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Hayao Miyazaki's movies


emotionless and cold as ice
I'm sure everyone here has at least heard of one of this guy's movies. Totoro, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Howl's Moving Castle, Kiki's Delivery Service, Ponyo, Castle in the Sky...

So who likes Miyazaki's stuff? Which one's your favorite? I've really been wanting to re-watch a lot of it lately, so I think it's what a majority of my birthday money will go toward. I watched Howl's Moving Castle for the first time recently and loved it. I really need to see Castle in the Sky and Nausicaa.

(The rest of Studio Ghibli can come too, if you'd like, but I haven't really seen any non-Miyazaki stuff. Grave of the Fireflies is on my to-watch list.)

I've seen Princess Mononoke twice and Spirited Away four times. Princess Mononoke is my favorite. Really do have to see the rest.

Grave of the Fireflies is lovely.
I've only seen Princess Mononoke. The best movie out there, and I also need to see the rest.
Oddly, I've seen all of the above except Princess Mononoke and Grave of the Fireflies.

I've also seen Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind and The Cat Returns, which is my favorite. I believe that's from Studio Ghibli.

I also really liked Ponyo for some reason. :3
The Cat Returns

Yes. I love this movie. Sure it's got quite an obviouse Mary Sue in it and the storyline is a bit over done, but I just like it. Maybe t's the cat element, I dunno.

OH. YEAH. MIYAZAKI. Well I've seen everything mentioned here so far except for Ponyo which I really want to see. Spirited Away is ranked high on my favorite movies list, it's really nostalgic for me and the art is simply awesome.
I'm a big fan of Miyazaki, his films are just so fanciful and great. X3
Lol, Castle In The Sky's the only one I watched, and it was pretty cool. Gotta watch the rest, this guy seems to be a stellar scriptwriter/animator/whatever else.
I've seen and do own the Chinese versions (with Japanese as an option, but not English) all the movies, except for 'The Cat Returns'.

I'll say my favourites would be 'Princess Mononoke' and 'Pom Poko'. I'll place 'Only Yesterday' and 'Ponyo' high on my list, as well as 'Spirited Away' and 'Howl's Moving Castle', but I've seen the latter two so many times now (especially 'Spirited Away') that they've become a bit boring for me.
I grew up on My Neighbor Totoro. Fox Dub for the win!!

Castle in the Sky is another favorite of mine... makes me feel nostalgic. I only first saw it a couple years ago but it made me feel this... kind of happy sad emptiness. Like I saw it too late? Something's missing? I dunno. It's really odd.

Howl's Moving Castle is what made me rediscover Miyazaki, though. There was a review for it in an issue of People magazine opposite of a folding ad, so it was the first page I'd flipped to. I thought it looked interesting, looked into it, and fell in love. Up until then I hadn't realized that Howl's Moving Castle was directed by the same guy that did My Neighbor Totoro...

... and also the same guy who wrote that manga there was an ad for in an old Pokemon manga I had when I was little. Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind has to be my favorite work of Miyazaki's, hands down. As far as his movies go, Howl's and Totoro are kind of tied.

I've yet to see Ponyo, but my mom has seen part of it online and she says it's very good. I really need to go find it.

Also, I have a box of Howl's stuff. :v The novel, some figurines, the "Art of" book, Turnip Head keychain, Calcifer charms, and the magazine I first read about it in...

I've also seen Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind and The Cat Returns, which is my favorite. I believe that's from Studio Ghibli.

Yeah. The Cat Returns isn't Miyazaki, and neither is Whisper of the Heart, the movie that the cat is from... which is in turn based on a manga, I dunno how that all works out. They are Ghibli though, and I do adore Whisper of the Heart.

Now that you've watched Nausicaa, go read it. Like, now.
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I've seen most of the Ghibli movies, certianly all of the "mainstream" ones. They're absolutely stellar <3
My favourite is probably Howl's Moving Castle, though I adore My Neighbour Totoro, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away and Kiki's Delivery Service. And all the others that aren't on my favourites list are still damn awesome. The only Ghibli movie I've seen that I didn't absolutely love was Tales from Earthsea, which... I dunno, lacked Hayao's magic. Grave of the Fireflies (I'm not the only one who always calls it Cave of the Dragonflies, am I?), was one of the saddest films I've ever seen, but it was still utterly beautiful. I really like the music in all the films, and how, if something's not mean to be pretty (like the Witch of the Waste in HMC), they really don't make it pretty. But the locations are almost all absolutely gorgeous and the animation is brilliant.

I also love how Miyazaki writes awesome female characters :D
Howl's Moving Castle is amazing. <3 I'll have to read the novel sometime. (I was actually really surprised when I found out it wasn't Miyazaki's original concept, because the whole movie is like, right up his alley.)
The novel is great~ Um. Princess Mononoke is my favourite, and I've seen... 1/2 of My Neighbour Totoro, 1/2 of Grave of the Fireflies (which is just too sad. D:), all of Spirited Away and... yeah. Haven't seen Howl's Moving Castle, so I need to buy both it and the book, reread the book and then watch the movie immediately afterwards. x3
howl's moving castle was okay as a novel. i've not yet seen the movie, but i remembered enough to be able to say that it follows it pretty accurately.

my neighbor totoro is probably my favorite movie, ever. i grew up on the fox dub, too! crappy voice acting hollaaaaaa
howl's moving castle was okay as a novel. i've not yet seen the movie, but i remembered enough to be able to say that it follows it pretty accurately.

my neighbor totoro is probably my favorite movie, ever. i grew up on the fox dub, too! crappy voice acting hollaaaaaa

Awesome Catbus sounds hollaaaaaa

In the movie Howl doesn't get drunk at his rugby club reunion, actually the real world doesn't exist ): He gets to turn into a kickass bird though
Awesome Catbus sounds hollaaaaaa


having watched the sub, i can't stand what they did to totoro and the catbus. i'm not generally anal about sub vs. dub, but i just.. cannot accept this. but i can accept that you do.. i'm not trying to be an ass or anything about it.

i haven't watched most miyazaki movies, though.. spirited away, totoro, and nausicaa are the only ones i've seen all of. i love them all though, enough to know that i'd want to see the rest.
Oh, Totoro does sound better in the original- I haven't actually watched it subbed. D:; First time I ever heard the originals. embarrassment

I like the Fox dub catbus the best though. It actually sounds like it's part bus. Like if a bus meowed, I think it'd sound like the Fox catbus.
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