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Has Pokemon ever embarrassed you?

Drifloon Rocks

Honey, please don't eat the rancid dung.
So I have a funny story. Our family went to the zoo last year. At the time, I didn't know that white tigers existed. And in the tiger section were several orange tigers and a single white one. Immediately, I yelled "Look! A Shiny tiger!" My dad was the only one who knew what I was talking about and said "No, David. That's a white tiger." I felt like an idiot.
LMFAO!!! XD That's awesome!!!!

The only embarassing thing I can think of is that I used to think that dogs and cats were pokemon >.<
The Day Care couple embarrased the heck out of me, as well as the Galactic HQ sign.

Oh yeah, and when I learned that female Numel and Camerupt had bigger humps xP That made me close down the Internet window.
Yeah. That "No one knows for sure if the Pokemon have the eggs. No one knows where they come from" attitude. XD LOLLERBLADES!
Once, during an English test, I was very distracted by something and instead of "butterfly" I wrote "butterfree"...
When my teacher asked me why I wrote that, I blushed and couldn´t answer.
That was very embarrasing...
Well, once in science I was supposed to write down "humans and dinosaurs never lived together". Instead of "dinosaurs", I started to write "Pokemon". I fixed my mistake immediately and no one noticed, but I was still somewhat embarrassed.

I thought I lost my Sapphire on the bus. I scrambled everywhere looking for it, and people gave me weird looks... and it ended up being next to me the whole time. Heh.
I once called a monarch butterfly a shiny Butterfree, and called some passing pigeons Pidgeys. And occasionally I will seriously mistake the word 'splash' when I'm swimming, and immediately think of a Magikarp.

And numerous other slips, but I can't think of them at the moment :[
Science projectesque, 10th grade, 2:14 AM:

"A prevalent class of phylum vertebrae is aves, the class of birds including modern dinosaurs, cardinals, herons, and various other Crobat."

This is why procrastination is bad.
Wow. Some of these are amusing... Sorry for laughing at what may be misfortune.

When I was... seven or something, I cried in Wal*Mart near the entrance because I'd lost my Red version. I probably embarassed my family a bit.
Once when I was little my family took this tour the a forest in Pennsylvania and the tour guide said Pokemon lived in the woods. I believed him.
I have the soundtrack to Pokemon the First Movie, and so naturally it is on my computer and on my MP3. Not that I listen to it anymore.

My "friend" (not really, he's a bit of an asshole) was looking at my MP3 and was like WTF? Pokemon?
Ya once my step dad commented on how Pokemon was childish. It embarrsed me. There is one thing I have to give credit for my mom though. At least she understands that it's not stupid for me to like Pokemon.
When my friends found out I played Pokemon a few years back, they made fun of me for like a month. XP
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When I first got Pokémon Yellow (First game!) I got stuck at the old man in Viridian City. I told my Dad to take it back to the shop. I think he went online and found out how to get through. He did it for me. I also got him to help me against Lt. Surge. I was 5, but when I look back at it, it is quite embarrassing. My Dad now knows almost nothing about Pokémon, and it feels kind of weird that he helped me.
I was seven. Secretly took GameBoy to school with Pokémon Red (my favourite game). I think I lost GameBoy on bus. Bus is gone. I cry. GameBoy is in bag with Red inside. Grounded for bringing GameBoy to school. Embarassment.
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