abilities is watcher and it wasn’t used up, that is most definitely the best possible moveif hypothetically negrek were to be a joat would one not
watch the alien whom it is in the mafia's direct interest to kill
i see very little credibility, but it’s theremaybe i'm a dumbass but i really don't see any credibility in negrek's claim
ah, yes, joat stands for jack of most trades, ofcdepends if she has watcher ability in the first placeif hypothetically negrek were to be a joat would one not
watch the alien whom it is in the mafia's direct interest to kill
i wrote like a paragraph about it immediately after the line you quotedi’m going to insist on this, what few reasons are you referring to? because i can’t think of a single town-sided reason to do so
that’s not really what i’m saying. i was saying that their posts don’t look exactly like they did in tvt because they necessarily can’t. i imagine they’re asking for information more because like 90% of the mechanical discussion to be had in the game so far has been based on claim ambiguities?i really don’t see how one’s role within the same alignment would change how much information one requests from the others, but whatever ig.
this doesn’t make sense given that she’s claimed joat as jack says, but even if she was claiming vig this would still be a nonsensical trade for the mafia to make. reads more like you’re rationalizing ad hoc to suit your read here.if she’s mafia as i’m inclined to believe, she’s pretty much obligating the vig to out themself and counterclaim.
i think the real vigilante is laying among us and did not want to out themself.
our goal is to win, which is incompatible with an alien victory, so if you didnt have any solid scum leads (which negrek said she didn’t), it’s probably as good a shot as any tbh.well, i mean, so would i ig. like, our wincon is to eliminate mafia, not. 3ps. and it’s also on the best interest of the mafia to prevent an alien win.
that assumes Negrek is the kind of JOAT that has a watcher power (there are many JOAT variants and it's not worth trying to guess which one Negrek is -- it only helps mafia to publicize which powers she has and which powers she doesn't have)if hypothetically negrek were to be a joat would one not
watch the alien whom it is in the mafia's direct interest to kill
it’s in EVERYONE’S direct interest to kill the alien. if the activated alien is lynched, everyone else loses. i don’t think it’s that odd to just take care of it yourself if you have the power.if hypothetically negrek were to be a joat would one not
watch the alien whom it is in the mafia's direct interest to kill
bruh, we don't have that info. besides i've seen trackers on joats way more oftenwhy would you make a watcherless joat. it's such a common role
also, regardless of everything, imo it matters way more that negrek herself had said something incredibly consistent with her night action than what you think ideal play would have been in the event that she even has that abilitybruh, we don't have that info. besides i've seen trackers on joats way more oftenwhy would you make a watcherless joat. it's such a common role
also as the last joat in tcodf meta (iirc) i didn't have a watcher ability. this is kind of a weird train of thought
really not in the mood for this tbh, please chillooh, yeah, i have a really good defense for my argument!
fuck you.
you mean this?i wrote like a paragraph about it immediately after the line you quoted![]()
because that doesn’t implicate in. trying to get more information, at least in my head it does not. but w/e igthe only way his role could have possibly been of use at that point is if someone else figured out a way to make it useful and convinced him to follow that plan, which is exactly what negrek was trying to do.
i have a further reason i do not want to elaborate upon.i really just, don’t see any reason to particularly doubt this claim unless you already have reason to believe negrek is scum, and the provided reasons are really flimsy and circular. even if you suspect it’s fake, there’s no real grounds to assume that’s the truth with any degree of confidence.