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Open Heroes: Pokemon

Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Lilly saw some Pokemon passing by, and silently crept behind them. They were saying something about the Company. She twitched her ears, but cried out then she stepped on a thorny branch deposited by the earthquake from somewhere a ways off. The Purugly began to lick her paw.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Dr. heard a twig snap and swiftly teleported behind the group. There was a Purgly licking her paw. "Who are you" he demanded "Where are your allegiances! Who sent you!" Dr. caught the Purgly in a psychic so she could not get away.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Vanish came across a group of other Pokemon, one of which demanded an allegiance. He decided that this probably wasn't good, and Shadow Punched Dr.

"What should it matter to you?" he cackled.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Mazeka, upon seeing this turn of events, used Icy Wind on the Dusclops, a Dusclops that was clearly hostile.

If this works, then I'll be able to make my move
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

"RAAAGGGGHHHH!" "How dare you!" Dr. uses Luster Purge and both of the pokemon fall on the ground. Dr. took them back to the Rebel base, and put them in a prison cell. He waited for them to wake up. He put a ghost-proof barrier do that the ghost cannot get through.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

((Wait.... But I run at superspeeds so you can't see me D: No matter.))
Jon heard footsteps in the distance. "Quick!" he whispered to Matt. "Hide in the building!" Scrambling, Matt hid in a large, dark broken tube the Company was using to hold subjects in, and Jon his under a laboratory desk.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon


In other words, ONLY THE PEOPLE WHO PLAY THE CHARACTERS CAN MAKE THEM FALL OVER. Plus, there is absolutely no way to make a ghost-proof barrier.))

Vanish was furious and used Ice Punch to try and freeze Dr. He then used Shadow Sneak and stood in front of Lilly. He was shaken by the Icy Wind, but didn't seem to mind.

"Stop the fighting," he demanded.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

((Yes, Cryptica's right. I actually didn't notice until you brought it up o_O. Well then, I guess a fair thing to do would be to let you out of the trap in the RP. However you do it, I'll allow it this once.))
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

((I feel angry too. >:( ))

Lilly, however, didn't faint, and hissed. "Why should allegiances matter? You shouldn't attack me for nothing!" Her paw was still bleeding from the thorn she stepped on, but it felt like nothing compared to her rage.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

"We should stop this before it consumes us," Vanish added, and watched his attacks hit Dr.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Lilly nodded furiously. "I don't fight to solve problems, unfortunately." The last word was more of a warning hiss.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Eden hovered over and landed softly on the grass. "Dr! What is your problem!? Demanding answers and attacking a possibly innocent Pokémon before they have a chance to explain themselves? And then character control! You should know better than that!"
He walked over to the Pokémon. "I'm sorry about that. But we still need to know your allegiances. Are you on the company's side, our side, or the 'bad' side?"
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Hiding under the desk, Jon couldn't hear many more sounds. He quietly ventured out, seeking the people that may have been after them. But first, he went to get Matt with him.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

((My apologies for character control, I didn't mean to do it. I was busy doing something else. Let's just start from my using luster purge on them and then see what they do.))
((Nah, it's fine. And Cryptica and Darksong, you can still have a free pass to get out of the trap if you like.))
Chris saw some Pokemon enter the Company. May as well go check out this "Company". he thought to himself as he teleported in, hiding in the shadows.
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