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Open Heroes: Pokemon

Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

((SORRY My mom kicked me off at six o clock and never let meh back on!))
DarkThunder looked over his shoulder to see his friends fighting Salamences, ranging in age. "My friends need me." she said, putting an emphasis of the word 'Friends'. She turned invisible and went through buildings. When he got to them, she solidfied, but still invisible, and charged a Charge Beam, an attack that never misses, towards all the Salamences. She made her face visible for a split second to show a smirk. "And the Spoink is on the bad side." she whispered into Dr.'s ear.
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Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Bouncy bounced onto a nearby building, then onto one of the Kirkas. "Need some help," he asked. He then started using psychic on Inferno.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

"Yeah, pretty much!" Aurashift said between blasts. She used Endure on herself, to make sure she was around for at least one more hit. She started up a Focus Blast. The power pooled in her hands,a nd hit one of the clones, making it dissapear.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Dr. faced a hard decision. "We can't take them all! We gotta fall back!" Dr. teleported all of the members attacking the Krikas back to the base. He explained to all of them that there was no chance of them winning, and he was forced to retreat. Then, just as he passed out, appointed Eden second in command.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Mazeka reached the city jsut in time to see a Latios tleport away with other pokemon. he looked up and saw Krika and many doubles of Krika fly off.

Figures, he thought bitterly, But where did those other pokemon teleport off to?

He began to run through the city, looking for the building his side used as base


"No, I don't," Krika said, "If you were paying attention, you'll have noticed that they've backed off. But I thank you for your offer."

And with that, he dispelled the rest of his duplicates.

That was close, he thought, I barely dispelled that duplicate before it would have died. I better make sure to not summoun as many of my youngest selves as I can.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Jirachi, from her view up in the skies, stared down at the now-torn city. "If only I could help.... But only the rightful ones can get to me!" Giggling, Jirachi now was playing around. Using some attacks here and there for fun, the playful Pokemon used a Doom Desire on a little plushie lying on the floor. She suddenly missed, and the beam shot down, all the way to the earth.
Meanwhile, down in the city, a beam could be seen shooting down onto the ground. A large earthquake occurred, and there was massive shifting: Building were collapsing quickly, and fissures could be seen on the ground. "WHAT HAPPENED?" yelled Jon to no one in particular. The rumbles were getting louder, and there were a few explosions because of electrical wires and gas tubes. Jon tried to run away from the chaos, but tripped up on a tree.
Meanwhile, Matt was in the Company building, when the rumbling took place. "What the-?" he remarked. Going outside to see what the commotion was about, he saw the huge fissures. "OH MY ARCEUS!" he shouted.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Vanish looked around and quickly phased out of view and tangibility, dropping his water and calmly standing in the middle of the road.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

((Okay, why is Lilly being ignored? She's walked down the road and through Vanish, but everyone acts like she doesn't exist? D:))
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

DarkThunder saw fissures occuring. Good thing I can fly... she thought.
Meanwhile, Christopher sensed the fissures coming before they came and quickly used Psychic on himself to get off the ground. He then went to find other bad guys.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Mazeka, seeing the incoming quake, lept up and jumped onto a building. Just before the quake struk the building, He lept off of it, and made for ground that had already been struck by the quake. Barely jumping in time, he hit the ground not so gracefully.

"Well that was... unexpected."
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Running around some more, Jon saw an Alakazam using Psychic to lift himself up. "HEY! DO YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED?" Jon asked.
Matt was lucky he could hover. He went over to the lab, and saw that it was basically destroyed. There were mysterious substances and papers everywhere, and the scientists seemed to have fled the scene. All that was left in good condition was a vial filled with a liquid blue glowing material, marked with a label. It read in sprawled letters: Gene Unlocking Substance Inside. "Well, it never hurt to try..." said Matt, drinking the contents of the vial. Slowly, he began to have a blue glow around him. "Hmmmm... something feels weird," he said. The ground suddenly rumbled again, but after a while, it finally stopped altogether.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Inferno, one who was exceptionally skilled at medical practice, so he helped nurse Dr. back to health. Dr. had been exhausted by teleporting so many people at the same time. Inferno was confused as to what was happening. He didn't know much about the company. It was explained to him quickly by those around him. Just then an earthquake hit. It was one of the most powerful things he had ever experienced. Inferno grew back his wings and took to the sky.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

DarkThunder retreated to base, unseen.
Meanwhile, Christopher had been seen. By Jon. "Yes, I do, Jon." came his simple reply.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Eden recalled his Force Field power. The fissures stopped. "Okay, everyone, I've made underground force fields to block off the earthquakes, but only in the base! I recommend you use this time to get safe, for I cannot hold this much longer!"
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Menace felt the ground shake and fissures opened up around him.
As far as he could see, he had two choices; stay on the ground and risk being injured, swallowed up by a fissure, or killed, or he could fly and risk being spotted but be undisturbed by the earthquake.
He choice the latter and released his power, seemingly appearing out of nowhere in the Dusclops's shadow and flying away.

Apodis was feeling the same thing as she nibbled on the last traces of her prey. Frightened, she took off without seeing any consequence; she had been spying on no one.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Soon Dr. came to. He was very disoriented about what had happened while he was out. Inferno brought him up to speed, then Dr. called a meeting. Dr. felt that those that have not yet met should get acquainted. He said his name was Dr. and that he had the useful power to teleport. He said that he has had quite a past, being born with his powers and first using them at a young age, he was abandoned by his parents((More tidbits will be revealed as the story progresses)) He then passed it to Inferno who said "I just recently got my powers in a freak accident. I am new to this group, however I hate the company as much as the next guy. I can change the shape and form of any part of my anatomy, and it can come in real handy. ((The next good guy poster can come in next.))
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Bouncy did not see the earthquake coming, and got burried, and fainted. He woke up somewhat later, and started fixing some of the minor scrapes with psychic powers.
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