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Open Heroes: Pokemon

((Dr. is back with the group with Inferno and Eden. Sorry if that was unclear. He is using psychic energy to track Vanish.))
((D: Sorry!)
Jon got a message in his head. Chris! he immediately thought. We're here to get to Jirachi, Jon "said". I believe there is a staircase to it somewhere around here...
"Well then. I've always wanted to meet a Pokemon better than myself..." he said as he dispatched from Jon's mind and continued silently following.
Bouncy finally broke out of the derbis, but he was still weak. He looked around and saw footprints leading into a forest. He decied to follow them.
"I'll take krika," Mazeka said to the Latios, "You keep going."

WIthout waiting for a response, he ran at teh Salamence, who was flying down.
Dr. Flew up high and went up to where the Purgly and Dusklops were and stopped right in front of them. "Where are you going!" He demanded, and readied to fight.
((Philly, it's "Dusclops," not "Dusklops."))

Vanish didn't say anything. He would defend his friend, but he might just make it worse.
"I need to know where you are going, and I need to know why." Dr. Said.
"I'll help with Kirika." Inferno said, and sprouted wins and flew at the Salamance.
"We're not heading anywhere particular," said Vanish, speaking for his friend. "We're just heading."
"No. He's mine. This is personal"

Krika and his six doubles pulled up moments before collision.

'Well, well. We meet again, Mazeka. This time I'll make sure to destroy you permanetly."

Mazeka shot ice blasts at Krika. "I'm going to make you pay for what you've done."

Krika laughed. "brave words, Mazeka. But can you back them up?"
"Then you won't mind if I follow you." Dr. said floating higher.
Inferno, who was still disguised as Dr., flew at Matt, attempting to ram him at Mach 5.
"Well, calling for us to stop like that, makes you sound like we are, or you're, someone important. Who are you, anyway?" Lilly tilted her head suspisciously.
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