• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Hello. Spread your wings and fly.

Take Flight

New member
Hello. I'm Take Flight. So spread your wings and fly with me!!!!

What? I need to say more?! Very well... (Hmph!)

My Favourites:
Wolves are my favourite animal ever!
My favourite singer is Amy Macdonald. (I have odd taste.)
My least favourite singer is Justin Bieber. (Don't mention it. Ever.)
My favourite food is chocolate, second is pizza, third is cookies.
My motto is "Never fly when planes fly." (Coz you get hit by the plane.)
My favourite artist is... er.... I don't know.
My favourite username I've made is Demonic Wings.
My favourite Pokemon is...........................No idea~
My least favourite Pokemon is.... ...Sharpedo, because I keep forgetting him.
My favourite pet is all of them.
My favourite band is Marina & The Diamonds.
My favourite TV show is... Spongebob Squarepants.
My least favourite TV show is Hancock's Half Hour.

And for your information, I am currently reading Twilight.
Welcome to TCoD!
Being a body of water I find it hard to fly but still, thanks for the invitation.

Side Note: the floorboards are cursed.
Hello there, new person! Welcome to TCoD! Have some tea and cod.

Oh, and remember to wipe your feet before entering!
Hello. May I take your luggage?

Anyways, wolves are my fave, too! <3 And my fave singer is somewhat obvious. xD

And by reading afew other things about you, we're somewhat alike. Yay~

Anyways... I would fly with you, but I'm a Charmander. o3o

So I herd u liek cookies? Want one?

Your motto is good, but not as good as mine! ("Why do today, what you can put off until tommorow?" (Which is from Spongebob, which is probably my favorite show as well. xD))

Welcome to zis fine eztablishment....
Are you a fan of birds too?

Hi' I'm Superbird, who doesn't have very much influence around this place.

Have fun, and if you get lost then no one will help you! ;)
I swear you said "my favourite food is Justin Bieber".
Wolves are cool. I have a plush one who wears an ushanka. Anyway yeah hi.
Wolves = Epic.

I'm writing a story for NaNoWriMo that has to do with shapeshifters, and the main one shapeshifts into a wolf. ♥

Anyways, my motto is "You can't fly until you spread your wings" so we'll get along just fine :3
Yes, wolves are quite epic. :3
And Harry Potter is superior to Twilight.
Welcome to the cave. My motto is: " If it moves, and it's a threat, slash it to ribbons." But I think we'll get along just fine.

I'm Blade, as I like to be called, and am obligated to ask you to check out the Anime-Style Battling thread. Other than that, enjoy your stay, make youself at home, and watch out for the invisible Garchomp. Cuz he will eat you. And whoever told you the doormats were cursed is wrong. They're simply carnivourous. Latias lost a toe and Pichu Chris nearly lost his leg. step on the ones that say Unwelcome, because those are the safe ones.
(and I agree with Nemec's statement)
...*attempts to spread wings and fly*

Anyways. >> Welcooome. Your title attracted me <3
I am Markku.

...can i call you flighty D:
Yes. The bite mark hurts. Have a cookie, a nice time, and the keys to your room *hands over welcome pack*

And try not to get too drunk, we have a large group of bouncers

Hitmontop Says: Namely every single fighting type Pokémon there is, plus others like Shroomish and Poliwhirl, because they evolve into Fighting types. And also, Arceus and Kecleon occasionally help out. So yeah, if a bouncer comes up to you, don't fight back! It will only end in tears...for you.
I think I caught a welcome mat!

*holds up net containing mat*

*mat eats through net*

*mat eats through floor*

* C2K looks at hole in ground*

Ummmm, I think flying is a good option... I think I just release a welcome mat into the wild..... ooops.

Welcome, and yeah I hope you can fly....*runs away*
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