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Open Heroes: Pokemon

Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Jon was running and running, not knowing where he was. All of a sudden he felt like he was running through a ghost. He stopped and looked back: He just ran through a Dusclops.
"What the -" he looked awkwardly, "Who are you?"
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

"Ugh..." Vanish groaned. He looked up at Jon. "I'm Vanish......" he said absently. He felt that there was some explaining to do. "A Staraptor hooked me and it dropped me... owch..."
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Dr. was finishing drinking his water then teleported back and turned invisible. He flew as fast as possible to find Jon, and get rid of him, but first to find the HQ of the Company. Dr. finally finds him and sees him talking to a dusclops. Dr. waits to see what happens. Who is this dusclops, why is he here? The dusclops says that a staraptor dropped him there, and that he felt he had some explaining to do. That peaked Dr.'s intrest, and got in closer.


Inferno is in his lab doing nothing in particular when a figure steps into his doorway. He can just barley make out the outline of a Glaceon
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Bouncy was lying in a nearby pool, and heard every word of Jon's and Vanish's conversation. Then he saw a Latios appear out of nowhere. (So I'm not the only one eavesdroping) thought Bouncy.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

As Mazeka fell, he tried to twist his body to absorb as much of the impact as possible. If he didn't hit it too hard, it wouldn't be fatal... hopefully.

Then he saw something that could help him. One of the deformed krikas was struggling to stay aloft, but it wasn't succeeding in its efforts. All it was doing was slwoing its fall, and even then not very well.

However, it would be perfect to slow down Mazeka's.

The Weavile oriented his body so he would strike the deformed double, and when the impact came, he and the deformed Slaamence crashed to the ground.

Mazeka got up, hurt but alive. The same couldn't be said for the Krika double he'd used to cushoin his fall.

He looked up, expecting to see Krika vanish as his past self died. What he got was most unexpected- Krika going into a screaming power dive at him.

Of Course...
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Lilly sensed a Mightyena in the bushes. At once, it revealed itself and pounced at her. By instinct, Lilly wrapped her tail tight around her waist and hissed, scaring the canine off. She chased it a few pawsteps before returning to the dojo entrance.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Matt suddenly radioed Jon. "Jon, we've got another one..." he said. "They're pretty close to you."
Jon grunted. "There's a special person nearby," he said. "I've got to get to them. Maybe I can help you later, but right now I've got to go somewhere." Jon gave Vanish his "business" card. It read:
The Company
We're watching.
Right after, he ran around, looking for what Matt said was a person with powers. After running for about a minute, he spotted a Spoink in a pool, pretty close to where he just was. "Hmm. You seem to have powers, as I was informed... So who are you and what can you do?"
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Vanish looked at the card.

The Company.
We're watching.

He shrugged as the Pokémon went away, and continued through the forest.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Dr. continued to watch as Jon continued on and gave Vanish his business card. Then he went over to a pool and talked to a spoink whom Dr. had not seen before. But, he felt that the spoink had seen him before he turned invisible. Dr. hoped the spoink would not rat him out, he didn't want to fight now, especially a two on one.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

((Lateness, fwee.))

Syzygii was hiding out by the aforementioned forest, plotting his next move. He had recently narrowly avoided a cluster of Pokemon that might have recognized him from the past before he "died". He thought he heard a rustling, and so he did what he always did to fool people passing by: Teleport to a better viewpoint and put a wild Caterpie illusion to test the passerby's character.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Lilly looked at the card placed in front of her.

The Company.
We're watching.

Kind of odd, Lilly thought, and she slashed it into bits within seconds, then sat outside the dojo.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

((We're walking around, and meeting people :P But something's going to happen later.))
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Vanish wondered what he was doing in the forest anyway. He didn't know which way was out, but he followed a path that would eventually lead somewhere.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Lucifer came back in and walked around the cave after the shedinja left "It should be here... Dang! he must have taken it" Lucifer walks back out "I'll have to go into town and take it from him" Lucifer then runs through the forest and while doing so runs into a man standing next to a spoink in a pool. "Grrrrrr"

((I'm so lost.... are you a pokemon too at the moment?))
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Apodis spotted a Raticate scurrying along the ground. She deemed it a worthy meal, and swooped.
The Raticate was completely oblivious until she was on it. It squealed and struggled against her grip.
She cut off its sense of touch to prevent its life ending in pain. It stopped squirming in its confusion, and she took the oppurtounity to break its spine. It went completely limp, and she released her power. It was useless to cut off the senses of something already dead.
She flew for a bit, then landed in a clearing to enjoy her meal. She hoped the Raticate had no friends or family to miss it.
Menace was stalking a Dusclops, whose name he had learned a few moments before: Vanish. Ironically enough, he had been the one to vanish into the Dusclops's shadow.
His heart skipped a beat as he heard about a Staraptor. Could it possibly be...? The last he had seen of her, she had been a Staravia, but after all these years she had probably evolved.
He listened intently, unnoticed by his victim.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

((Why would you hunt a Dusclops? You would only get ectoplasma in your mouth.))
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Mazeka rolled out of the way as Krika tore into the ground. The Salamence turned to face him, eyes blazing with fury.

"Did you really think," he snarled, "that using your fancy little out-of-control trick would work on one of my other selves?"

he slashed at Mazeka, who jumped back. The Salamence lumbered forward

"I must admit, I was worried at first, but when i didn't vanish into nonexistence, I figured it out. Your power doesn't work on doubles of me. It has to be the real thing."

He made a move as if to lunge, but turned around and rose into the air.

"I'd kill you, but I ahve other matters to attend to. So be a good little weakling and stay out of my way, okay?"

And before Mazeka could do anything else, Krika flew off. Knowing that there was no way he could catch him now, Mazeka, infuriated, turned and ran off.

Some day. you'll get yours.
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