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HeartGold And SoulSilver

I'm seeing a lot of 'THEY CHANGED IT NOW IT SUCKS' About the female chara. :/ If she was the female chara in a new game completely I bet there would be way less people complaining about her.

I see nothing wrong with change. The female PC is adorable.
Does Ho-oh look remotely golden to you? Lugia silver?
Yes :/

I guess you have a point there, I forgot all the games are named after a metal or color or something. But I don't really think of hearts red(well, yes I do but) and souls silver.
There gonna have the Johto part in this, amirite? I was really hoping I could do that.
I'll probably get soul silver and cyndaquil, makes life easier, :P, however, I'll probably just dive right towards eevee once I get the chance.
The only real problem with the girl is her overalls. I won't play transgender though. Don't worry, Nintendo will get plenty of complaints about her design to worry about... xD
hey gaisth it's a gs remake not a crystal remake
hence why there is no kris !!
but y'know i hate her design (stupid dorky hat) so i'll just play as gold because he's cool looking
I'd be perfectly fine with the new girl's design if she didn't have her crappy looking hat and overalls...and if she had blue hair.
Never really seen the old look for the girl in GSC, but this one, looks like one of those ranchers in D/P, get rid of the straps and she'd look ok, and maybe a little less bulge on the hat
I'm fine with the girl character. I was a little disappointed it wasn't and updated version of Kris, but I'll get over it. I'm disappointed that they're outfits aren't slightly synchronized as they have been previously though... Anyone ever notice that the girl character is never featured in the screen shots?

Anyway, I am still really excited for this game and I can't wait for it to come out.
I actually kinda like the girl character. She has a pretty distinctive look, as well as continuing the tradition of unique hats (maybe both Kris and May had bandanas or something?)

My complaint is actually about the guy. I'm not really a fan of his new pants. His yellow shorts owned! He was like Mega Ultra Shorts Guy or something.
Argh, enough of the shorts, I read the entire humour section and there were way too many mentions of shorts!
I cannot wait for these games to come out. I didn't get into Pokemon games until after the release of Emerald, so Johto is the only region I never got to play through. I'll probably get SoulSilver because I like Lugia better than Ho-oh, and I know I'll start with Cindaquil because I ALWAYS chose the Fire starter.
The longer I look at the girl, the more I like her... She's actually kinda like Crystal but with brown hair instead of blue. However, I came up with a NEW problem with her.

What will we call her? (Maybe Copper? It's the only element missing in GSC names...)
Heh...looking at the screenshots, apparently, the Starter follows you around longer than from Mr. Pokemon's and back. *Points to Cyndaquil and Gold infront of what I believe to be Sprout Tower in magazine* Oh, and we also get a pretty official looking starter selection screen.

Edit: The girl...I sort of want the option to name her ourselves, but...for now, I sort of like Mindy. She looks like a Mindy to me.
For her name, I'd like to see some originality, >_>.
However, we'll probably get used to the characters before long.
About the shorts, your player is a youngster now. *humor section MWAHAHAHA*
For her name, I'd like to see some originality, >_>.
However, we'll probably get used to the characters before long.
About the shorts, your player is a youngster now. *humor section MWAHAHAHA*
Correction: was a youngster. He spored something closer to the Youngster look back in G/S/C with both a backwards baseball cap and shorts. Now he has strange poofy shorts that are slightly reminiscent of a pair of Thief pants in Maple Story.

But then again, the old Gold looks more like he was a short teenager subjected to Dawson Casting. His new look actually looks a bit younger. Red, on the other hand...
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