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I think the answer to this is (...probably) that they were nightkilled on N0, but we didn't realise that and tried to yeet them anyway.So... did @Hydreigon25 actually die?
sorry, almost overlooked this. also curious how you know this, if you're comfortable sharing.Also, there's apparently a role which gives Guns in this setup!
He was not mafia. (my bad for forgetting)John Laurens is dead.
I totally forgot that D1 had already startedat any rate, glad to see you around! were you actually offline for D1, or just unable to talk due to role shenanigans? and if the former, have you caught up? always curious to hear any thoughts you have :D
I've received a PM saying that I've got one ^^ (There's a chance of it not actually being a real Gun, of course)sorry, almost overlooked this. also curious how you know this, if you're comfortable sharing.
What did it do instead, then? Maybe that tells us more about the roles the Mafia could have?so i activated an ability and
it did not do what it was supposed to do
i would rather not answer thatWhat did it do instead, then? Maybe that tells us more about the roles the Mafia could have?so i activated an ability and
it did not do what it was supposed to do