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Open Heroes: Pokemon

Vanish thought and shrugged. "Violence isn't the answer. What I would like you to do is stop fighting."

He conjured fire and surrounded each seperate Pokemon with a ring of flames, but kept himself and Lilly in one ring.

"I will let you out if you come out peacefully," he said, and caused the fire to flare.
Dr. was about to lunge at Vanish when Inferno jumped through his ring of fire and stopped him. Inferno said "NO! Violence is not the answer. OK. What is your name?"
Eden lunged innto the air, and came down to face Vanish. "What was that for? We have done nothing wrong! Most of us have powers that allow us to get out of fire, so don't try any funny stuff."
((Did she put a ring of fire around the unnoticed Chris? I mean, noone sees him yet because he's hidden in the shadows.))
DarkThunder sat down and stared at the fire. Being a hemophobic pacifist, naturally she didn't want to fight. "Ooh, pretty colors..."
Matt and Jon walked over to an area with a lot of commotion, but stayed hidden by a nearby bush. "Those are the people who I saw," said Jon to Matt.
Just then, Dr. felt two other presences nearby."Everyone be quiet!" He yelled. He had hoped that the two others would make a noise. He heard nothing. He just kept waiting.
The flames lapped at the ground hungrily like the tongues of Arbok.

"One step and you're dead," Vanish mumbled, and opened a passage of the flames behind Lilly and himself. He stepped into the opening and beckoned her "This way," he whispered.
Inferno turned into a blastoise and put out all the flames, but by that time all the flames were doused, both Vanish and Lilly were gone. "Dang it!" he exclaimed."They got away because of your hot head!"
((You just character controlled Lilly again iphillip1. I never said she left with Vanish. But that's all right. She was going to anyway.))

Lilly nodded, and dashed behind Vanish. "Where are we going?" she whispered.
"To the forest," Vanish answered. "It's just outside the city, and expands out over the land. We'll be safe there."

The road ended, and Vanish's stout foot landed on grass. "You hungry?"
((I just have a hint: Wait for someone to post before you say what their character did, and make sure that it matches what they said.))

Lilly nodded. "But I can hunt prey..."

Her belly growled in response.
People were moving. "Come on Matt! Let's follow them!" They sneaked behind a series of bushes in the forest.
((BTW There is a set of stairs in the end of the forest that leads to where Jirachi is. PLOT DEVICE!))
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