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Has Pokemon ever embarrassed you?

When I first got Pokémon Yellow (First game!) I got stuck at the old man in Viridian City. I told my Dad to take it back to the shop. I think he went online and found out how to get through. He did it for me. I also got him to help me against Lt. Surge. I was 5, but when I look back at it, it is quite embarrassing. My Dad now knows almost nothing about Pokémon, and it feels kind of weird that he helped me.
A similar thing happened to me in not Pokémon, but Chrono Trigger. He - that is, my Dad - figured I was walking counter-clockwise in the End of time, which is why I always failed at that.

Pokémon... A guy said he found a paper of mine with the Unown on it, and said he put it on youtube. He's really mean like that... Ah well, I'll probably never see him again.
I was trying to talk really fast to my parents, and I accidentally said "Cyrus" instead of "popcorn". They didn't notice. (Hey, I was reading a fanfic.)
Never embarrassed me. XD Actually, when some idiots last year made fun of me for playing Pokemon (during the invisionfree days), well, instead of losing my cool like I normally would, I actually tried daring them to come to the forums and say that on the guest boards because I wanted to see them and their stupid arguments blow up in their faces

Alas, they never came D:
Never embarrassed me. XD Actually, when some idiots last year made fun of me for playing Pokemon (during the invisionfree days), well, instead of losing my cool like I normally would, I actually tried daring them to come to the forums and say that on the guest boards because I wanted to see them and their stupid arguments blow up in their faces

Alas, they never came D:

Once I accidentally said Furret instead of ferret. And on another occasion I said Pokemon instead of animal. That's all I can think of, but I'm sure there's more.
I decided to bring My Silver Version to school one day. I fell asleep. When I checked my pocket's it wasn't there. I literally had a very bad panic attack and was literally looking around on the bus. Then I realized it was in the pocket on my shirt.

I've numerously mistaken certain animals for Pokewmon names like Furret.

Pokemon wouldn't have been embarrassing if stupid Yu-Gi-Oh hadn't decided to come out.
I decided to bring My Silver Version to school one day. I fell asleep. When I checked my pocket's it wasn't there. I literally had a very bad panic attack and was literally looking around on the bus. Then I realized it was in the pocket on my shirt.

Wouldn't you notice the big lump in your shirt?
Caught doodling a Charizard in Spanish class, "Oh, look it's a pokeyman"

Not really embaressing but it ticked me off >.>
I was playing my Diamond version at middle school when I was in 8th grade. Another 8th grader [one of those Mexicans (no offense to any Mexicans) who acts like a gangster] came and started to make fun of me. That really hurt my feelings.
Never embarassed me.

I embarassed myself, though. Randomly stated how far I was in Pokemon Gold in first grade. ^^;
Pokemon Yellow. Oh god, Pokemon Yellow.

-I was five, and it was my first time playing. I couldn't get out of the house. Opened the menu, pressed exit, nothing happens. I go to my cousins house and she shows me to walk out through the "rug". I owe her one.

-"Hey! Ash could beat Onix with Pikachu, why can't I! D:"

-I thought repeatedly healing at the Pokemon Center would make me stronger.

-I let my brothers beat most of it for me (getting through difficult parts, catching legends, etc.)

-I actually let some random kid do Lavender Tower for me, even though it's simple.

-It took me 105 hours to beat it

-I beat Gold before I beat it
One of my friends called me a Pokemon lover in front of a bunch of other high schoolers, even though I only had Diamond at that time, and he had almost all of them since Ruby/Sapphire. He also made fun of my favorite Pokemon. He is no longer my friend. :evil:
I'm on the bus with my 5 year old cousin. Me attempting to convince him that Lopunny is not Dragon-type, contrary to what his toy Pokedex says. He screams,

Everybody staring at me, and some laughing at me. I wanted to strangle somebody, I really did.
Everyone always asks why I like Pokémon/Pikachu so much. I used to try to explain, but I stopped, since that makes me even more embarrased. See, I received a Pikachu plushie from my little sister a while back and put it in my school bag. The next day, I was looking for a textbook and found it in my bag, and unfortunately, this girl I do not get along with was behind me when I pulled it out, and asked loudly (we were in a crowded hallway) why I had a stuffed Pikachu in my bag.

I try to keep low now, but everyone still asks that question. At least my friends are fine with my obsession.
Everyone typically knows that I like playing Pokemon, so I've been embarrassed minimally.

However, there have been multiple times where I've typed/written Spearow instead of sparrow. That one is a fun one to explain.
Not really, no. Once when I was little I'd been looking throguh a picture about garden birds with my Gran and I saw a sparrow in it, later I was asking her about the birds and i accidentally said 'Spearow'.

Also, I have no idea how people could mistake the pronunciation as 'Pock-uh-man', even though looking throguh this thread it seems to happen numerous times. Why and how?
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