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Open Heroes: Pokemon

"I don't know what I eat..." said Vanish, hanging his head. "I never remember. It's like food erases my memory or something."
Christopher watched as a couple of the Pokemon left, and the others were still trapped in flames. He used his Psychic power to see the shadows through the flames, and- Is that a Raichu? DOesn't look like one. he told himself. Either way, it seems to not be fighting. That has to mean something!
"Then don't eat anything," Lilly said simply, twitching her ears and scenting the air. "I don't smell any useful prey nearby..."
Lilly followed suit, constantly detecting scents. She swung her tail in front of Vanish, and turned towards the scent of Raticate. Carefully, she stalked it, until she could see a pink tail twitching. Then she leaped, clawing it square on the side. And for once, she was grateful to have this prey. Normally, she would act like a Meditite and avoid food as much as possible.
DarkThunder turned invisible and floated through the flames, then followed the Pokemon going into the forest. Chris followed, teleporting behing something every two seconds.
((In a forest. It ends with stairs leading up to Jirachi.))
Sill spying on the Pokemon, Jon and Matt walked carefully. Nevertheless, Jon, wanting to run as fast as he could, suddenly tripped on a log, and ended up right next to the walking Pokemon. Meanwhile, Matt facepalmed, and tried to see what reaction would be going on.
Apodis flew over the forest where she made her home, watching and listening for more prey.
She heard loud trampling and saw a large group. Perhaps a hunting party. She could do much good by joining them.
She swooped down, a bit embarrased right now with the feathers that hung down in front of her face. It made her look intimidating when looked at from the side and just plain stupid if seen from the front. And if she was looking at something from the side, she could only use one eye, and if looking at something head-on, she had a huge gray triangular area blocking off her main focal point.

Meanwhile, Menace was in the same group's shadow. He had found the Dusclops again, but instead walked in the huge shadow that all of them together cast, mainly listening to whoever was speaking at any moment. He had been spying on them for a few minutes now, but had heard nothing more interesting than them complaining about hunger.
Perhaps they're just... ordinary. Ordianary Pokemon who have joined up with others of different species for who knows what reason.
He suddenly thought about what life would be like if he were ordinary, too.
For one thing, I would still be with my family. They abandoned me. They couldn't see me, and I was left behind.
And I wouldn't be hunting this stupid Staraptor. I haven't been able to even approach her at all.
He pondered if he was actually just wasting his time, and if he was overreacting. He had lost one battle. The Staraptor had probably lost battles when she was young too.
Before he had time to reach a conclusion, however, he saw the Staraptor swoop down.
Plans of revenge returned to his conciousness.
Stepped right into my trap...
Vanish appeared not to notice that anything was going on besides the fact that Lilly had hunted something.
((Only Lilly and Vanish are traveling. No one else is with them, so they don't cast that big of a shadow.))

Lilly buried the Raticate's bones, and wandered back towards Vanish.
"Let's keep going," said Vanish, continuing along the trail. It tapered to be so thin that the two had to walk in a single-file line as not to be squished.
Jon recovered from his fall. He rushed back in the bushes, and discussed a plan with Matt. "OK, we'll wait until those people get to the end of the path. Then we sneak in, and get Jirachi and her wishes for ourselves," Matt said. Jon naturally followed. However, the two soon also got to the tiny and cramped path.
"Darn... I think we have to possibly blow our cover now!" Jon said. Jon then carefully walked quietly along the trail, with Matt hovering sideways to fit on the trail to avoid hitting the trees.
well, well. What have I here?

Krika looked down upon two pokemon as he flew over the forest. One was a Weavile, but he couldn't see the other that well from the angle he was at.

This seems interesting. What would they be doing over here?

He flew lower, to see if he could get a closer look.
Lilly scooted into line behind Vanish. The Purugly... had an especially hard time getting through. She was much bigger than Vanish, that was for sure.
Jon heard something swooping down. He was startled. "What was that?" he shouted quite loudly.
((We're in a forest, trying to get to the end to get to Jirachi.))
DarkThunder finally caught up with the rest of the Pokemon. "Hai!" she said. "So, what's goin' on?"
<Remember, I'm watching...> Chris telepathed to Jon.
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