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home of the Shiny

Rose see the Jynx and sees Rachiru then CRUNCH and the Jynx is down. 'wow one crunch and a Thunderbolt' thinks Rose.
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Well we get b*tched at if we dont put punctuation so i thought over doing it would make Surskitty stop pestering me and zuea. 0-0
... yeah see. Why don't you try... using quotation marks correctly? It's not that hard: pretty much the rest of the RPing forum manages to do it. You can, too. So um. :|
... yeah see. Why don't you try... using quotation marks correctly? It's not that hard: pretty much the rest of the RPing forum manages to do it. You can, too. So um. :|

Hmm no. Incorrectly doing things is more fun! And why do you care? seriously.

YAY! Jynx dead! Yelled Rachiru.
((Because surskitty is a mod!))
Dreams blinked,then looked up.She noticed the storm was starting to stop.
name: Watermelon
pokemon: Masquerain
about this pokemon: Unconfident and shy. Can't resist eating Pecha berries.
more?: nope.
(Watermelon is in and I reserve a spot for Cryptica)
The rain had stop. Rose was happy and keep walking.
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((I can barely understand a word you're saying. Grammar?))
Watermelon flitted her wings as she flew behind the others. "Where are we going again?" she asked, doing a midair flip.
((...Oh my God.

If Ice Tiger doesn't pick up the grammar book then I'm dropping out. I don't care if it seems fun, those sentences are annoying me to death DD: Smilies shouldn't be used in role plays unless its OOC))
"We are going to a home where other shinys are" Rose said to Watermelon.
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((I really prefer proper grammar too. I get very annoyed by those who don't use it.

Seriously, Ice Tiger and Zuea. It's not that hard. This is the RP forum, not the Forum Games. So please correct your grammar for the sake of us all. Please?))

Name: Houdja Duthatt
Pokemon: Wynaut
About this Pokemon: He hopes one day to evolve into Wobbuffet. For now he wants to savor his cuteness.
More?: None.

(Remembered the name! :D)
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