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Open Heroes: Pokemon

Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Angelo was alone in his cave untill an absol walked in.
???: I have come with a favor to ask of you.
Angelo: hmmm...? What is it?
???: I need you to retrieve something from the city. I cannot because i will be killed on sight.
Angelo: Sure. What do you have in return?
???: We will discuss payment after you get it.
Angelo: Fine. What is it?
???: It is a black gem located in a shop on the second street in from this direction. I bid you good luck. (Absol leaves)
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Lav was sitting in his mansion, bored. He decied to go to the city and browse a few shops
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Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Dr. was in the Johto region now. He was doing his best to hide from the Company. He was watching one of the members before he saved the nidoran from the cruel "Prank" that he had committed. He needed to stop at a water hole to get a quick drink.
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Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

((Blah, its OK. And try to use double parentheses when not talking about plotline; less confusing that way. And also, you can do anything, but try to hook it on the the plot *somehow*, as Philly basically said.))
((And you spelled Johto wrong, Philly. Oh the irony.))
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Methinks I will join.

Name: Apodis
Age: 12
Pokemon: Staraptor
Powers: Can disable one sense (including speech) at a time of an enemy for an amount of time
Side: Good
Personality: Apodis is very justifying and tries to right all wrongs. She is quite cooperative and can work with almost anyone to accomplish a goal.
Occupation: Peacemaker
Short History/Description: Apodis was born among a flock of other Starly, Staravia, and Staraptor. She had always wanted to be stronger than she was at any given time, but was content with living a normal stronger life.
However, she was not destined to be so. She evolved into a Staravia, and was quite overjoyed. The Murkrow she had just defeated started to argue with her, accusing her of cheating. At first, she calmly debated, but the Murkrow taunted her. She got angry and shouted at him, and he opened his mouth, but could make no sound. In her anger she had triggered her hidden power, and in her surprise, she stopped using it. The Murkrow gave her a scorning but confused glance and flapped off.
She told of her experience to her peers, and they crowded around her, eager to see her use this mysterious power. But much as she tried, she couldn't summon it up again. They got frustrated, and started to taunt her, saying she was a liar and a freak. So in the night, she flew away to never see her flock again.
Over the years, she battled others, wandering around the land, and mastered her powers. She was lonely without her friends or family, but she never showed it, and now denies that she ever had friends, which is true in a sense, as she knows true friends trust each other.
Appearance: Staraptor-f
Others: Chocolate reign

Name: Menace
Age: 9
Pokemon: Murkrow
Powers: Can become one with shadows. This power only works while he is standing in shadows.
Side: Bad
Personality: Menace is jealous of everyone who has more than he does. He often steals and lies.
Occupation: Spy
Short History/Description: When he was young, Menace believed he was invincible. When the young Starly defeated him and evolved, he was shocked. He thought that she had to have cheated to defeat him. He argued, growing angrier each time she dared to argue back, denying that she had cheated, and when his speech was disabled, he grew even more nervous. He decided that the Staravia must have been some kind of legendary in disguise, and set out to prove her true identity.
Years later, he found himself walking as one with shadows, noticed by no one, and realized that he must have powers too. He knew that the opponent he had despised for so long was no legendary, and that there were others like her. And he was one of them.
He plotted to get his revenge against her with his new strength. No one would ever be expecting to be stalked by their own shadow.
Appearance: His feathers have become pitch black and do not shine, no matter how strong the light is.
Others: Chocolate reign
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

A dim shadow disappeared in the forest.

It appeared again, on a diffrerent side of the clearing. As soon as it had come, it was gone.

Vanish eyed the Wormadam.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

"That was strange... Oh well... Better go get the jewel" Angelo floats out of his cave and towards the city (now where did that absol say the jewel was...? The jewel store on second street i believe)
~~~~~~Minor time lapse for angelo~~~~~
At the side of the store angelo begins to feel strange (What is this strange feeling i have... I don't feel so well...) Angelo blacks out.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

((Yikes, I missed a lot. Curse my addiction to MOTHER 3 and beating that accursed Mecha-Drago!

I assume that the pokemon all have access to their regular attacks))

Mazeka jumped to the left, avoiding a slash as he did so. He backflipped to avoid a stream of purple flame that was aimed at the spot where he stood. A second slower and he would have been incinerated.

He glanced up. No, the number of Krikas flying above him hadn't changed. His enemy seemed to by flying just out of his reach, taunting him.

He was exhausted by the battle. He would try and reach the true Krika, who was flying higher than the others, but whenever he went on the offensive, one of the doubles would intervene.

And he just sits back and lets his other selves do the work for him, he thought, Typical.

It was his fault, really. He'd recieved word that multiple Salamences were showing up, and one was headed for a forest. He knew who it could only be, and he'd ran there with all haste... and it was a trap.

Krika set me up, he thought as he rolled to avoid what would have beena fatal bite, And unless I think fast, he's going to overwehlm me by sheer numbers...

Wait a minute...

Mazeka glanced up again, just in time to see a Krika flying at him. He jumped up, grabbed the Slamence by thee wing, and triggered his disruption power.

The effect was immediate. Seevral more Krikas suddenly appeared, but they were deformed, as if when being sumoned, they'd manage to be mangled by time.


He raised his calws to striek down the double, but as he brought the claw down, the Krikas all vanished, with the exception of the deformed ones, which simply fell to the ground.

Along with him
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Lilly cut the stump in half to sharpen her claws. Satisfied, she flexed them, then strutted towards the dojo entrance. It was a red, wooden shack that looked a bit run-down, but in fact, it was sturdy. She sat there in the doorway, wondering if there would be any trainees.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon


Vanish eyed the Staravia standing in the center of the clearing, plucking at a Caterpie.

This would be his kill.

He was about to lash forward when there was a rush of wind behind him, and claws hooked into his back. Ectoplasmic blood seeped out from the wounds as he was carried far above the clearing by a Staraptor.

The Dusclops conjured up a bit of fire and tossed it at the bird, who screeched in pain and let him fall. The flames lit the raptor's back, hungrily lapping at its neck and head.

And Vanish fell. He crashed into the clearing with a sharp thud.

((Kudos to anyone besides Darksong who gets the reference.))
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

((He turned human?))

~~~~~Time lapse that brings angelo to the same time as everyone else because those were past events!~~~~~~~~~

(Ugh....... What is wrong with me.....) Thought angelo as he stood up (Wait... stood up??? What has happened to me???) Angelo looks into the window of the shop (I look like a human!)
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

((Is it the part in Firewing by Kenneth Oppel when
Griffin drops the fire on Luna
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

((I didn't know, since it was different! Because in Firewing, Griffin drops the flame onto Luna, not Luna carries him off and he burns her with it!))
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