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Have you ever met a famous person?

Oh yeah I guess technically I kind of met Hulk Hogan at the JAA finals. I think I shook his hand or something, anyway.

seriously why the hell did they ask Hulk Hogan to MC a Pokémon tournament

Hulkamania and Pokémania run wild brother. I think it was done to increase Hulk's paycheck, he needs a little extra here and there.
Not world-famous, I guess, but I've met my share of relatively famous people. Let's see. Practically all of Laibach who sort of are world famous I guess, Slavoj Žižek who definitely is... Oh, a fair few political leaders, too. President of Ireland, former president of Slovenia (I am sort of cheating, he was my uncle), my parents have met the Queen... That's all that anyone else would recognise, I guess.

eta: oh and I know every person in Slovenia who is both famous and intellgent
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I remember when my gran was round one time she dragged me off to church (this was quite a few years ago when I was younger so wasn't much I could do to resist hahaa). During the service they do this thing where you're supposed to shake hands with the people in the pews nearby you and wish peace and goodwill upon them. I was doing that, and I suddenly found myself shaking hands with Tony Blair. Hadn't realised that as our church was closest to Chequers he'd probably be going there loll.

I've also literally bumped into Sophie Dahl before, wasn'tlooking where I was going in my local train station and ran into her >_<
I met Satoshi Tajiri in the 2006/7 Pokemon world championship Trading Card Game(TCG) Tournament in California(or the 07/08 in Hawaii, but I think it was 06/07, and I know it wasn't 05/06 California championship), I got him to sign me cards by learning how to say "thank you" as a way of thanking someone you respect, in japanese, he's a nice guy!(he even dresses casual too!)
... yah that's it for me!:grin:if you don't know who Satoshi Tajiri is, you should look it up... seriously... like now...-ish
You lucky whore, I can't believe you got to meet Satoshi-sama!

Not world-famous, I guess, but I've met my share of relatively famous people. Let's see. Practically all of Laibach who sort of are world famous I guess, Slavoj Žižek who definitely is... Oh, a fair few political leaders, too. President of Ireland, former president of Slovenia (I am sort of cheating, he was my uncle), my parents have met the Queen... That's all that anyone else would recognise, I guess.
Yeah, but the President of Ireland has no political power.

The -dono suffix means lord.
That's a...novel translation, it's just to show great respect.

Anyway, I was in a pub in England with my parents and my sisters were gone staying at our cousins who lived in the same town we were staying (Christchurch I think) when in walks Justin Hawkins and the Darkness! Turns out Mama Hawkins is from Christchurch! So I got his autograph and the drummer and I had a little chat.

Then let's see, I've met Darren Shan, dun know if anyone here reads his books, but yeah, met him at a book signing.

And...hmmm...I saw whom I believe to be Sebastién Foucan but didn't meet him or anything. That's about it.
or just skip using japanese altogether because this is an english forum
i wanted to say something like that but i thought people would be all 'UR INTOLERANT OF OTHER CULTURES' and i don't feel like dealing with bullshit right now
but yeah what you said

Oh yeah, my mum met the Potuguese Prime Minister when he went to make a surprise speech at her job. And I could've gone too if she'd invited me to that cocktail party ):

Oh oh and I spotted William Tai (Malik) at a mini comic convention thing. No one here knows him but he's a pretty famous Belgian comic artist.
I'm kind of boring, I don't get to see a lot of famous people. Except for Bill Nye, but only people in North America will have heard of him (probably excluding mexico though). He did this awesome children's science show that i still watch sometimes on tape was extremely awesome and I was all thrilled to shake his hand and talk for a few moments (or rather he talked to my dad a few moments before moving on).

I hate you people that met him. That was the best show ever when I was a kid. The only famous people I've met are people I don't care about in the slightest booo. D<
Uh, a few authors; Jodi Picoult (she liked my scarf :3), Michael Morpurgo, Beverly Naidoo and I'm sure there are some others I'm forgetting.

I got Derren Brown to sign a book for me after I saw one of his shows, too.

Oh, and I met a bunch of people from Muse at a friend's party (they come from the same town as me), but I didn't recognize them at all X3
I don't think I've ever met anyone famous. I once sorta saw the governor of the state I live in, but that's about it.

Bill Nye the Science Guy~
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