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Holiday wishlists?

I don't think I've specifically asked for anything since I was about 13?? I guess this is just a thing my family never really did much?

Ummmm I kinda want to read JK Rowling's new book, so I asked my dad if he could get me that maybe! :o It felt really weird to ask. Christmas is weird and presents are weird.
I sort of want a new motherboard and some new RAM, but I would also be down with getting cash or a later model of TI calculator*.

I'm with Datura here. I feel like an adult.

*Because seriously, this shit can't even calculate eigenvalues??
I'm never sure what I want for Christmas. I'm generally always content with what I already have. I mean sure, there are things I'd like to have but I don't actively want anything.
In fact most things I want are things so old that no shops carry them any more. Game do preowned stuff but only preowned stuff for this generation. Is it too much to ask for some gamecube or gameboy or playstation 1/2 games?

My local gamestop has a ton of PS2 games for sale.

*Because seriously, this shit can't even calculate eigenvalues??
My calculator isn't nearly as good as TI one but surely you could program it to be able to do that? I'm pretty sure I can do that on my rubbish casio.
A bunch of DS/3DS/Wii/Wii U/Gamecube games. Plus money. And a hard drive for my Wii U... Nintendo eShop cards...
Plus various fandom-related stuff. Otherwise, there's not much I can think of.
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Sadly haven't been writing mine yet >_<; Really been holding it off. o_o;

I guess I just don't care much anymore. XD
I'm hoping for some really cool art supplies, as well as some MLP stuff, Chrono Trigger for DS and Art Academy:Lessons for Everyone! for 3DS
I asked for Sonic and All Stars Racing Transformed for 3DS, but the release date was pushed back several months >:(
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