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Has Pokemon ever embarrassed you?

in third grade, I brought my gameboy and leafgreen game to school. I played it on the way home on the bus, and my mom found out i brought it to school. I was not aloud to bring gameboy to school, and wasn't aloud to play it for two days. Not very embarressing, but it was the only thing i could think of.
More than once has one of my friends blurted out that I like Pokemon but luckily people forgot. Also, one of my dad's friends who lives near us found out I liked Pokemon and he randomly blurts it out in public now.

I forget who said the thing about drawing a Charizard but I had something similar happen. I like to draw creatures. Not Pokemon (which I also like to draw) but creatures. (Points to avatar for example) They kind of are like Pokemon but not Pokemon and they are of my design. Anyway, I was drawing one in class one day and this annoying girl who thinks she's all that and a bag of potato chips comes up behind me and says, "Hey look it's Pokeman. I think that one's Charizard." The creature I was drawing didn't even have freakin wings! Not really embarrassing but it really ticked me off.
Ugh. I really hate it when people do that. I was drawing a Lugia during class and the girl I mentioned earlier blurted out "What's that Pokémon you're drawing? Is it a bird?" for the whole class to hear.

... And similar things happened. Another time with Pikachu, Mewtwo, and many others.
No, because where I live, everybody seems to like Pokemon.

I've never had any trouble with liking it. My friends are somewhat cool.
Second grade. art class. I was randomly doodling, and the doodle looked a bit like a noctowl. I continued the Noctowl, proud of myself. But then the art teacher picked it up, said it was a exellent drawing, and showed the pokemon-hating class it. She didn't know what it was and she asked me. I had to tell the entire class.
Fortunetly I didn't get into trouble in said class. It's still in the hallway though.
But that was second grade. I'm entering sixth, and people still bug me about it...:freaked:
I used to think Pokemon Plushies were real Pokemon, and I used to talk to them at the store. o_o Then a employee asked me what I was doing...
I'm only embarassed when I'm talking about it with my friends and some idiot overhears us and laughs at us. I mean seriously, what makes Pokemon so much more childish than Mario, Zelda, or any other game? Maybe people think it's for little kids because it's a rediculously complex RPG or because it's about capturing mutant animals and making them fight eachother to the point of unconsciousness. O.O
My friends aren't crazy about Pokémon, but they can tolerate my occasional babbling on the subject. They don't poke fun at me for it (except for one...), and I'm greatful for that.
No personal embarassment that I can think of. Perhaps some silly incidents as an elementary schooler when it entered that phase when folks started hating on it. Mostly just me getting pissed when someone mocks someone else for liking it. I myself stopped bringing it up at school outside of friends who like it too, and folks who won't mind.

Unrelated, but someone at my school called Magic: the Gathering childish. I didn't even go WTF, I just kind of went O_o. You can lump anything that's for actual children in with YGO and Pokemon, but Magic?
one time in 3rd grade i was sitting there minding my own buissenss*or drawing charizard*
and someone shouts "Hey your drawing pokemon!" soon everyone started to laugh!
that was just wrong....
I can't remember a time really... but I remember something about calling a bee a Beedrill. And slipped up and called a sparrow a Spearow. Butterfree as well. And the first time I played a Pokemon game on a bus... and had no idea what I was doing. >_> I walked two steps, found a Weedle, and gave it back to the kid, and I was all excited and stuff. He told me he had it already. I found out a year or so later how dumb that was.

And yeah, that's about all I can think of.
What's with all the people being grounded for bringing Pokemon games to school? I have and played them on the bus since fifth grade, and my parents don't care. I'm afraid I'll be in the middle of a battle without saving beforehand when getting to school, though... ouch. That happened to a friend of mine once. And I'm paranoid about losing my Pokemon games. Never got caught by any teachers, though. >:D

I also don't get the whole being embarrassed when people found out you like Pokemon thing. I carry Pokemon stuff with my everywhere at school, and if they don't like it they can go Muk themselves. xD

So yeah, that's why Pokemon virtually never embarrasses me. I say if someone would make fun of you for liking something they don't, they are NOT your friend and never will be, and are stupid and not worth your time.
Why does it matter if people know you like Pokemon? If you're confident about it and pretty zen, people will leave you alone about it.

I can't think of anything particularly embarrassing that I've gone through involving my fondness for Pokemon.
I'm never really embarrassed about Pokemon. [/lie]

The only time that I felt slightly embarrased was when I found out that someone found my used Silver version and put it in the lobby at my school. My friend, who still likes Pokemon Gold and Silver, was going to take it before he found out that it was mine. I was embarrassed because I thought someone else in the school may have seen it.
It doesn't really embarrass me as such, it actually makes people laugh. Including myself.

Sometimes, if I see someone who's relatively big, I'll randomly shout `A WILD SNORLAX APPEARED!'

Then I feel stupid :(
Umm when I was like 3 I used to pretend I was a pokemon alot I did this until i went to kindergarten, then one kid asked me a question , I said myuu and everyone made fun of me,I was really embarrassed:sweatdrop:
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