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Happy Pi Day!

I don't even really know what pi is. :D

Ooooh, I know this! It has something to do with circles! Figuring out diameter/radius, maybe? And the number is gotten by dividing 22 by 17. Or something.

(I haven't taken a maths class in 6 years, gimmie a break)
Ooooh, I know this! It has something to do with circles! Figuring out diameter/radius, maybe? And the number is gotten by dividing 22 by 17. Or something.

(I haven't taken a maths class in 6 years, gimmie a break)


Also, Area of a Circle is pi times radius squared, and circumference is 2 times pi times radius or pi times diameter

C=2(pi)r or (pi)d

On another note, we had pie in math class today. Various people brought in around five pies in total.
Yay, happy Pi day! Unfortunately, I didn't have math class today, and I'm not eating any pie. :<

On a happier note, what I know of pi: 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286089986280348 ... I calculated it once and I think that's between 70-80 digits. The 6th graders at the math competition I helped out at today each only knew around ten, usually up to the first 897 or so.
I only know 3.14159(2?).

On the whole tau thing, I'm not convinced that it's even remotely necessary. Students particularly invested in the whole thing will just note that the number of radii in a circle is 2*pi due to Archimedean tradition (as far as I understand it, correct me if I'm wrong) and move on. Students who are just trying to pass because they find mathematics distasteful won't really care and I'm sure that tau will confuse them just as much as 2*pi.

You could just re-teach the unit circle using (oh god please don't yell at me if there are mistakes because this is weird):
sin(0) = 0
sin(2*pi/12) = 1/2
sin(2*pi/8) = sqrt(2)/2
sin(2*pi/6) = sqrt(3)/2
sin(2*pi/4) = 1
et cetera and the kids would just do the exact same thing: memorize some stuff the teacher is spouting. I suppose tau might be prettier, but I don't think it's solving anything. In any case, it's opposing the tradition which is probably a pretty mighty obstacle.

I also kind of oppose, but for no good reason, that mathematics "should" be graceful or beautiful. As if traditional notation or representation of certain values is equivalent to mathematics? I don't know. In any case, I think the very fact that numbers like pi and phi are irrational is a counterpoint to the thought. But I'm no mathematician.

(Note on Archimedean tradition: if I recall correctly, pi was thought of initially as the ratio between the areas of the circles, so why introduce tau when we're using pi as the catch-all circle number due to that? Why introduce something new to deal with radii? Am I just interpreting this incorrectly because it's almost my bedtime?)
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