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Open Heroes: Pokemon

Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

"Slightly, but this was not the same weavile. I want to know your allegiance because there might be another organization that I don't know about. However, I believe you are my enemy. I'm not in the mood to talk right now. Answer or I will be forced to attack you." Dr. was furious.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

"Heh, heh, heh. You against me? How laughable."

"You're right about one thing, though. I serve a side opposite the side you call good. But good and evil are points of view, so if you ask me, it's your side who would be called evil."

He concentrated, and nine more Krikas appeared beside him.

"I never fight alone, my enemy, and time is always on my side."
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

((Posting on the internet at a funeral?!?!?!?!1?11? I suppose they can get boring...))
Eden ran to catch up with Dr. I wonder why my super speed power disappeared yesterday. I need to ask someone about that.
He sharply rounded a corner, and saw Dr. talking with a Salamance. To his surprise, it multiplied before his very eyes. "I never fight alone, my enemy, and time is always on my side," it said.
Eden rushed up next to Dr, in case he needed help.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

"Just in time, my friend. We need the help of Darkthunder. Here, touch me and help me hold this guy off. Hopfully DarkThunder will be here soon."
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

"Well, well. You've found yourself an ally here. Not like it matters. I ahve an instant army, all of them completely loyal to me, and I can obtain as many as I need at a moment's notice, and keep them for as long as I want."

At this, he summouned five more Krikas.

"Regretably, they have no memory of what they see, so they'll never remember your death. How shameful."

He then roared, and he and his duplicates charged.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Dr. Teleported right behind them. He speaks telepathically to Eden "Do what I did, then focus on one of his past selves. I bet if we take out one of them that he would be destroyed." Then Dr. used psychic on one of the past-selves.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

((It's not that, i'ts just they have a laptop and a PSP down here to *let the kids grieve slowly* What was I supposed to do?))
Auarshift sensed something was wrong. She used Double Team to multiply, in order to get there faster.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

As one Duplicate was struck by Psychic, two more flew up and prepared to use Dragon claw on the Heracross.

"So, you want to play rough, do you," Krika roared as he charged at the Latios, claws glowing with power "I can play rough!"

He then slashed with Dragon Claw
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Menace watched as the Dusclops looked around, almost as if though he had noticed someone or something. He stiffened as it gazed around, perhaps it had noticed him.
Thankfully, it seemed to make nothing of anything and walked off, the Murkrow following in his shadow.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Aurashift got to the scene just in time.
She saw Dr. and Edan, fighting off many Salamences.
She used Aura Sphere on one of them, and Force Palm on the head of another.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Dr. teleported again and hit the same duplicate with Dragon Claw. "Good. You're here" he said to AuraShift."Have you seen DarkThunder? We need his help!"
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Eden copied Dr.'s teleportation ability, and teleported behind the group, dodging the Dragon Claws. He tried to find the youngest one of them. That one.
He fired a charged energy beam at it.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Dr. Followed Eden's Idea and and attacked the youngest Salamance with a dragon Claw, then Fly to attempt to KO.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

"Fools!" Krika yeled, banishing all of his duplicates, then summouning twenty-nine more. "I can just send them back and bring in more, fresh ones."

He and his duplicates took flight.

Now then, how to do this... I can only keep this amny around for so long...

Then an idea struck him. He and his duplicates began to fly hgiher.


Mazeka was running in the direction of the city when he saw something.

Or somethings

Okay, Krika. It's time to even the score.

The Weavile ran faster than ever toward the city, this time with a purpose in mind
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

"We need to keep up this fight!" Dr. Yelled, then flew higher. He knew Kriika was planning something and Dr. planned to be ready for it. He kept on fighting hoping for reinforcements to come soon.
Dr. Inferno was at his lab practicing more when he heard on his police scanner about a Latios and some others fighting a lone salamance and what appeared to be Clones. Inferno seemed to have the shapeshifting thing down pat, so he shifted into a weavile and got going. Once he got around the block, he changed into a blaziken again, however, as he had been practicing at home he had found out that he can shift only part of his body as well. He used this ability to gain large, majestic feathery wings, and flew into the fray. He went up to the Latios and asked him what was going on. The Latios seemed to not wonder about his wings and just yelled "What is your allegiance?" To this Inferno had no answer. "Do you belong to the Company?" Inferno responded "No, I am not" He had heard about the Company and what they do, and didn't agree with their ways. The Latios then said "Good. Attack the Salamances only! I'm Dr. The CO of the good organization. We need a new name!" And so it was. Inferno launched 3 way fire blasts from its arms and mouth, and helped out the good guys. He could tell that Krika the Salamance was not running out of energy any time soon. But Eden, Dr. and Aurashift would.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Vanish emerged into the city, blinking at the light only blocked by the buildings. He turned a corner and went into a building. It was simple, yet full of stuff, and he stepped over to one of the aisles. He picked up a bottle of water and started towards the cashier.

After their little confirmation chat, Vanish left the building and screwed the cap off the bottle. He drank some water (somehow), and continued along the road.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Oddly, when Lilly left the little beach thing, she walked right through a Dusclops, but didn't notice, and she continued to sit in front of her dojo.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

"About that...." Jon said. "Look, you know I'm bad. And by the looks of you not killing me right now, I suspect you're bad, too? And how about you?" Jon pointed at DarkThunder.
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