• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

    Guests are not able to post messages or even read certain areas of the forums. Now, that's boring, don't you think? Registration, on the other hand, is simple, completely free of charge, and does not require you to give out any personal information at all. As soon as you register, you can take part in some of the happy fun things at the forums such as posting messages, voting in polls, sending private messages to people and being told that this is where we drink tea and eat cod.

    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Hiyas All


New member
Well, my name is Bryce from Singapore, some exotic place in Southeast Asia. I know Chinese, a little teeny weeny bit of French and even tinier bits of other languages. My pokemon knowledge is pretty good, but not to the extent where i memorise movesets and move details such as how much power moves have.

Random facts that i can think about

I love singing
I am in the top 1% intellectually in Singapore
I am left handed
I loooooove stuffed toys, pink and cute stuff unlike other boys
I am ultra-friendly (just spent too much time in luxury balls) except for people who are stuck-up or give me the wrong first impression

That's me =)
You need either 50 or 100 posts to get Caterpie, i'm not 100% sure but I think it's 50. Anyways, welcome to TCoD and enjoy your stay.
Hi Mr. Cute! I believe it's 50 to get a Caterpie, 200 to get a Metapod and 1000 for a Butterfree. Not sure about Metapod though.
Hiya, Kawaii. I'm Kai. You'll see me a lot around the artwork section of the forum. I hope that you have a good time here.

Oh, you need 50 posts to go to Caterpie. Thought it might help. ;D
I'm screwed :D
Welcome, uh...Mr Cute o_o


Umm, you didn't see that! I'm perfectly friendly, I'm not stuck up...

Well, I will admit I'm stubborn bt that's a complement in my book :D

It's so fun, being mean



I'm never mind all taht stuff, I'm just the idiot who would love to play Zelda for a living.
I haven't posted yet because, you see,
I was, over the weekend, visiting family
In Birmingham, a rather large city
But I'm back now, so, yes, sorry.

And now, onto the newbie, you seem nice,
I've always wanted a cool name like Bryce,
But now, without further ado,
I'll sing the Welcoming Song to you.

Welcome and well come.

Enjoy your stay, however long,
And meanwhile, listen to this song.

Welcome to t-C-o-D,
Where we eat cod and drink mint tea,
And everyone is, to an extent, happy,
Under the leadership of Butterfree.

We'll talk about stuff, like Pokémon,
We'll play random games, and sing random songs,
I hope your stay is rather long,
For this is a place for everyone.

But to commemorate what is lost,
A slight change in tone of verse,
Pokémon and humans mourn all around
As we carry the old forums' hearse,

And although what was great has passed,
We can rise again, you see,
It'll take a bit of work, but we can do it, for
We are tCoD!!!
(Don't worry about it, eh, he sings it to all the newbies.)

Welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, Sir Cuteness! (That's my nickname for you, yes.) Yes, you get FOUR welcomes. I am Arylett, hmm! And I do wish upon you a most floofy time here, filled with many floofy and delicious cotton candies. Ahahaha.
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