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Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia 2 - Game Thread

myuma where are you

Here. Did you want to ask me anything?

@JackPK :

according to MF, "the character limit is my patience". Plus, I seem to have misunderstood my role PM; my non-badge ability only works on living players. The idea is they set a message before they get yeeted or otherwise offed. The above also explains the lack of messages in previous modposts. Sorry for the confusion.

Ok, thoughts on the kills + recent events.
- I'm not sure if we should be extrapolating that leaders of a certain type were responsible for the kills just based on flavour text. This especially goes for how Herbe/Cilan was beaten up; it seems like a fairly generic attack to me.
- That being said, the flavour text for Hydreigon/Volkner does seem significant. I don't have any specific thoughts on it for now, but it feels like something to look into.
- Could this be a town vs indeps game? Two of the dead are 3rd party, and the other is town. I also think it would make sense of the relatively strange behaviour from experienced players like Zori.
- On second thoughts, the existence of RNP's role suggests otherwise.
- I still think the Colorful Scatter scandal with Tofu is not something to get too worried about? To me it seems fairly believable that she had trouble articulating how the ability worked.
- Negrek thoughts: I can see why it comes across as a mafiosi trying to get information out of someone, but right now I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, seeing as they have a different playstyle to most players here. I'm going to see how they respond to rari's post before deciding if they're suspicious enough to vote for.
Oh yeah. Where did he admit it was fake? Not doubting that it happened, I just want to go and see the post.
why wouldn't it seem like something mafia would do tbh
and in particular, why does doubling back on the claim would it seem like something /town/ would ever do?
Well I was thinking about not asking for badges and the early claim. The way I see it is it's risky. Like RNP's supermiller claim, or because someone could cc her. And mafia would be at least somewhat interested in getting badges and/or not letting town get them. It's more similar to Zori's play if you ask me, except without the asking for badges. Also I think you misinterpreted me. I didn't mean that it was something town would do, just that a mafia playing the way she has been could potentially be a risk to their own team.
Well I was thinking about not asking for badges and the early claim. The way I see it is it's risky. Like RNP's supermiller claim, or because someone could cc her.
not if she really has the duplicator power, which she easily could even as mafia. i’m not sure this really means anything, and the fact that she later pointed to it as evidence of her own towniness when backed into a corner reveals a potential motivation for her to claim early as wolf.
also, negrek did end up posting a few minutes before you. where does that leave your stance on her?
also @ミ☆ ᴍyᴜᴍᴀ i forgot - what experience do you have with mafia?

Ignoring the accusation that she's mafia doesn't look great to me, though I think there is genuine frustration in that post. Chances are I'll vote for her at the end of the day if a better candidate doesn't appear; I may reconsider Tofu if I can be bothered to look at all the evidence again.

This is my third mafia game ever, I think. ^^ I didn't last very long in my previous one (Cats).
Well I was thinking about not asking for badges and the early claim. The way I see it is it's risky. Like RNP's supermiller claim, or because someone could cc her.
first thing (about the cc) - said this earlier, but we aren't doubting that her role isn't in part real; duplicator makes fine enough sense for mafia to have. in re: the early claim, we talked about this in our other post;
we think the early claim is sorta towny on its own, but not, like, especially so. and we're very much of the opinion that whatever town points it did win her were cancelled out and then some by this post, where she points to it as evidence of her own towniness. imo "if i'm mafia, why do i do THIS, huh!?" rarely feels good—very LAMIST vibes and i think these thoughts occur to wolves more often than town.
i also would argue that her comments about the badges are like ... NAI? fwiw the early claim/badgestance are clearly working, and i think it's plausible for scum to say "don't give me badges" if it a) isn't something they need, b) makes them look towny, or c) both.

sorry if i'm being curt, but i'm honestly getting sort of frustrated because i feel like people aren't really engaging with what we've posted and instead keep glossing over it
please elaborate on your think react tbh, very curious where the perceived contradiction is in the fact that if tofu is mafia she’s probably still a duplicator, meaning she did not run the risk of being cc’d
I'm almost at the point of wondering if there's an ingroup at all, though maybe it's a bit premature to be thinking about that.
... why?
we haven't had any outgroup flips
Sorry, "ingroup" was not quite the right word. What I meant is "coherent mafia faction", i.e., basically the the same thing as myuma just suggested, that there's just the town and a whole load of third parties. Like I said, though, I don't think I'm necessarily at the point of really believing this, it's just speculation for now.

I'm not, however, convinced by this:
um, no? because town wincon confirms there's mafia? 🧐
What about the town wincon do you think confirms the existence of a mafia faction? Because I'm looking at it now, and I'm not seeing it at all. I suppose it's just about possible that Mampers phrased different people's wincons differently, but that would be an exceptional level of bastardry.

(Currently preparing thoughtposts on the nightkills and Tofu.)
What about the town wincon do you think confirms the existence of a mafia faction? Because I'm looking at it now, and I'm not seeing it at all. I suppose it's just about possible that Mampers phrased different people's wincons differently, but that would be an exceptional level of bastardry.
the part that says we win when all scum are dead? scum does mean “independents,” it means mafia. in a town vs independent setup it would likely say “opposing factions” or something instead. idk why we have to question the very basic foundation and semantics of the game every time for no reason tbh. 😬
What about the town wincon do you think confirms the existence of a mafia faction? Because I'm looking at it now, and I'm not seeing it at all. I suppose it's just about possible that Mampers phrased different people's wincons differently, but that would be an exceptional level of bastardry.
the part that says we win when all scum are dead? scum does mean “independents,” it means mafia. in a town vs independent setup it would likely say “opposing factions” or something instead. idk why we have to question the very basic foundation and semantics of the game every time for no reason tbh. 😬
Oh, good, it does actually say the same thing for you. thank god. big TL on you for that.

I don't agree at all about your interpretation, though; IME "scum" is just a synonym for "anti-town" (example), which usually just means the mafia but could also include third-party roles that don't win with town. I don't really understand why this is a point of contention.

To be crystal clear, again, I'm not at the point of actively believing "no mafia faction" to be the case just yet - I'm just a bit raised-eyebrows about 2/3 of our flips so far being 3p, and I'm not aware of any information that explicitly contradicts it.
Okay, sorry. I don't know if I'll be able to return to actually play later, but obviously I can't stop thinking about this and at least I can clear up one thing. I killed Herbe last night, using Alakazam's psyshock. I don't think you should be too literal about flavor. Best guess with Hydreigon is the mafia wanted a kill that would say basically nothing, or they did in fact believe he was a roleblocker, or maybe it's yet another 3p with some kind of kill related wincon who saw an easy target that wouldn't be worth much information.


Could this be a town vs indeps game? Two of the dead are 3rd party, and the other is town. I also think it would make sense of the relatively strange behaviour from experienced players like Zori.

real answer:
um, no? because town wincon confirms there's mafia? 🧐
No... it... doesn't? It doesn't reference the presence of a mafia at all. Unless I'm misunderstanding a term definition. I don't know if I feel like ~four mafia and two 3p (or maybe three and three or something) feels more likely to me than oops all third party. A second kill last night makes me lean more towards some number of mafia a bit, but again, it's also possible there's one or more other 3p with some kind of conditional kill ability, as Zori apparently was, who managed to get a shot off instead.

Ugh. Apologies. I'll be back in a few hours if I feel better about things.
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