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Open Heroes: Pokemon

Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Matt stared at his high-tech map of the city carefully. Everyone was up and about, doing something. "Well well well," he said. "I see some recruitment possible!"
((And we're always Pokemon.))
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

((gdfsgd sorry I haven't posted. but what is going on? I can't really figure it out.))
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Bouncy looked at the Weavile, and said, "You have no proof I have a power. I saw a Latios appear out of nowhere then he left."
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Dr. got a little nervous when the Spoink said he had seen a Latios, however, the Spoink thought that Dr. had disappeared right after. Dr. got a lucky there. But Dr. knew that there was trouble brewing.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Eden swooped gracefully through the air, eyes glowing a faint red. As he passed by, a ghostly shimmer seemed to permeate the air. Lucky I met up with a Haunter yesterday.
Eden looked around, enjoying the majestic view of the region. Wow... I've never seen such a lovely landscape. I should make one of my... secret homes here.
Suddenly, something caught his eye. An object appeared to be hurtling toward him. He shot a glare upward. Hornbreak, he swore, An Altaria!
Eden forcefully pushed through the air into a corkscrew. He landed on top of the Altaria, crushing it into the ground. It fainted. ...I haven't been attacked recently. I wonder what's up.
Suddenly, Eden spotted Dr. on the ground. Eden let go of his ghostly flight, and landed next to Dr. "Hey, Dr. Haven't seen you around recently. Anyway, I was just attacked. By an Altaria. Have you any idea of what is going on?"
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

"Well, according to my sources... Ummm..." Jon was bad at persuasion, and he gave up trying to hide the secret that he worked for the Company. "Fine. I'll ask you one question: Are you good, or are you bad?"
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Eden gave an accusing glance to the stranger. I wonder what his intentions are...
"You answer my question first."
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Dr. was about to explode. It was good that Jon was talking to the spoink when Eden came up to him. Dr. whispered "When I am invisible, YOU, my friend ar the only lucky one who can see me. NEVER be that loud again! You almost gave away my position. I am watching to see what side that spoink is on. Now take some cover!"
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Instead of following orders, he copied Dr.'s ability, and used it. This will come in handy.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

"If the spoink turns out to be bad, we both move in and attempt to neutralize the threat. You take the spoink and I take Jon. If he turns out to be good, we attack Jon. Got it?"
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Eden recalled his energy beam power from its use the previous week, and stored power.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Jon was scared: These guys seemed to be good, so he had to hide his identity. "Uhhh.... I have NO idea what's going on... Yeah...... So what are YOU doing here?"
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Eden kept silent, hoping Jon would think they walked away while invisible.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Dr. could tell Jon knew he was there. There was no avoiding it. Dr. flew in and hit Jon with a Dragon Claw.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Eden fired his charged energy beam, and flew behind it, using Megahorn to double up on the attack.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

DarkThunder came out of the shadows, and is still invisible. "How's everything going?" she whispered. "Need any help?
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