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Open Heroes: Pokemon

Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

"I think Eden and I have a handle on this one, but there was a spoink here a minute ago, FIND HIM, and bring him back to the base!
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Krika flew over the forest, looking for any sign that would prove the rumor that lead him here.

He'd heard of others, some allies, some enemies, showing up. He planted a false rumor that it was just him that was in the forest, to attract Mazeka, who he decided would tae an interest of his own to the procedings... assuming the Weavile didn't only focus on hunting him.

He spotted something on the ground. A commotion between sevral pokemon.

I wonder if that's what I'm ooking for, he thought, summouning a duplicate of himself, and ordering it to fly down and see what's happening, all while not revealing himself.

I don't expect it to make it that far, he thought, he's certainly not goign to be hidden for long.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Vanish looked to both sides, and then continued down the trail.

((Short post is short D: ))
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

"Roger." DarkThunder whispered and went through a series of buildings. She eventually came to a Spoink behind a building. She went in front of him, became solid but still invisible, and grabbed it.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

((:P Sorry. I was confused about the dialogue before.))
Hit by a large impact, Jon sensed that they were after him. He ran extremely fast, and ended up in the Company building again, exploding with pain. He took a breath, and Matt came up to him. He shouted, "What happened? What were you doing? Most importantly.... WHY DIDN'T YOU RECRUIT?!?!?"
"Sorry sir..." Jon winced. "Th-There were 2 invisible people!"
"Fool!" Matt said. "Well, it's a good thing those scientists are working.... Once they find the secret to the gene that unlocks the potential of powers, I can't WAIT to take over the world!"
"With me by your side, right?" Jon asked, looking up to the power-hungry Metagross.
"Yeah, sure, whatever," he replied.
((BTW plot device is coming tomorrow.))
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

"Grrrrrrr. Let me go, you thing," screamed Bouncy. He saw a store called glasses for everything. He used his psychic powers to get a pair of heat-seeking gogles. He put them on, but they didn't work. Then he noticed that it said "Doesn't work on ghosts."
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Dr. Flew behind Jon at mach speeds, however, Jon made it so that Dr. couldn't get into the building, so he flew away.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

"Fine, I shall reveal myself to you." DarkThunder became visible. "I may not look like anything you've seen, because I am unique. I have been sent to find out what team you are on."
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

"What team do I look like I'm on?" asked what looked like a black Raichu but was ghostlike, with different ears and an orange ring around the creme belly.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Matt kicked Jon out, but gave him a disguise. "NOW GET RECRUITMENT!" he yelled, using his Psychic attack to toss him out of a building a high speeds. Suddenly, he landed next to a funny-looking black Raichu and a familiar Spoink.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

The Krika double flew toward where he'd spotted the commotion, and found that nothing was there.

My future self's seeing things, it thought, I'd better signal him.

It flew back up, and reported its findings... or lack of thereof.

"What a waste," Krika snarled, dispelling his double. "I need to head back to the city, and get some answers about why I was sent on a wild goose chase."
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

"Not you again," complained Bouncy. "And I have no idea what team you are on. My guess would be bad, but looks can be deciving."
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Krika, annoyed with his results, finally reached the city.

"Now then, where was that building?" He muttered, "I need to give them a piece of my mind."
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Dr. had sensed another presence during the fight, but it was up in the air, just watching. He was determined to find this coward, and see who he works for. After a while of searching he found a Salamance in the city. Dr. flew in front of him and demanded "Are you good, or bad? Who do you work for?"
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

A Latios, Krika thought to himself, Impressive. I should feel honored that this being's superiors sent him directly to me, and not some low lapdog.

Aloud he said: "What's it to you about my allegiance? It's pokemon like you- constantly sticking their necks where they shouldn't be- that are brining society to what it is today. And I'm not in a merciful mood right now, so get out of my way."
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

Lilly shook her head and decided to wander around for a moment. Casually, she took a path that lead her to the beach, and there, she sat, gazing at the waves.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

"You were watching me, the Heracross, and the Weavile fight. I need to know who you are, what your allegiance is, and why you were watching. NOW. And for your information, I am the head of my organization. And there is nothing that you can think that I can't hear." Dr. was getting very angry, and wanted to fight.
Re: {Now Started} Heroes: Pokemon

"I ask you again: Why? Why is it so important to know everyone's allegiance? If you're the head of your so-called organization, then shouldn't you know all of your underlings?""

"And For your information I was battling a Weavile," Krika retorted, "you might know him. Mazeka. Long claws, can cause powers to rage out of control. Ring a bell?"
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