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Open Heroes: Pokemon

Matt and Jon turned around to see a Boochu. Suddenly, Jon also got a message to his brain. Remember, I'm watching, it said, and immediately clicked to him that it must have been Chris.
Vanish finally seemed to notice all the Pokemon.

"Hurry!" he said, and started running down the path. "Considering Purugly's speed," he breathed, "you should be able to keep up. Get here next to me." He was a distance away from the others now, maybe about fifty feet. Then he got an idea. He brought up a wall of fire across the path that avoided touching trees. "Come here, Purugly!" he shouted through the billowing flames. "I'll keep you safe!"
"Come! Follow me! We are incredibly behind! Take to the skies all that can, if you cannot, hop on my back or that of Infreno! We need to catch up to the company and the Duscklops and Purgly! There is something up ahead!" Dr. yelled at all of his companions. He was intercepting a telepathic reading from somewhere, and it was saying that someone was watching, and he was pretty sure that it was for someone in the forest. He HAD to catch up with that Dusklops.
Jon and Matt carried on their way, but heard voices. "We have to go faster!" Jon said, and sped up using his powers.
"WAIT FOR MEEEE!" Matt said, being slightly left behind.
Dr. couldn't wait for the others, he felt that the two ahead of them had sped up. He took to the skies and went at top speed. ((For a Latios that is Mach 5 for those of you that don't know)) "But wait for us!" shouted Inferno, watching Dr. take off. He guessed that it was some sort of revenge thing or something.
Quite a chase, krika thought as he flew on. But where's Mazeka? i honestly expected him to come out of nowhere and try to kill me. Like it matters.

He summounded six doubles; doubles that surrounded him in a protective ring.

Good, good. Now to find out where they're going.
Apodis was very surprised when everyone ignored her.

Menace started running as fast as his short Murkrow legs would let him after the Dusclops, just barely managing to keep up at the edge of his shadow.
He was surprised when a wall of flame blazed across the forest, and the Dusclops called to a Purugly.
He tried to run faster, but his legs couldn't go any quicker.
He felt a whoosh of hot air swoop past him.
He saw the blaze egulf him.
He had been revealed, no longer being in a shadow.
It didn't matter to him now. He was only thinking about his own death.
((I saw it, but I didn't think you were talking about my group, so I ignored it.))
"Hurry!" shouted Vanish, and quickly whispered something in Lilly's ear.

"Mind if I get a ride?" Without waiting for an answer, he hopped onto her back. "Hope you understand. Now hurry, Lilly. We have to lose them."
Lilly nodded furiously. "You're only two-thirds my weight," she replied as she headed farther through the forest as fast as she could. Surprisingly, this ghost actually weighed something... but it was a Pokemon, so anything could be possible.
Jon kept running and running, and he tripped over a small twig. As he fell, he could see a Dusclops and a Purugly, running like mad. Jon winced in pain, grabbing his ankle. Soon, Matt also came. "What happened?" he asked.
"Damn twig.... I think you'll have to carry me," said Jon.
"WHAT?" Matt replied. "Oh fine... But you're just going on my back!" he continued.
"...whatever to keep us moving!" Jon said, getting on the back of the Metagross. The pair sped away into the distance.
Aurashift tried to keep up with the others.
"Wait up..Come o-Oh, just forget it."
She closed her eyes and became enfludged in watery light.
She saw a roundish shape and something on its back.
She saw Dr, basiclly flying like mad.
And then she saw some thing with a diminishing aura. Something-someone was dying.((or at least that's what it seems like to me.))
"What do you see, Aurashift?" Inferno said. He could tell that Aurashift was seeing something interesting, and it might be urgent.
Aurashift blinked her eyes open, a bit startled.
"Oh! Well, I did notice that a Pokemon was running off with someone else on its back. By the looks of it, a Purugly. That, and someone is caught in a fire. Probably dying."
"Hang on!" *Reins come out of Inferno's back* *Goes to get the pokemon in the fire* *Lands, shifts into Blastoise and uses hydro pump on the water *Go and get him!*
((That's too confusing. With actions in stars *asks to roleplay properly*.

In other words, please say clearly what you are doing.))

Vanish looked behind him slightly. He lit a tree on fire right next to the Blastoise, but kept it from spreading.

"If you can go faster without tiring yourself out," he said to Lilly, "I suggest you do so."
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