• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?




I wish to keep my real name to myself as a personal preference. I have heard great things about this site. I may seldom post but when I do it will not be mindless chatter. I will not tolerate Flaming, but if you would like to have a decent discussion or intelligent argument about it I have no problem. I can be fun and sometimes completely random. I hope to have many fun times on this forum board.

Welcome to the TCoD Fourms, Pwn3rxp! I'm Mini Moonwalker, the always happy, peppy King of Pop fan. C: Seeing as you enjoy having intelligent arguments and such, you may enjoy the 'Serious Buisness' thread, where it is booming with serious arguments and such. And I would suggest to let your fun and random side out - the TCoDians love that, especially with the 'New Member Memes' and such. Speaking about New Member Memes...

Once again, welcome to TCoD! Here's some tea and cod. *hands you tea and cod* Also, RespectTheBlade, the swordsman should be here soon with your amazing Foam Sword. Also, you should watch out for Invisichomp, the invisible Garchomp. And just a warning: Don't wipe your feet on the welcome mats. They're evil and will eat your legs. But, there are some completely-safe welcome mats over there. *points* Oh. And here's your hotel key. *hands you your hotel key* Your hotel key is the key to your room (your profile), the pool and games room (any of the threads) and the Gift Shop (the Art Requests thread). Don't lose the key!

Anyways, if you need help with anything, please do not hesitate to ask me; I'l be extremely happy to help with anything you need! Once, again, welcome and enjoy the Fourms! :D
Thank you for all of that but unfortunately I don't like tea or fish so I'll give those back. *hand food back*

Awwh, okay. *takes tea and cod back* Would your prefer anything else tonight, sir/ma'am? I'm quite the waitress according to St. Christopher. :3
Um no I'm good. truthfully, I do not enjoy debates if thats how I came off, I'm sorry. I meant that I would argue to defend my beliefs. I have no problem with anyone else's beliefs and I will not insult them.
Um no I'm good. truthfully, I do not enjoy debates if thats how I came off, I'm sorry. I meant that I would argue to defend my beliefs. I have no problem with anyone else's beliefs and I will not insult them.

Okay. :D

Oh, no no no! Please, don't apologize! It was my mistake, really. Please, don't apologize. If anything, I should be the one apologizing. I should have read what you wrote more carefully. For that, I give my sincere apologies.
You look like a nice person!

I'm Superbird, the resident bird-lover on the forum, and carrier of memes. Such as the vegetarian Welcome Mats. They go crazy for sugar. See?

*dumps sugar on Mini Moonwalker and lets loose vegetarian welcome mats*

I'll be back in a few hours with revives and potions~

So anyway, Pwn3xrp, I hope to see you around!
Re: Do you like the person above you?

Mini Moonwalker already said my memes.

But she forgot to point you to the Anime-Style Battking threads. *Points*

Blade, Fall Out Boy fanatic, dragon/blade pokemon lover, and weapons expert, at your service.
Oh hello. You seem quite amazing so that's always good. :) There are a lot of interesting topics you can check out here, so have fun.

Try to avoid

Carnivourous welcome mats, they eat you
Vegitarian welcome mats, they eat sugar
InvisiChomp the invisible Garchomp, who stalks you
Cursed floorboards, who make you fall over
King Magikarp, who eats northerners
and Blaziken, Sceptile and Empoleon duking it out, if you get caught in the crossfire...well, let's just say medical insurance won't cover it.

You can deal with all these problems using any of the following weapons. *pulls lever and a wall slides away revealing several weapons*
The foam sword, shotgun, flamethrower and pet Houndoom, or the radio to call in the HitmonArmy (Every fighting type there is) or the Lati-Cops
Such as the vegetarian Welcome Mats. They go crazy for sugar. See?

*dumps sugar on Mini Moonwalker and lets loose vegetarian welcome mats*

YOU DID NOT JUST DO THAT SUPERBIRD. *runs away from mats and tosses sugar onto Superbird* GO AFTER HIM, NOT ME. D:
...you know, copy+pasting random memes isn't funny once you do it a thousand times. :P Actually, scratch that post. They might pour sugar on me.

Random things aside, welcome to TCoD! I'm Leafstorm. Look at the Mafia forum, resurrected a little over a month now from its state of emptiness not that I remember anything before. Enjoy your stay here!
Pour your SUGAR on meee[/RockofAges]

Umm guys. I just used my dex on Insichomp. He's SHINY. And just ate my pants.

Also, try to annoy me, as you will be Sacrificed to Jashin.[/reference]
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