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Open - Hellboy: Heart of Gold -

Hellboy reaches for the gun on his hip, watching the demon that was labelled as "FullMetal". He loads the gun and readies it, calling over to his group.

"If the Angel misses, fire everything you got!"


Ming fidgits, watching the scene before her. She didn't want to have to reveal herself so soon in the mission, but saw no other option at the time. She sighs, starting to unclasp her cloak.

"Seraphina! Be careful...this demon is more dangerous than one would think"

His fate...I have seen it before...we must kill him before it is too late...
Viator - male vampire

Viator nearly jumped at the warning, then looked around to see everyone staring up in the same direction. He followed their gaze to see what this "FullMetal" looked like, practically sneering at how ugly the demon looked.

Seraphina, firing that... fireball at the demon, would probably do nothing if the demon was considered dangerous by everyone who seemed in the loop. He'd even heard of the name and a few details, so the demon was obviously pretty powerful. Tainting the flames with a lot of her holiness might do something against the demon, but it wasn't like the demon couldn't just dodge.

He drew his dagger, squinting at the demon - the sun was rather bright, even with his sunglasses. He wasn't stupid. A puny dagger wasn't going to harm the demon much, and had terrible range. If he could discard his clothes quickly, though, he'd be free to transform.

Seraphina - female angel

Hearing everyone's warning about how this demon was hundreds of times more dangerous than Seraphina had first thought jolted her into summoning six more fireballs around her, not shooting them or giving them a lot of power until she could see what happened to this one. If the power of one fireball wasn't enough, she'd fire all six at the demon, but if she'd missed... she'd have fire ready to go.

Directly from the Thule society, was he? Seraphina would have to make sure he was dead, then, before the day was over. She narrowed her eyes and frowned, hand tightening around the flannel pendant.
Zhov's eye opened up to see dirt. Lots and lots of dirt that smelled suspiciously like fire. He started to get up, coughing up the soil that had crept into his mouth, and looked around. No longer in the crowded truck, he had somehow ended up face-down on the ground near the torched building that he assumed was their destination. His face felt very sore, although he doubted it was only from sleeping on it, especially after such a short time. Oh, that's right...

= = = = =

"We're he-"

The driver hadn't even finished his announcement before Zhov had started scrabbling about in attempt to escape, much to Abe's annoyance as a leg or two knocked into him several times. Somewhere along the way, however, Alfons's elbow had smashed into his face in his own frenzied dash to the door. Writhing in pain and the realization that he didn't have hands available to clutch his injured face, Zhov tried leaning against the gate, but remembered too late that it was open and landed in a heap on the ground, losing consciousness in the process.

= = = = =

The flashback ended, though whether it was because it was actually over or because Abe, having just gotten out of the truck with a gun in hand, had stepped on Zhov rather painfully was uncertain. He was suddenly aware of the shouting and commotion around him; everyone had taken out their own various weapons and means of defense. His eye strayed upwards to where Seraphina was conjuring fireballs against the probably-unfriendly demon perched atop what remained of the burnt building. Oh yes, this was what he had come along for, he thought as he stood back up, a malicious grin covering what was visible of his face.
Edward didn't react very much as the fireball hit his back, the flames merely licking at his grey-skinned body. His shirt, however, had been incinerated, revealing his well-toned body and swastika tattoo. He took to the air, turning to face Seraphina. The beast chuckled darkly, before darting through the air faster than would have been expected from his wing size compared to body weight.

"See ya later, alligator!" He chirped, stopping on a dime and hovering like a humming bird for a split second before darting off.

He would have disappeared into the city before anyone could catch him.

"...He's fast..." Alfons mused, having never really seen Edward in flight for more than a moment before. "It'd be hard to catch him if we chased him among all those buildings."

The boy seemed all too calm for someone who had been faced with a killer demon.
Seraphina - female angel

When the demon turned to face her, Seraphina loosed the six fireballs all at once, knowing that they had to be doing some damage to the demon even if it wasn't really visible. It was created by someone inherently holy, after all. The fireballs enlarged as they passed through the air and struck the demon with all their fury, though they didn't burn on his skin for long.

It had been too late to focus holy energy into the flames, so it wasn't as powerful as it could be... but to have him shrug it off was still startling. Any demon should be hurt more than that by her fire; fire naturally burned most evil, after all! And most non-evil, but that was past the point.

By the time she generated flames on her free arm, to make it more powerful against demons, FullMetal flew off.

Immediately, Seraphina went after him, flying through the air at top speed with her arm still blazing. Fire sprouted on her wings, too, though that had been barely conscious and wasn't holy fire. Her arm blazed with more power, turning white as she flew after him.

"You're not getting away!" she called.

(( Fireballs hitting was given permission by FM so. ))

Viator - male vampire

"The pervert burned his clothes off."

She wasn't even trying to keep up the usual ideals of heavenly people. Well then, she probably liked what she saw, if she was with a bunch of other girls in going after a muscular but not overly so body type. (And trying to get him to like the same. What the fuck?

(...ew, wait, if he was thinking that... ew.)

"Yeah," he muttered at Alfons's statement, watching the flyers go. He thought it looked like the angel was going a bit slower than the demon, and not even attacking yet (though of course demons were superior to angels), and the angel was going pretty damn fast. Probably faster than he could go in any form, and he had more space.

"Actually, he's kind of cool..."
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