• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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The Chosen One
Um, hi. I'm Flare (That's not my real name, but whatever.) Obviously, I love Pokemon. My favorite Pokemon game is Mystery Dungeon Explorers of the Sky.

I love to draw and web design, but I'm an amateur when it comes to those things. My dA username is flarefugikage, if any of you care.

I don't like to tell people my age because I'm afraid of how they'll react, especially after they see my stuff.

I'm pretty shy when I'm around new people and adults and I was hesitating to introduce myself in this board.

So again, hi~ ^__^;
Hey, welcome to TCoD!

I took a look at your art on dA and I think you're pretty good. I like the way you draw eyes, and your outlines are pretty nice too :o Further stalking on dA reveals you like Homestuck, too. hhehehe. A bunch of people read Homestuck here, so there's that.

Probably check out the ASB section, if you like battling. It might seem a bit complicated at first, but once you get the hang of it it's honestly a lot of fun :D
Hello Windyragon! (I like your avatar... :D)

Thank you~ ^v^

Yes, Homestuck is awesome. I just got into it recently.

I LOVE battling! I'll look at that.
Hi. I'm Shiny, or Absol, whichever you prefer. Have some tea and cod. Or a foam sword. Anyway, Mafia down there, Forum games over there, Discussions up there somewhere and you've already heard about ASB. Oh and insanity's in most places. Enjoy your stay!
Hi, I'm Richie, the resident Future Trunks fangirl/soup addict/dancing Pokemon GIF enthusiast.

Oh, a devianart? I love looking at those whenever people post them. I'll check yours out later.

Hi~! I'm Liteblu. I'm new here too. It's nice to meet you. I'm mostly a lurker, because I'm kinda antisocial. I love lurking DeviantArt because I can't draw, so I'll be sure to lurk your DeviantArt. :p

I really like what I see there so far though and I'm only on your main page.
Hello, I am CJ, your local Houndoom addict I mean ruler. Welcome to the cave. While I may not be an artist, I do know what good art is and will love to check out your Devianart.
Hey, I'm Bubblegum (or Bubbles for short ^__^)
Hope you are liking it here so far...also I absolutely LOVE your art! (I wish I had them skillz.) I don't think it has been offered, so let me be the first to offer you some Tea and Cod, the TCoD-goers' signature snack :3
Welcome! I'm Ever! Your art is adorable :D
I too shall offer you tea and cod. Or perhaps you would prefer salmon and coffee? Hot chocolate and halibut? Whatever your preference, I hope you enjoy your stay!
Greetings, Flare. I am Dialga, resident Time Manipulator, the one and only too. I usually meddle with clocks, leading to the next door neighbour wondering how his Grandfather clock has its hour hand facing left at midnight. Interesting, no? Feel free to ask me anything when you need it.
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