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Open Heroes: Pokemon

Krika lashed out with a slashing stirke that drove Mazeka back. The Weavile backflipped out of the way of a bite which would have otherwise torn a good-sized hole in him.

"You knew it would come down to this, right?" Krika said, "Just the two of us, face-to-face in our own battle?"

'I knew that sooner or later I'd have you take you down, even if my own life is lsot in the udnertaking."

Krika laguhed again. "Well, one way or another, this ends here."

He summouned three more doubles.

"Going to just hide behind your doubles, Krika?" Mazeka taunted. 'Goign to let your past selves do all th work?"

"Oh, heavens no," krika said, while three doubles dove at mazeka, 'I'm goign to jsut have them weaken you and deal the ending blow myself."
((Wait, yeah.))

Lilly suddenly remembered. "Wait! We were looking for something, weren't we?" She turned her head to the direction in which they were previously going. "There's something over there... I can sense it."
"There is?" Vanish asked. He did not know of Jirachi, although he was rather intelligent. "Where?"
Matt continued carrying John, and could barely see faint outlines in the dark forest. "Are-Are those people?" he whispered.
"I don't know what it is," Lilly said, "But we should go check it out, don't you think? We'll be safe, as long as I have my claws."
Krika's doubles launched more purple fire at mazeka, who had to keep rolling and jumpiong to dodge the blasts.

He doesn't give up, Mazeka bitterly thought, He's going to keep pounding me until I'm dead. And I can't reach him, because of all those doubles...

Wait a minute....

He grinned. A plan had formed in his mind.

Let's do this.
((Oh, okay then!))

Lilly turned around to see a Staraptor screaming at them. Instinctively, she hissed. "There's something that probably wants to eat me, and it's faster than us..."
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